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英语新闻|世卫组织宣布:将猴痘改名为“Mpox”To avoid racist stereotypes and stigmatization, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended on Monday that the monkeypox virus be renamed "mpox."世卫组织11月28日发表声明,建议将猴痘的英文名由“monkeypox”改为“mpox”,以避免种族歧视和污名化。Both names — mpox and monkeypox — will be used simultaneously for one year while the latter is phased out, the WHO said in a press release.世界卫生组织称:“这两个名称—— mpox和monkeypox ——将同时使用一年,后者将被逐步淘汰。”Monkeypox, discovered in 1958 and named after the first animal to show symptoms, mostly spread in a group of countries in west and central Africa until this year.猴痘于1958年被发现,并以第一个出现症状的动物命名。直到今年,人传人病例主要局限在某些西部与中部非洲国家,属于地方性流行病。In July, the WHO officially declared the multi-country monkeypox outbreak outside of the traditional endemic areas in Africa a public health emergency of international concern, the highest level of alert that the global health authority can issue.7月,世卫组织正式宣布非洲传统流行区以外的多国猴痘疫情为国际关注的公共卫生紧急情况(PHEIC),这是世卫组织目前可以发布的最高级别警报。According to the WHO, as of Saturday, 110 member states had reported 81,107 laboratory confirmed cases and 1,526 probable cases, including 55 deaths.截至11月28日,110个国家和地区已向世卫组织报告了81107例确诊病例和1526例疑似病例,其中55例死亡。It is the WHO's responsibility to assign names to new and existing diseases through a consultative process, which includes the WHO member states. The consultation on monkeypox has involved representatives from government authorities of 45 different countries, it said.世卫组织称其有责任通过包括世卫组织成员国在内的协商进程,为新的和现有的疾病命名。来自45个不同国家政府部门的代表参加了关于猴痘的磋商。WHO will adopt the term mpox in its communications, and encourages others to follow these recommendations, to minimize any ongoing negative impact of the current name and from adoption of the new name.世卫组织鼓励各国遵循名称更替的建议,尽量减少使用“Monkeypox”,以降低这一名称的负面影响。来源:新华网NPR参考消息 环球时报 澎湃新闻 世卫组织官网simultaneously英[ˌsɪməlˈteɪniəsli];美[ˌsaɪməlˈteɪniəsli]adv.同时地symptom英[ˈsɪmptəm];美[ˈsɪmptəm]n.症状endemic英[enˈdemɪk];美[enˈdemɪk]adj. (尤指疾病)地方性的