英语新闻丨Nation's reform efforts hailed by execs, experts

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China's recent move to deepen economic structural reform is an attempt to cultivate new quality productive forces and foster high-quality development in the long run, offering increasing growth opportunities for stakeholders both at home and abroad, said experts and entrepreneurs.专家和企业家表示,中国最近深化经济结构改革的举措是为了培养新质生产力,促进长期高质量发展,为国内外利益相关者提供越来越多的增长机会。They said that China's pro-reform efforts will mainly focus on key areas including technological innovation and industrial upgrading, which will help resolve economic woes, create new growth drivers and inject strong impetus into the world's second-largest economy.他们表示,中国支持改革的努力将主要集中在包括技术创新和产业升级在内的关键领域,这将有助于解决经济困境,创造新的增长动力,为世界第二大经济体注入强大动力。Their comments came after President Xi Jinping said in late May that reform should originate from real needs and address the most urgent issues to improve the socialist market economy, with the president calling for efforts to deepen theoretical innovation and promote institutional innovation during the process of solving practical problems.在他们发表评论之前,习近平主席在5月下旬表示,改革应该从实际需要出发,解决最紧迫的问题,以完善社会主义市场经济。主席要求在解决实际问题的过程中,努力深化理论创新,促进制度创新。"Deepening reform, particularly institutional reform, will help remove obstacles and difficulties hindering the development of new quality productive forces, and promote optimal allocation and free flow of production factors including capital, technology and labor," said Liu Quanhong, director of the industrial and technological economics research institute of the Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research.中国宏观经济研究院产业经济与技术经济研究所所长刘泉红说:“深化改革,特别是体制改革,将有助于消除阻碍新质生产力发展的障碍和困难,促进资本、技术和劳动力等生产要素的优化配置和自由流动。”Liu Dian, a researcher at the China Institute of Fudan University, said that China's economy is currently grappling with still-weak demand, prompting calls for further economic structural reform. "The imperative of such reform lies in igniting internal dynamics through institutional innovation, breaking barriers to economic circulation, and restoring market confidence."复旦大学中国研究院的研究者刘典说,中国经济目前正在努力应对仍然疲软的需求,这促使人们呼吁进一步进行经济结构改革。“这种改革的当务之急是通过制度创新激发内在动力,打破经济流通的障碍,恢复市场信心。”He noted that China is facing bottlenecks in its path to high-quality development, such as slow progress in industrial upgrading and overcapacity in some sectors, alongside inadequate high-end supply.他指出,中国在实现高质量发展的道路上面临瓶颈,例如产业升级进展缓慢,一些行业产能过剩,以及高端供应不足。"Market vitality is hampered by financing difficulties faced by small and medium-sized enterprises coupled with high operational costs," he said. "There's a pressing need to enhance innovation capabilities and streamline the technology transfer process, amid a complex external environment impacting domestic circulation and industrial chain security."“市场活力受到中小企业面临的融资困难以及高运营成本的制约,”他说。“在复杂的外部环境影响国内流通和产业链安全的情况下,迫切需要提高创新能力,简化技术转让过程。”In an article published recently in Qiushi Journal, the flagship magazine of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the National Development and Reform Commission said the country will speed up the process of deepening reform of the economic structure and build a high-level socialist market economy system. The key focus will be on fields including building of a high-standard market system, removing obstacles and difficulties in the development of new quality productive forces, and building a higher-level open economic system.在中国共产党中央委员会机关刊《求是》杂志最近发表的一篇文章中,国家发展和改革委员会表示,国家将加快深化经济体制改革的进程,建立高水平的社会主义市场经济体制。重点是建立高标准的市场体系,消除新质生产力发展的障碍和困难,建立更高水平的开放型经济体系。"China is racing to create a favorable institutional environment for nurturing new quality productive forces, which is conducive to advancing Chinese modernization," said Liu, from the China Institute of Fudan University.