英语新闻丨Paralympians primed for success at Paris Games

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Yu Yutan, a member of China's visually impaired soccer team, expressed his eagerness to enjoy the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games as he familiarized himself with the stadium near the Eiffel Tower in Paris on Tuesday night."We're fully prepared and eagerly anticipating the competition. I'm looking forward to the feeling of stepping onto this beautiful pitch," he said.8月27日晚,中国盲人足球队队员俞裕锬在熟悉巴黎埃菲尔铁塔附近的体育场时表达了自己对2024年巴黎残奥会的渴望:“这是一块新建的场地,对所有参赛队伍来说,都很公平。谁适应得更好,谁就能在比赛中表现得更好。我们必须尽快适应。”The Paris Paralympic Games began in earnest on Wednesday evening with an opening ceremony at Place de la Concorde, where around 270 members of the Chinese delegation were present. Wheelchair fencer Gu Haiyan and weightlifter Qi Yongkai had the honor of serving as flag bearers for Team China.巴黎残奥会开幕式于8月28日晚在协和广场举行,中国体育代表团女子轮椅击剑运动员辜海燕和男子举重运动员齐勇凯将担任开幕式中国体育代表团旗手。The Games will continue through Sept 8.本届残奥会将持续到9月8日。China's 284 Paralympic athletes will compete in 19 sports across 302 events. With meticulous preparation behind them, the team is determined to achieve outstanding results.中国284名运动员将参加19个运动项目,共计302个小项的比赛。经过积极的备战,中国队决心在本次巴黎残奥会中取得优异成绩。Wei Wei, a member of the Chinese Paralympic swimming team's support staff, said that the team has been acclimating in Paris for nearly a week and is in solid shape."The athletes are delivering high-quality training sessions and maintaining excellent mental focus," Wei said.中国体育代表团游泳队工作人员魏炜表示:“运动员们正在进行高质量的训练,保持精神高度集中。”中国体育代表团游泳队将在巴黎克服困难,力争再创佳绩。On Wednesday morning, the team completed its final training session before the competition, which begins on Thursday.8月28日上午,我国游泳队完成了8月29日开赛前的最后一次训练。In the swimming events at the Paris Paralympics, running from Thursday to Sept 7, 141 gold medals are up for grabs. Wei said that China's 46 swimmers are fully prepared and determined to perform at their best.从8月29日至9月7日,巴黎残奥会游泳比赛将有141枚金牌等待争夺。魏炜表示,中国的46名游泳运动员已经做好了充分的准备,决心发挥出最佳水平。Meanwhile, China's Paralympic cycling team, a blend of veteran and emerging athletes, is also ready to compete. Coach Li Peng said that individualized training plans have been tailored to each cyclist's strengths.与此同时,由老将和小将组成的中国残奥会自行车队也做好了参赛准备。教练李鹏说,个性化的训练计划是根据每个自行车运动员的优势量身定制的。"Our athletes are committed, and our coaches, medical staff and technicians are all working in sync, united in their drive to excel," Li said.李鹏表示:“我们的运动员很投入,我们的教练、医务人员和技术人员都在同步工作,我们团结一致,力争出类拔萃。” Xu Min, a member of the Chinese delegation's medical team, detailed its crucial role in supporting the athletes.  中国代表团医疗组工作人员徐敏详细介绍了医疗队在支持运动员方面发挥的重要作用。"Our main focus is on injury prevention during training and competition, as well as delivering prompt medical and rehabilitation services," Xu said. 徐敏称:“我们工作的主要重点是预防训练和比赛中的伤害,以及提供及时的医疗和康复服务。” The medical team is a multidisciplinary unit, consisting of 23 specialists from orthopedics, rehabilitation, endocrinology, ophthalmology and other fields. The experts are drawn from both sports-specific hospitals and leading general hospitals, ensuring comprehensive care for the athletes, Xu said. 医疗组是由骨科、康复科、内分泌科、眼科等科室医生组成的复合型团队,共有23人,分别来自体育专科医院以及大型三甲医院。徐敏说,这些专家来自体育专科医院和领先的综合医院,确保为运动员提供全面的护理。Sports play an essential role in enhancing the physical and mental well-being of the disabled, while also aiding their integration into society. By the end of last year, China had established 12,463 rehabilitation centers nationwide, supported by a workforce of 360,000 professionals, according to the China Disabled Persons' Federation. 体育是残疾人增强体质、康复身心的重要方式,也是残疾人融入社会、实现全面发展的重要渠道。据中国残疾人联合会称,截至去年年底,中国已在全国创建了12.463万个康复中心,拥有36万名专业人员。Guo Lingling, a powerlifting champion at the Tokyo Paralympics, faced significant challenges in her youth due to polio, which left her dependent on a wheelchair and crutches. However, powerlifting provided a transformative source of strength and clarity.  东京残奥会举重冠军郭玲玲在年轻时因患小儿麻痹症而面临重重困难,她不得不依靠轮椅和拐杖生活。然而,举重为她提供了力量和清晰的思考。"Powerlifting has allowed me to connect with new friends, experience diverse perspectives, and find a renewed sense of purpose," Guo said.“因为举重,我结识了更多朋友,看到了不同的风景,也找到了人生的意义。”郭玲玲说。Place de la Concorden.协和广场China Disabled Persons' Federationn.中国残疾人联合会