英语新闻丨New high-speed railway routes start operations(1)

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Three new high-speed train routes became operational on Tuesday, promoting social and economic development, improving the quality of people's lives and showcasing China's expertise in building high-speed railways in varied and difficult terrain, according to the operator, China State Railway Group.据中国国家铁路集团,三条新的高速列车路线已于周二投入运营,促进了社会和经济发展,提高了人民生活质量,并展示中国在多变复杂地形中建设高速铁路的专业知识。A sleek new bullet train tore through the rugged terrain of southwestern China's Sichuan province at 350 kilometers per hour on Tuesday, completing a high-speed loop in the southern part of the province.周二,一列闪亮的高铁列车以每小时350公里的速度穿过四川省崎岖的地形,完成了四川省南部的高铁环路。The 261-km line will boost tourism, linking the provincial capital of Chengdu with Zigong, which is famed for its dinosaur fossils, and the white spirits brewing city of Yibin.这条全长261公里的高铁将促进旅游业的发展,将省会成都与以恐龙化石闻名的自贡和以五粮液出名的宜宾连接起来。In the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area of southern China, another high-speed route, designed for speeds up to 350 km/h, also began operations on Tuesday.在中国南部的粤港澳大湾区,另一条设计时速高达350公里的高速路线也于周二开始运营。The 162-km line connecting Shantou and Shanwei in Guangdong province is significant as a coastal route within China's expansive high-speed rail network.这条全长162公里的线路连接广东省汕头市和汕尾市,是中国庞大的高铁网络中重要的沿海线。On Tuesday, a substantial section of the line, linking Shantou South with Shanwei, was inaugurated. The final 20 km of the entire route, incorporating an undersea tunnel in Shantou Coastal Bay, is currently under construction. The timetable for its full opening has not been undisclosed.周二,连接汕头南和汕尾铁路的大部分沿线站点开通。整条铁路的最后20公里,包括汕头海湾的海底隧道,目前正在建设中。全面开放的时间尚未公布。The third high-speed rail line inaugurated on Tuesday is located in East China's Fujian province. The 92-km line, designed for speeds up to 250 km/h, connects Longyan and Wuping in Fujian. It is a pivotal segment of a larger railway network linking Fujian with Guangdong.周二开通的第三条高铁线路位于中国东部的福建省。这条全长92公里的线路设计时速高达250公里/小时,连接福建龙岩和武平,是连接福建和广东的大型铁路网的关键部分。The three lines, though located in different parts of China, all involved construction under challenging conditions.这三条线路虽然位于中国不同地区,但在建设时,都克服了在极具挑战性的条件限制。According to China State Railway Group, the country now has trains running at the highest commercial speeds and boasts the greatest variety of operational scenarios, thus transforming the nation from a follower of high-speed rail development to a true leader in technologies.据中国国家铁路集团,中国现存的高速列车的运行速度是最高商业速度,运营场景最为多样化,中国已经从高铁发展的追随者,转变为真正的技术领导者。China has developed the most comprehensive technologies and gained the richest railway management experience and operational know-how in the world, according to the company.据该公司称,中国已经研发了世界上最全面的技术,拥有世界上最丰富的铁路管理经验和运营知识。Zhao Xianghong, deputy director of the science, technology and information research institute of the China Academy of Railway Sciences, said, "China is a world leader in some aspects of high-speed railway development."铁道科学研究院科学技术信息研究所副所长赵向红表示:“中国的高速铁路发展在某些方面已经处于世界领先地位。”In Sichuan, the engineering feat involved tackling the notoriously challenging topography, featuring treacherous mountains, deep valleys and snaking rivers. As Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai once wrote, traversing Sichuan's roads was akin to "scaling the heavens".在四川,这项浩荡的工程需要应对具有挑战性的地形,包括险峻的山脉、深谷和蜿蜒的河流。正如唐代诗人李白曾经写过的那样,进入四川的道路“难于上青天”。But engineers conquered the terrain, building 231 bridges and 29 tunnels along the new line, surpassing past global challenges in high-speed rail construction in the mountains, China State Railway Group said.但中国国家铁路集团表示,工程师们克服了地形造成的困难,在新线路沿线建造了231座桥梁、29条隧道,解决了过去全球在山区建设高铁的挑战。In Fujian, the new line passes through a national park, along gas pipelines and through the karst area, which made construction challenging. Engineers tackled the problems by adopting innovative methods, said Li Hongbin, a senior engineer at China Railway Design Corp.在福建,新线路穿过国家公园、天然气管道和喀斯特地貌,施工极具挑战性。工程师们通过创新,采取新方法,解决了这些问题,中国铁路设计公司高级工程师李洪斌(音译)说。Tunnels and bridges account for about 83 percent of the newly opened section, he said.他说,隧道和桥梁约占新开通路段的83%。The construction of the line in Guangdong also presented challenges due to the coastal environment, characterized by high salinity and humidity. Overcoming these difficulties in the complex hydrogeological setting was crucial. Technical hurdles were addressed through the construction of key infrastructure elements, including the Aojiang River Mega Bridge and the Huilai Tunnel, according to China State Railway Group.由于铁路沿海,具有高盐度和高湿度的特征,这给广东线的建设也带来了挑战。在复杂的水文地质环境中克服这些困难至关重要。据中国国家铁路集团称,通过建设包括鳌江特大桥、惠来隧道在内的关键基础设施,建筑团队解决了技术障碍。The expanding network of China's high-speed railway has greatly benefited people living along the route. Luo Dan, a Chengdu native, is planning a holiday by train over the New Year.中国高铁网络不断扩大,使沿线人民受益匪浅。成都本地人罗丹(音译)正计划在新年期间乘火车度假。"The new line in Sichuan forms a high-speed loop linking several tourism attractions in the province, such as Zigong and Leshan. I won't be driving to the places, since the train service is so fast and convenient now," said the 33-year-old. “四川的新线路形成了一条高速环线,连接了自贡和乐山等省内多个旅游景点。我不会开车去这些地方,因为现在的火车服务非常方便快捷,”这位33岁的乘客表示。Four trains will run daily on the route starting on Jan 1, according to China State Railway Group.据中国国家铁路集团,从1月1日开始,每天将有四列火车在这条路线上运行。Karst arean. 喀斯特溶岩地区