英语新闻丨Nation's voice highly anticipated at Davo

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Against the backdrop of a protracted period of low growth, international anticipation is high about China's proposals for reviving the economy as Premier Li Qiang joins the global elite for the 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum, which will be held from Monday to Friday in Davos, Switzerland.因经济增长持续受限,世界经济论坛2024年年会将于1月15日至19日于瑞士达沃斯如期举行,李强总理将与全球精英一起出席,国际社会对中国的经济复苏方案寄予厚望。Li arrived in the Swiss city of Zurich on Sunday. During his first overseas trip of the year that runs until Wednesday, Li will make official visits to Switzerland and Ireland.1月14日,李强总理抵达瑞士苏黎世。进行为期三天的首次出国访问,李强总理将对瑞士和爱尔兰进行正式访问。He is expected to deliver a special address on Tuesday at the opening of the Davos meeting, which will be attended by more than 2,800 delegates from businesses, governments, international organizations and civil society from around the world, including more than 60 heads of state and government, to discuss the world's most pressing issues and set priorities for the year ahead.预计他将于1月16日在达沃斯会议开幕式上发表特别讲话,来自世界各地的企业、政府、国际组织和民间社会的2,800多名代表将出席此次会议,其中包括60多位国家元首和领导人。政府,讨论世界上最紧迫的问题并确定未来一年的优先事项。The meeting comes amid increasing division and uncertainty that continue to destabilize the world. Multiple international organizations, including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations, predict that the global economy will slow down further in 2024.此次会议召开之际,分歧、不确定性、不稳定性不断加剧。世界银行、国际货币基金组织、联合国等多个国际组织预测,2024年全球经济将进一步放缓。A tight financial environment and weak consumer demand will slow down economic growth. Furthermore, geopolitical tensions will not only affect involved countries but also exacerbate the fragmentation of the global economy, observers said.紧缩的金融环境和疲软的消费需求将减缓经济增长。此外,观察人士表示,地缘政治紧张局势不仅会影响相关国家,还会加剧全球经济的碎片化。"There are high expectations from Premier Li's attendance at the annual meeting, to hear his outlook on China's economy," said Chen Liming, chair of the Greater China of the World Economic Forum, in an exclusive interview with China Daily.世界经济论坛大中华区主席陈利明在接受中国日报专访时表示,“人们对李强总理总理出席年会、聆听他对中国经济的展望抱有很高的期待。”Since the Chinese delegation participated in the Davos Symposium for the first time in 1979, China has never been absent from the annual event, Chen said. China's GDP, which accounted for only about 2 percent of the global total in 1979, now accounts for nearly 20 percent of the global total.陈利明表示,自1979年中国代表团首次参加达沃斯论坛以来,中国从未缺席这一年度盛会。1979年,中国GDP仅占全球总量的2%左右,现在已占全球总量的近20%。"Clearly, China plays a significant role when it comes to dealing with issues related to geopolitics, economy, innovation or climate change. In every aspect, China has an indispensable role to play," Chen said. "In this sense, we eagerly hope that the Chinese delegation will send messages to the world about China's ongoing and future development priorities."陈利明说:“显然,在处理地缘政治、经济、创新或气候变化等问题时,中国发挥着重要作用。在各个方面,中国都可以发挥不可或缺的作用。因此,我们热切希望中国代表团能够向世界传递有关中国当前和未来发展重点的信息。”President Xi Jinping voiced his confidence in the nation's high-quality development in his New Year message to ring in 2024, saying that the year 2023 saw China's economy weather the storm and become "more resilient and dynamic than before".习近平主席在2024年新年贺词中表达了对国家高质量发展的信心,他表示,2023年,中国经济渡过难关,“比以往更有韧性、更有活力”。In 2024, the fundamental outlook of the Chinese economy, which has long been positive, remains unchanged, according to Chen. As the world's second-largest economy, China will continue to contribute around one-third of global economic growth and remain one of the most critical engines for global economic recovery, he said.2024年,中国经济长期向好的基本面没有改变。作为世界第二大经济体,中国将是世界经济复苏最重要的引擎之一,为世界经济增长做出主要贡献。"Although the Chinese economy faces certain difficulties and challenges, the implementation of a series of policies, including those promoting the development of the private sector, encouraging foreign investment and implementing financial policies, is eagerly anticipated for their potential positive effect on the country's growth."习近平主席表示:“尽管中国经济面临一定困难和挑战,但促进私营经济发展、鼓励外资、落实金融政策等一系列政策的落实,对中国经济增长可能产生积极作用,值得期待”。This year's Davos meeting is themed "Rebuilding Trust". Chen said the theme is of crucial importance in today's world, because, in the past few years, the world has been divided and has faced conflicts. "In a fractured world, how can trust be rebuilt? Trust is the foundation of cooperation. Without trust, it is difficult to talk about cooperation. Without cooperation, it is difficult to address the various challenges we face globally, whether it is economic recovery, climate change, energy transformation, or governance over high-tech development," he said.今年达沃斯会议的主题是“重建信任”。陈利明对此表示:“这个主题在当今世界至关重要,因为过去几年,世界出现了分裂,面临着冲突。在一个破碎的世界,如何重建信任?信任是合作的基础。没有信任,就很难谈合作。没有合作,就很难解决我们全球面临的各种挑战,无论是经济复苏、气候变化、能源转型还是高科技发展治理,我们都将无能为力”。While acknowledging globalization is facing challenges at the moment, Chen said that it is highly unlikely that comprehensive and long-term de-globalization will occur. 但陈德铭表示,虽然当前全球化面临挑战,但全面、长期的逆全球化不太可能发生。"We hear many new terms such as de-globalization, decoupling and de-risking. However, I personally believe that a comprehensive and long-term decoupling or de-globalization would make the world less efficient," he said, "it is unnecessary to make a fuss about short-term or partial decoupling in certain areas. In the long run, the world still requires better cooperation and coordination to address both long-term and short-term challenges we face."他说:“我们总能听到很多新术语,比如去全球化、脱钩、去风险。但我个人认为,全面、长期的脱钩或去全球化会降低世界的效率,因此没有必要在某些领域做短期或部分脱钩。从长远来看,世界仍然需要更好的合作和协调来应对我们面临的长期和短期挑战。”Decoupling英 /ˌdiːˈkʌplɪŋ/美/ˌdiːˈkʌplɪŋ/脱钩World Economic Forum世界经济论坛