英语新闻丨Parcel delivery sees booming growth

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China's parcel delivery sector aims to handle a record 14.25 billion consignments this year, said a senior official with the national agency governing the industry.中国快递行业今年的目标是处理创纪录的142.5亿件货物,国家邮政局的一位高级官员表示。In 2023, the sector made remarkable achievements, with the estimated number of parcels handled reaching 13.2 billion, up 19.5 percent year-on-year, Zhao Chongjiu, head of the State Post Bureau of China, said on Tuesday at the sector's annual conference in Beijing.中国国家邮政局局长赵崇久(音译)周二在北京举行的快递行业年会上表示,2023年快递行业取得了显著成就,预计处理的包裹数量达到132亿件,同比增长19.5%。The conference outlined the sector's development strategy, goals and work priorities for 2024.会议概述了快递行业2024年的发展战略、发展目标和工作重点。Zhao said the country's parcel delivery network and logistics system will be further improved, highlighting the construction of major infrastructure facilities and enhanced cargo transportation capabilities by air and road.赵崇久说,我国的快递服务网络和物流系统将进一步完善,突出重大基础设施建设,空运和陆运货物运输能力得到提升。The use of high-speed railways for parcel delivery and the promotion of multimode transportation will be encouraged, he said.他说,将鼓励使用高铁进行包裹运送,并促进多种交通方式联运。The network and service quality in rural areas will also be improved, with the establishment of charitable posts at parcel delivery stations and the utilization of scheduled passenger buses to solve the "last kilometer "problem in rural areas, he added.他补充说,随着包裹驿站爱心点的设置和定期客运巴士的使用,解决了农村地区“最后一公里”的问题,改善了农村地区的快递网络和服务质量。Zhao emphasized that another major goal for the parcel delivery sector this year is green development. Parcel delivery companies will be encouraged to introduce more new energy vehicles for transporting parcels, he said.赵崇久强调,今年快递行业的另一大目标是绿色发展。他说,将鼓励快递公司引入更多新能源汽车来运输包裹。Over the past decade, China's parcel delivery sector has experienced rapid development, handling more than 120 billion packages in 2022, a tenfold increase since 2013.在过去十年中,中国的包裹递送行业经历了快速发展,2022年处理了超过1200亿个包裹,比2013年增长了10倍。"Last year, the parcel delivery sector improved its ability to ensure smooth circulation, boosted the efficiency and capability to handle parcels and enhanced the development of intelligent delivery," Zhao said.“去年,快递部门提高了确保流通畅通的能力,提高了包裹处理的效率和能力,并促进了智能快递的发展,”赵崇久说。To improve logistics efficiency, dedicated freight airports and air hubs were constructed and put into operation last year. For instance, the dedicated cargo airport in Ezhou, Hubei province, mainly invested in by SF Express, is now fully operational. In addition, construction has begun on another freight air hub in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province, mainly invested in by YTO Express.为提高物流效率,专用货运机场和航空枢纽于去年建成并投入运营。例如,主要由顺丰速运投资的湖北鄂州市专用货运机场现已全面投入运营。此外,浙江省嘉兴市另一个货运航空枢纽的建设也已开始,主要由圆通快递投资。Last year, parcel delivery services and networks in rural areas were improved, facilitating the transportation of agricultural produce to urban areas and commodities to rural areas. This resulted in increased incomes for rural residents and improved their lives.去年,农村地区的快递服务和网络得到改善,促进了农产品向城市的运输和城市商品向农村地区的运输。增加了农村居民的收入,改善了他们的生活。In terms of global development, 312 overseas distribution centers and 300 warehouses were established last year to promote the sector's expansion internationally.在全球发展方面,去年又312个海外配送中心和300个仓库建成,推动快递行业的国际发展。The country's booming parcel delivery sector has had a transformative impact on people's lives, said Sun Jijun, head of Yunda Express' distribution center in Dongxing, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. He said that couriers' incomes are among the highest in the city as they earn as much as 6,000 yuan ($837.5) to 8,000 yuan per month.快递行业的蓬勃发展变革了人们的生活方式,广西壮族自治区东兴市韵达快递配送中心负责人孙继军(音译)说。他说,快递员的收入是该市最高的,他们每月的收入高达6,000元人民币至8,000元人民币。After entering the parcel delivery business in 2013, Sun has worked in many positions in the company, including as a courier and a sorter. He owns an apartment in the city not far from his parents' home.孙继军自2013年起进入快递业务后,在公司担任过多个职位,包括快递员和分拣员。他在离父母不远的城市拥有一套公寓。The emerging parcel delivery business has offered him a stable, pleasant and sometimes challenging job for more than 10 years, he said.他说,10多年来,新兴的快递业务为他提供了一份稳定、愉快、偶具挑战性的工作。Parcel delivery sectorn. 快递行业