复旦大学中国研究院的刘典说:“中国正在努力为培育新质生产力创造一个良好的制度环境,这有利于推进中国的现代化。”According to a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held in late April, the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee to be held in Beijing in July will focus on further deepening reform and promoting the modernization of China amid challenges at home and complexities abroad.根据4月下旬召开的中共中央政治局会议,将于7月在北京举行的中共二十届三中全会将重点关注在国内挑战和国外复杂情况下进一步深化改革和推进中国现代化。Robin Xing, chief China economist at Morgan Stanley, said, "We believe the policy focus will remain on enhancing technology innovation and supply chain self-sufficiency in terms of a push for economic reform and a concerted focus on key strategic sectors."摩根士丹利首席中国经济学家邢自强表示:“我们认为,在推动经济改革和共同关注关键战略行业方面,政策重点仍将是加强技术创新和供应链自给自足。”Wang Peng, a researcher at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, said the government will introduce more policy measures to support the development of new quality productive forces, including financial subsidies, tax incentives and targeted measures to optimize the business environment.北京市社会科学院研究员王鹏表示,政府将出台更多政策措施来支持新质生产力的发展,包括财政补贴、税收优惠和优化商业环境的定向措施。Highlighting that the concept of new quality productive forces is fully in line with his company's growth strategy, Ye Weiguo, chief operating officer of Gyre Pharmaceuticals, a Beijing-based manufacturer of drugs for organ fibrosis, said the company will continue to invest in new drug development and consistently utilize emerging technologies and new materials to boost its growth.北京的器官纤维化药物制造商康蒂尼药业的总经理叶卫国强调,新质生产力的概念完全符合公司的发展战略,他表示,公司将继续投资于新药开发,并不断利用新兴技术和新材料来促进增长。Gyre Pharmaceuticals, with two plants in Beijing and Cangzhou, Hebei province, invested 104 million yuan ($14.4 million) in research and development activities in 2023, accounting for 13 percent of its annual sales revenue.康蒂尼药业在北京和河北省沧州有两家工厂,2023年在研发活动上投资1.04亿元人民币(1440万美元),占其年销售收入的13%。Xu Linxiao, president of Changzhou Hongbang New Energy Technology Co, an electric equipment manufacturer based in Changzhou, Jiangsu province, that has more than 150 employees, said the company has intensified its efforts to make innovative products to address market pain points.常州洪邦新能源技术有限公司是一家位于江苏常州的电气设备制造商,拥有150多名员工。公司总经理徐林肖表示,该公司已加大力度开发创新产品,以解决市场痛点。Changzhou Hongbang's export value reached 22.94 million yuan in the first four months of 2024, an increase of 2,521.8 percent year-on-year, data from Nanjing Customs showed.南京海关的数据显示,2024年前四个月,常州洪邦的出口额达到2294万元,同比增长2521.8%。With the global trend of restructuring and upgrading value chains becoming increasingly apparent, innovation-driven growth has become the fundamental approach for Chinese exporters to gain competitiveness and secure a higher position in the world's value chain of high-tech industries, he added.他补充说,随着全球价值链重组和升级的趋势日益明显,创新驱动的增长已成为中国出口商获得竞争力和在世界高科技产业价值链中获得更高地位的根本途径。Global executives hailed China's attempts to further deepen reform and foster new quality productive forces, saying that these measures will create more growth opportunities and help in the transformation of the domestic economy.全球高管对中国进一步深化改革和培育新质生产力的尝试表示欢迎,称这些措施将创造更多增长机会,有助于国内经济转型。Merck China President Marc Horn said, "I think China is very resilient and has shown that it can transform very rapidly and is on a good transformation trajectory."默克中国总裁何慕麒表示,“我认为中国非常有弹性,并且已经表明它可以非常迅速地转型,并且处于良好的转型轨道上。”Zhang Ying, managing director of Dassault Systemes Greater China, said, "With an unwavering commitment to further deepen reform and advance opening-up, China's influence in global industrial, supply and innovation chains has notably increased, providing new opportunities for multinational corporations like Dassault Systemes to tap into its market potential."达索系统大中华区总裁张鹰表示:“中国坚定不移地致力于进一步深化改革,推进开放,在全球工业、供应和创新链中的影响力显著提升,为达索系统这样的跨国公司提供了挖掘市场潜力的新机遇。”new quality productive forces新质生产力economic structural reform经济结构改革