英语新闻|Push continues to find college graduates jobs

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The number of college graduates in China is expected to reach 11.79 million next year, a year-on-year increase of 210,000, according to the Ministry of Education.教育部表示,2025年中国大学毕业生人数预计达到1179万人,同比增加21万人。Local authorities and higher education institutes are being urged to take multiple measures to promote their employment, which should be the priority of their work, the ministry said in a circular released on Tuesday.教育部于12月5日发布通知,敦促地方政府及高等教育机构采取多种措施促进大学毕业生就业,并将其视为工作的重中之重。With collaboration among multiple departments, more resources including job positions, funding, training and services will be provided to college graduates, it said.各部门应合作为大学毕业生提供更多资源,包括工作岗位、资金、培训与服务。A total of 26 measures were unveiled to promote the employment and entrepreneurship of the nation's college graduates next year, such as expanding job opportunities in grassroots positions and encouraging small and medium-sized enterprises to recruit more graduates.新公布的26项措施旨在促进2025年全国大学毕业生的就业与创业,具体措施包括扩大基层岗位就业机会,鼓励中小企业招聘更多的毕业生。Universities should have employment-focused staff and develop market-oriented and socialized employment channels to provide graduates with more high-quality job information.高校应建设以就业为导向的人才队伍,发展市场化、社会化就业渠道,为毕业生提供更多优质就业信息。Smart Education China, a national platform for employment services, will be promoted to strengthen accurate recommendations for job openings.国家智慧教育公共服务平台是全国性就业服务平台,能够精准推荐空缺职位。Modern information technology should be applied to provide students with personalized, precise and convenient employment guidance, the circular said.教育部通知称,应运用现代信息技术,为学生提供个性化、精准、便捷的就业指导。The circular stipulates the role of government-related positions in creating jobs.通知也规定了政府相关岗位在创造就业中的作用。Exams for recruitment in government agencies and State-owned enterprises, as well as further education enrollment, should be arranged as early as possible to leave graduates more time for job seeking.政府机关、国有企业招聘考试及继续教育招生,均应尽早安排,以为毕业生提供更多时间找工作。Authorities at the local level are expected to develop grassroots employment projects, and attract more graduates to find jobs and start businesses in the central and western areas of the nation.地方政府有望发展基层就业项目,吸引更多毕业生前往中西部地区就业创业。The project of guiding graduates to land jobs in urban and rural communities should be further implemented to enhance grassroots management, it said.应进一步实施就业工程,引导毕业生前往城乡社区,以加强基层管理。Graduates majoring in medicine are encouraged to supplement the rural doctor team under preferential policies. Green channels are expected to open for graduates who are willing to join the army, according to the circular.响应号召加入农村医疗队伍的医学专业毕业生将享受优惠政策。根据通知,国家预计为志愿参军的毕业生开放绿色通道。Universities should strengthen career education and employment guidance, helping graduates to establish a correct outlook on career and success.高校应加强职业教育与就业指导,帮助毕业生树立正确的职业观、成功观。Students need to enhance employability and obtain job opportunities through internships and practice.学生应通过实习与实践提升就业能力,获得就业机会。More attention should be given to graduates from vulnerable groups such as poverty-stricken families or people with disabilities, it added.通知补充说明,应给予家庭贫困或残疾人等弱势群体毕业生更多关注。China has spent over 200 billion yuan ($27.5 billion) to stabilize employment and promote entrepreneurship this year, China Central Television reported earlier.中国中央电视台前期报道,中国2024年已投资超过2000亿元人民币(约合275亿美元)以稳定就业、促进创业。The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said in October that about 10.22 million new jobs had been created in urban areas in the first nine months of the year.人力资源和社会保障部10月份表示,今年前9个月城镇新增就业岗位约1022万个。However, Minister Wang Xiaoping said last month that the nation is still under pressure to promote the employment of college graduates due to their increasing population, reaching 11.58 million this year.然而,部长王晓萍11月表示,2024年大学毕业生人数达到1158万,国家仍然面临着促进大学毕业生就业的压力。 Reporter: Zhao YimengSmart Education Chinan.国家智慧教育公共服务平台The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Securityn.人力资源和社会保障部