英语新闻丨Movie market scores new high during Spring Festival

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Spring Festival ended on an uplifting note for the movie market this year as it shattered multiple previous records to become the highest-grossing Chinese New Year holiday in the history of domestic cinema.2024年春节档电影市场迎来了开门红,打破了多项纪录,成为国内电影史上票房最高的春节档。Statistics from the China Film Administration, the nation's top industry regulator, showed that during the holiday period from Feb 10 to Saturday, the country grossed a whopping 8.02 billion yuan ($1.12 billion) from 163 million tickets, surging 18.47 percent and 26.36 percent, respectively, compared with the same period last year.中国最高行业监管机构中国电影管理局的统计数据显示,2月10日至2月17日的假期期间,全国1.63亿张门票收入高达80.2亿元人民币(11.2亿美元),与去年同期相比分别飙升18.47%和26.36%。Seizing a lot of attention due to actress-director Jia Ling's weight loss of up to 50 kilograms in one year, YOLO — a comedy recounting Jia's portrayal of an oversized woman striving to become her better self — earned 2.72 billion yuan, topping the festival box-office charts.在喜剧电影《YOLO》中,导演兼演员贾玲饰演的超重角色努力成为更好的自己,一年减重50公斤,电影受到广泛关注,票房收入27.2亿元,位居春节档票房榜首。Pegasus 2, the sequel to a 2019 blockbuster racing film by writer-director Han Han, ranked second at the box office with 2.4 billion yuan. Boonie Bears: Time Twist, the latest installment in the Boonie Bears animated film series, took the third spot with 1.39 billion yuan, and Zhang Yimou's Article 20 ranked fourth with 1.33 billion yuan.由韩寒编剧兼导演的2019年赛车大片的续集《飞驰人生2》以24亿元人民币位居票房第二。《熊出没》动画电影系列的最新作品《熊出没之时空扭曲》以13.9亿元人民币位居第三,张艺谋的《二十条》以13.3亿元人民币位居第四。A report from Maoyan, one of the country's largest ticketing services, revealed that 39.2 percent of the audiences purchased movie tickets while returning to their hometowns or traveling, which was the highest in the past four years.中国最大的票务服务商之一猫眼的一份报告显示,39.2%的观众在回乡或旅游时购买了电影票,为过去四年来的最高值。Additionally, up to 58.9 percent of the total box-office revenue was earned in the third- and fourth-tier cities, the highest in five years.此外,三四线城市占总票房收入的比例高达58.9%,为五年来最高。Despite a total of eight movies opening simultaneously on the first day of the Year of the Dragon, four titles, or half of them, canceled screenings one after another starting on Feb 14, announcing that the screenings would resume at a more suitable time.尽管龙年大一共有八部电影同时上映,但从2月14日开始,有一半电影相继取消放映,并宣布将在更合适的时间恢复放映。Viva La Vida, a moving tale about two lovers fighting severe diseases, was the first to make the unusual decision, followed by Andy Lau-starring The Movie Emperor and the animated film Huang Pi: God of Money on Feb 16, and then another animated feature, Ba Jie, on Feb 17.讲述两个恋人与重病作斗争的感人故事《人生万岁》率先宣布撤档。随后刘德华主演的《红毯先生》和、2月16日上映的动画电影《黄貔:天降财神猫》,以及另一部原本预计2月17日上映的动画电影《八戒之天蓬下界》也做出了同样的决定。News and reviews about the highest-grossing blockbusters and the unprecedented scale of cancellations stirred widespread discussions online, accumulating a total of 46 billion clicks on related topics on the popular social media platform Sina Weibo.票房成绩最高电影的相关新闻和评论层出不穷。前所未有的停播规模也在网上引发了广泛讨论,热门社交媒体平台新浪微博上相关话题的点击量累计达460亿次。Yin Tengyu, a senior analyst with Maoyan's research division, said these instances served as a reminder for Chinese film companies to exercise greater caution when choosing appropriate screening times, as well as assessing whether the themes of the movies align with the holiday atmosphere.猫眼研究部高级分析师尹腾宇表示,这些事件提醒中国电影公司要更加谨慎地选择合适的放映时间以及评估电影主题是否与节日气氛相符。"However, the overall performance of the movie market was quite satisfactory. In addition to the box-office success, the ratings of the festival blockbusters were mostly high," said Yin, adding that the robust start of the Chinese New Year bodes well for the domestic film industry, which is expected to see faster and better recovery.尹腾宇表示:“不过,电影市场的整体表现还算令人满意,除了票房上的成功外,节庆大片的收视率也大多很高,农历新年的强劲开局对电影来说是个好兆头。国内电影产业有望更快更好恢复”。bode well for对...说是好兆头boxoffice票房