英语新闻丨New focus boosting global supply chains

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China's focus on developing the high-end manufacturing sector and new quality productive forces will strengthen the world's industrial and supply chains, despite a grim and complex global environment, said industry leaders and business executives on Tuesday.2024年3月12日,行业领袖和企业高管表示,尽管全球环境严峻复杂,但中国重点发展高端制造业和新质生产力将加强世界产业链和供应链。In a rapidly evolving global economy, strategic emerging industries, representing the direction of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, are set to enhance new quality productive forces and foster innovation, they said.他们表示,在快速发展的全球经济中,战略性新兴产业代表着新一轮技术革命和产业变革的方向,将提高新的优质生产力,促进创新。As the world grapples with challenges like climate change, resource scarcity and technological disruptions, China's commitment to advancing high-end manufacturing, including electric vehicles, machine tools, solar panels, energy storage equipment and the next-generation vessels, is not only reshaping its own economic landscape but also making the global economy and supply chains greener and diversified, said Ye Dingda, chief economist of the Beijing-based China Machinery Industry Federation.总部位于北京的叶定达表示,随着世界应对气候变化、资源稀缺和技术中断等挑战,中国致力于推进高端制造业,包括电动汽车、机床、太阳能电池板、储能设备和下一代船舶,不仅重塑了自己的经济格局,还使全球经济和供应链更加绿色和多样化。Chen Shihua, deputy secretary-general of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, said that one of the key areas where China is expected to make substantial contributions is the realm of electric vehicles and battery technologies.中国汽车工业协会副秘书长陈士华表示,中国有望做出重大贡献的关键领域之一是电动汽车和电池技术领域。With the global automotive industry undergoing a significant shift toward electrification, China's advancements in battery technology and manufacturing are set to play a crucial role in cutting the carbon footprint of transportation and enhancing energy efficiency across the world, Chen said. 随着全球汽车行业向电气化的重大转变,中国在电池技术和制造方面的进步将在减少交通运输的碳足迹和提高全球能源效率方面发挥关键作用。This sentiment is in line with the latest data from the Beijing-based association. China exported 822,000 automobiles in all, including EVs, during the January-February period, up 30.5 percent year-on-year.这一观点与总部位于北京的该协会的最新数据一致。今年1月至2月,包括电动汽车在内,中国共出口82.2万辆汽车,同比增长30.5%。China's ongoing green transformation has also created business opportunities for multinational corporations operating in the country. Ramesh Singaram, president and CEO for Asia at the gas power unit of GE Vernova, a United States-headquartered energy solution and services provider, said that a complementary approach combining gas and renewable power generation is the most effective and sustainable way for China to achieve its dual carbon goals.中国正在进行的绿色转型也为在华经营的跨国公司创造了商机。总部位于美国的能源解决方案和服务提供商通用电气公司(GE Vernova)的天然气发电部门亚洲总裁兼首席执行官拉梅什·辛格拉姆(Ramesh Singaram)表示,将天然气和可再生能源发电相结合的互补方法是中国实现其双重碳目标的最有效和可持续的方式。"Gas power generation, with its inherent flexibility and low emissions profile and the versatility of pumped storage, which offers excellent adjustable performance, is poised to become indispensable components of China's power system," he said, adding that with more than 4,000 employees in over 10 offices and manufacturing sites in China, the company will introduce more solutions and products in the country.他说:“天然气发电具有固有的灵活性和低排放特点,以及抽水蓄能的多功能性,提供了出色的可调性能,有望成为中国电力系统不可或缺的组成部分。”他补充说,该公司在中国拥有10多个办事处和制造基地,拥有4000多名员工,将在中国推出更多的解决方案和产品。Despite facing strong headwinds, including the US restrictions on exporting lithography machines for chipmaking to China through third-party channels and the European Union's initiation of an anti-subsidy investigation targeting Chinese EVs, business leaders said that China's push for innovation in information technology is unwavering.尽管面临强大的阻力,包括美国限制通过第三方渠道向中国出口用于芯片制造的光刻机,以及欧盟发起针对中国电动汽车的反补贴调查,但商界领袖表示,中国推动信息技术创新的步伐坚定不移。Particularly in areas like 5G, artificial intelligence and the internet of things, these factors are expected to revolutionize the way companies in the manufacturing sector operate and interact with consumers.特别是在5G、人工智能和物联网等领域,这些因素预计将彻底改变制造业企业的运营方式和与消费者的互动方式。These technologies are not only driving the development of the manufacturing sector and smart cities, but also enabling more resilient and responsive supply chains, said Zhang Zhiyong, chairman of China Tower Corp Ltd, a Beijing-based mobile communication infrastructure company that runs almost all of China's telecom towers.中国铁塔股份有限公司董事长张志勇表示,这些技术不仅推动了制造业和智慧城市的发展,还使供应链更具弹性和响应能力。中国铁塔股份有限公司是一家总部位于北京的移动通信基础设施公司,运营着中国几乎所有的电信塔。Highlighting the importance of new quality productive forces aimed at emerging and future-oriented industries, Zhang said that integrating the development of a manufacturing powerhouse with the digital economy and industrial informatization is essential.张志勇强调了针对新兴和面向未来的产业的新型优质生产力的重要性,他说,将制造业强国的发展与数字经济和工业信息化相结合是必不可少的。China Tower, a State-owned enterprise, is implementing innovative tasks in strategic emerging industries such as the next generation of mobile communications, computing power networks, 6G and satellite internet.中国铁塔是一家国有企业,正在实施下一代移动通信、计算能力网络、6G和卫星互联网等战略性新兴产业的创新任务。"China's strategic emerging industries and future industries are set to offer numerous opportunities for cross-border collaboration and innovation," said Chu Xiangyin, a professor of supply chain management at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing.对外经济贸易大学供应链管理教授储祥银表示:“中国的战略性新兴产业和未来产业将为跨境合作和创新提供无数机会。”By leveraging its strengths in manufacturing, technology and sustainability, China is well-positioned to make significant contributions to global industrial and supply chains, ultimately driving economic growth and environmental progress both domestically and internationally, Chu said.储祥银表示,通过利用其在制造业、技术和可持续性方面的优势,中国有能力为全球工业和供应链做出重大贡献,最终推动国内和国际的经济增长和环境进步。supply chains供应链economic growth经济增长,经济成长