英语新闻丨Nation swiftly aids quake victims

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China's emergency response system swung into action on Tuesday to send rescue workers and provide aid in the wake of the magnitude 6.2 earthquake that struck northwestern China late Monday, killing at least 100 people and injuring more than 700.周一(12月18日)凌晨,中国西北地区发生6.2级地震,国家救灾应急二级响应启动,调派救援人员展开援助。该地震已经造成至少100人死亡,700多人受伤。The national mobilization took place swiftly after an instruction was issued in the early hours of the morning by President Xi Jinping, calling for all-out search and rescue efforts, proper arrangements for those affected and further efforts to prevent secondary disasters.习近平总书记高度重视,并作出重要指示,要求全力开展搜救,及时救治受伤人员,最大限度减少人员伤亡,防范次生灾害,各路救援力量迅速集结,展开救援。The earthquake—the nation's deadliest in nine years—struck just before midnight on Monday at a relatively shallow depth of 10 kilometers in Jishishan county in Linxia, Gansu province, about 5 kilometers from the boundary with Qinghai province, the China Earthquake Networks Center said.中国地震台网中心表示,此次地震是九年来中国发生的最严重的地震,发生在周一(12月18日)午夜的甘肃省临夏市集石山县,距离青海省边界约5公里,震源相对较浅,为10公里。The quake severely damaged houses and roads, and knocked out power and communication lines, according to provincial officials. As of press time on Tuesday, the death toll in Gansu was 113. Thirteen others were confirmed dead in Qinghai, in an area north of the epicenter.甘肃省称,地震严重破坏了房屋和道路,并摧毁了电力和通信线路。截至周二(12月19日)发稿时,甘肃省的死亡人数为113人。震中以北的青海地区另有13人死亡。Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, has instructed local authorities to rescue and treat those injured in a timely manner to minimize casualties, and closely monitor the situation and weather changes in the high-altitude affected areas to prevent secondary disasters.中央军委主席、国家主席习近平强调要全力开展搜救,及时救治受伤人员,要严密监测灾情和高海拔地区的天气变化,防范次生灾害。He has also urged allocation of relief supplies to the quake-stricken areas as soon as possible, repair of damaged infrastructure such as electricity, communication, transportation and heating facilities, and proper accommodation of the affected people to ensure their basic living needs.他还敦促尽快向地震灾区分配救援物资,修复电力、通信、交通和供暖设施等受损基础设施,并为受灾民众提供住宿,保证灾民基本生活需求。As instructed by Xi, the State Council, China's Cabinet, has sent a working group to the quake-stricken region to help guide disaster relief work.根据习近平总书记的指示,国务院已派出工作组前往地震灾区,帮助指导救灾工作。The People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force have been instructed to collaborate with local authorities to carry out emergency rescue and disaster relief work, and do their utmost to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.人民解放军、武警部队会同地方开展抢险救灾工作,尽最大努力保障人民群众生命财产安全。Premier Li Qiang has also issued instructions on quake relief work. He has urged quick assessment of the damage, proper evacuation and rehabilitation of the affected people, and timely release of information.李强总理还就抗震救灾工作作出指示。他敦促迅速评估损失,疏散和安顿受灾人员,并及时向社会发布信息。As part of the orderly relief management, emergency supplies such as tents and folding beds have been sent to the affected areas in Gansu and Qinghai.作为有序救灾的一部分,帐篷和折叠床等应急物资已送往甘肃和青海的灾区。The Ministry of Emergency Management and the Ministry of Finance have allocated 200 million yuan ($28 million) to support quake relief efforts in the two provinces.财政部、应急管理部紧急向甘肃、青海两省预拨中央自然灾害救灾资金2亿元,支持地方开展抗震救灾工作。While 150 million yuan will be used to support relief work in Gansu, 50 million yuan will aid relief efforts in Qinghai, the ministries said in a statement.财政部、应急管理部在一份声明中表示,其中的1.5亿元人民币将用于支持甘肃的救灾工作,剩余的5000万元人民币将用于青海的救灾工作。Rehabilitation英/'ri:hə,bili'teiʃən/ 美/ˌrihəˌbɪləˈteʃən/n. 重建,恢复