英语新闻丨New milestone set in heritage conservatio

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The Palace Museum in Beijing has been designated as the official address of the secretariat for a new international technical committee focused on standardizing cultural heritage conservation.北京故宫博物院被指定为一个新的致力于规范文化遗产保护的国际技术委员会秘书处的官方地址。It is a significant milestone as this is the first committee of its kind within the International Organization for Standardization dedicated to cultural heritage protection.这是一个重要的里程碑,因为这是国际标准化组织内第一个致力于文化遗产保护的委员会。Established in March and currently comprising 31 participating member countries and 13 observing member countries, the Technical Committee for Cultural Heritage Conservation aims to consolidate the global consensus on safeguarding cultural heritage through international standardization efforts.国际标准化组织文化遗产保护技术委员会成立于今年3月,目前由31个参与成员国和13个观察成员国组成,旨在通过国际标准化努力巩固全球在保护文化遗产方面的共识。The initiative encompasses the development of standards for terminology, techniques, materials and equipment used in various aspects of cultural heritage conservation, including monitoring, assessment, protection and restoration.国际标准化组织文化遗产保护技术委员会制定用于文化遗产保护各个方面的术语、技术、材料和设备的标准,包括监测、评估、保护和修复。The committee's work will also facilitate the exchange of best practices and advanced technologies among member countries, promoting the sustainable development of global cultural heritage conservation and fostering cross-cultural learning and collaboration.国际标准化组织文化遗产保护技术委员会的工作还将促进成员国之间交流最佳做法和先进技术,促进全球文化遗产保护的可持续发展,促进跨文化学习和合作。"Cultural heritage is the witness of human civilization, containing valuable historical, artistic and scientific values. Standardization is an important way to enhance the level of cultural heritage protection," said Qu Liang, director of the Palace Museum's institute of standardization research for cultural relics protection, who has been appointed as the manager of the new ISO committee.故宫博物院文物保护标准化研究所所长曲亮已被任命为新的国际标准化组织文化遗产保护技术委员会的经理,他表示:“文化遗产是人类文明的见证,包含着宝贵的历史、艺术和科学价值。标准化是提高文化遗产保护水平的重要途径。”ISO President Sung Hwan Cho said the establishment of the committee and the formulation and implementation of international standards will consolidate the global consensus on cultural heritage conservation and enhance the level of protection.国际标准化组织文化遗产保护技术委员会主席曹诚焕表示,委员会的成立和国际标准的制定和实施将巩固全球对文化遗产保护的共识,提高保护水平。He said the endeavors will establish a platform for cultural heritage protection exchanges and promote research on the origin of standardization thoughts.他说,这些努力将建立一个文化遗产保护交流的平台,促进对标准化思想起源的研究。Cho added that he hopes the new committee will strengthen cooperation with international organizations related to standardization of cultural heritage conservation, and jointly promote the development of international standardization in this regard.他还表示,希望新委员会能加强与文化遗产保护标准化相关的国际组织的合作,共同推动国际标准化的发展。Li Qun, director of the National Cultural Heritage Administration, proposed that the committee adhere to a global perspective, follow the ISO's work requirements, and promote the global governance process in the field of cultural heritage protection standardization.国家文物局局长李群呼吁,委员会坚持全球视野,遵循ISO的工作要求,推动文化遗产保护领域标准化的全球治理进程。It should emphasize innovation-driven development, using technological progress to promote high-quality development in the field of cultural heritage protection, he said.他说,应该强调创新驱动发展,用技术进步推动文化遗产保护领域的高质量发展。Li emphasized that efforts should be made to comprehensively enhance the performance of the committee's secretariat, thereby contributing wisdom and strength to the development of international standardization in cultural heritage protection.李群强调,应努力全面提高委员会秘书处的工作水平,从而为文化遗产保护的国际标准化发展贡献智慧和力量。Qu, the research institute director, said the committee plans to carry out the standardization of terms related to cultural heritage protection, and the conservation and restoration of inorganic porous cultural relics such as stone artifacts, murals and earthen sites.委员会计划开展文化遗产保护相关术语的标准化工作,以及石制文物、壁画和土制遗址等无机多孔文物的保护和修复工作。Li, the heritage administration director, said the Chinese government has always attached great importance to the protection of cultural heritage, actively promoting the research and application of modern technology and applying scientific principles, methods and approaches to traditional crafts.国家文物局局长李群表示,中国政府一直高度重视文化遗产的保护,积极推动现代技术的研究和应用,并将科学的原理、方法和途径应用于传统工艺。Li added that the new ISO committee's secretariat in China will provide valuable opportunities and a broad stage for the advancement of cultural heritage conservation.他补充说,新的ISO委员会在中国的秘书处将为促进文化遗产保护提供宝贵的机会和广阔的舞台。The Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, was China's imperial palace from 1420 to 1911. As the world's largest surviving wooden architectural complex, the UNESCO World Heritage Site is home to over 1.86 million cultural relics.故宫博物院,也被称为紫禁城,从1420年到1911年是中国的皇宫。作为世界上现存最大的木制建筑群,联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录拥有超过186万件文物。Wang Xudong, director of the Palace Museum, said the museum will give due importance to standardization work and conscientiously fulfill its responsibilities as an ISO technical body.故宫博物院院长王旭东表示,故宫博物院将高度重视标准化工作,认真履行作为ISO技术机构的职责。ISO国际标准化组织(International Standardization Organization)cultural heritage文化遗产