英语新闻丨Nation sees surge in blue-collar work

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China's job market is experiencing a surge in blue-collar professions, fueled by the nation's economic transformation and a growing need for skilled workers.中国的就业市场正在经历蓝领群体规模的“崛起”,这是国家经济转型和对技术工人日益增长的需求所推动的。Li Jianghao, a vocational school teacher with 15 years of experience in vehicle maintenance, said skilled workers' pay increases as their skills improve. "Vehicle maintenance requires patience and good skills, and superb skills can earn good pay to support an entire family," Li said.拥有15年汽车维修经验的技师学院教师李江浩说,技术工人的待遇随技术增长而增加。他说:“汽车维修需要耐心和技能,精湛的技能可以赚更多钱养家。”Li, who now teaches at Jinan Technician College in Hebei province, said he is confident in his students' employment prospects, noting the high demand for blue-collar workers, especially those with technical skills.李江浩目前就职于冀南技师学院,他对学生的就业前景充满信心,并指出(社会)对有一技之长的蓝领工人的需求很高。This confidence is backed by a recent report from Zhaopin, a major recruitment platform in China.李江浩的信心得到了中国主要招聘平台智联招聘最近发布的一份报告的支持。The report reveals a significant rise in blue-collar job openings in recent years, with corresponding increases in pay. This trend aligns with China's pursuit of high-quality economic development and the modernization of its manufacturing and service sectors.该报告显示,近年来蓝领招聘职位显著增加,薪酬随之增加。这一趋势与中国追求高质量经济发展以及制造业和服务业现代化相符。According to the report, job openings for delivery and logistics personnel have skyrocketed by over 800 percent compared to pre-pandemic levels in 2019. Positions for skilled workers, domestic service staff, drivers and security guards have all seen growth exceeding 200 percent in the same period.与2019年新冠疫情前相比,快递、物流的职位需求飙升至800%以上。同时期,技术工人、家政服、司机和安保的职位需求增长都超过了200%。Zhaopin attributes this growing demand to two key factors: the upgrading of China's manufacturing industry and the expanding service sector. National statistics show the service sector contributed 54.6 percent to GDP last year, necessitating a large service sector workforce.智联招聘将这种不断增长的需求归因于两个关键因素:中国制造业的升级和服务业的扩张。国家统计局数据显示,2023年服务业对我国GDP的贡献率为54.6%,这表明社会目前需要大量服务业从业者。The financial rewards for blue-collar workers are also on the rise. The report indicates an average monthly salary of 7,215 yuan ($994) for blue-collar jobs in major Chinese cities during the first quarter of this year, a 36 percent increase compared to the same period in 2019.蓝领工人的待遇也在提升。智联招聘发布的报告显示,今年第一季度中国主要城市蓝领工作的平均月薪为7215元人民币,与2019年同期相比增长了36%。Jobs requiring higher skill sets, such as computer numerical control machine operators in manufacturing, command even higher salaries. The average recruiting pay for CNC operators on Zhaopin's platform was 8,281 yuan a month in the first quarter of this year, compared to around 5,500 yuan for the same period in 2019. 对技术要求更高的工作需要更高的薪水,比如计算机数控机器操作员。今年第一季度,智联招聘平台上数控操作员的平均工资为8281元/月,而2019年同期约为5500元/月。This diversification of roles and improved compensation for blue-collar professions is attracting a younger generation of job seekers. Zhaopin reports a 165 percent increase in applications from people under 25 for blue-collar jobs compared to 2019.职业多样化和蓝领薪酬的提高正吸引年轻一代的求职者。智联招聘报告称,与2019年相比,25岁以下的蓝领职位申请增加了165%。Li Qiang, vice-president of Zhaopin, views the trend as a positive development.智联招聘副总裁李强认为这是积极发展的态势。"More young people in blue-collar jobs can alleviate domestic employment pressures while acquiring valuable professional skills and experience, leading to better career prospects," he said.However, Li acknowledges the remaining challenges. Social recognition for blue-collar jobs and limited promotion opportunities are ongoing concerns."The rapid development of smart manufacturing, modern services and the digital economy will create promising career paths for blue-collar workers," he said."Additionally, China is actively developing skills evaluation systems to create clearer paths for advancement."他表示:“更多从事蓝领工作的年轻人可以减轻国内就业压力,获得宝贵的专业技能和经验,带来更好的职业前景。智能制造、现代服务和数字经济的快速发展将为蓝领工人创造职业前景。目前中国正在积极发展技能评估体系,以此打造更清晰的晋升路径。”尽管蓝领职业前景可观,李强认为社会对蓝领工作的认可和有限的升职机会将成为未来持续关注的问题。National statisticsn. 国家统计局