英语新闻丨Relief efforts gather pace in quake-hit provinces

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A bonfire at a temporary shelter in Jishishan county, Gansu province, near the epicenter of Monday's magnitude 6.2 earthquake, rekindled among survivors the hope of rebuilding their lives after the disaster as they endured frigid temperatures in the remote mountains of northwestern China.周一(12月18日),甘肃省集石山县发生了6.2级地震,在一个靠近震中的临时避难所,在西北地区寒冷的气温下,与篝火一同点燃的,是幸存者们重建生活的希望。Huddled inside a tent with her family, Ma Nuer, a resident of Kexinmin village, located near the epicenter, recalled how their house turned into a pile of rubble within a matter of seconds.位于震中附近的大河家镇克新民村村民玛努尔(音译)与家人挤在帐篷里,回忆起他们的房子顷刻间倒塌的场景。"The quake struck just before midnight. My husband, our two sons and I rushed to the nearest exit—a window—and jumped out. Our house collapsed in front of our eyes in 10 seconds or so," the 32-year-old woman said.“地震发生的时候差不多已经半夜了。我、丈夫和两个儿子冲到最近的逃生口(窗户),然后跳了出去。差不多只花了10秒钟,我们的房子就在我们眼前塌了”玛努尔说道,她今年32岁。The family spent the first few hours after the disaster shivering in the open. "The rescuers arrived and put up tents for us. We were given noodles and baked buns."地震发生后的几个小时里,玛努尔和家人在露天的空地上等待救援,瑟瑟发抖。“救援人员找到我们,为我们搭起帐篷。给我们发了面条和烤面包。”Ma said she knows that rebuilding their lives from scratch won't be an easy task, but the swift mobilization of aid for the survivors has given her immense hope.玛努尔说,她知道从零开始重建生活并不容易,但对幸存者们的援助迅速及时,给了她巨大的希望。"I don't know what happened to our belongings, or whether we can salvage anything at all. But at least tonight, my family and I have fire and a shelter to keep us warm," she said.“我不知道屋子里的物品已经成了什么样子,也不知道我们能不能找回到哪怕一丁点东西。但至少今晚,我和我的家人有火烤,有避难所住。”她说。Kexinmin village, which has a population of around 1,400 people, is among the areas hardest hit by the quake in Jishishan county, which is located in Gansu's Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture. Hundreds of displaced villagers were relocated to three temporary shelters by Tuesday evening.克新民村约有1400民村民,是甘肃省临夏回族自治州积石山县地震灾区受灾最严重的地区之一。到周二晚上,数百名流离失所的村民被重新安置到三个临时避难所。As of Wednesday morning, the earthquake had killed more than 130 people and injured hundreds in Gansu and neighboring Qinghai province.截至周三上午,地震已在甘肃和邻近的青海省造成130多人死亡,数百人受伤。An inspection conducted at the Liujiaxia Hydropower Station showed that the dam and other facilities, including the spillway structures, were functioning normally, the team said. China's first megawatt hydropower station is located around 50 kilometers from the epicenter. The quake was strongly felt in the area, which prompted a level IV emergency response.中国第一座百万千瓦级水电站——刘家峡水电站距离震中50.7千米,震感强烈。地震发生后,该水电站第一时间启动地震灾害Ⅳ级应急响应。经全面检查,大坝、以及包括溢洪道结构在内的刘家峡水电厂主辅设备运行正常。Search and rescue efforts ended at 3 pm on Tuesday, and priority work now includes treating the injured and rehabilitating the displaced, the team said at the news conference.救援小组在新闻发布会上表示,搜救工作于周二下午3点结束,当务之急是救治伤员和安置受灾群众。By Wednesday morning, 130,000 relief items, including tents, stoves, quilts and folding beds, had been sent to thequake-stricken areas.截至周三上午,已有13万件救援物资被送往地震灾区,包括帐篷、火炉、被子和折叠床。A total of 87,076 people from 20,457 households had been relocated to temporary shelters, according to the Gansu provincial emergency management department.据甘肃省应急管理厅称,共有20457户,87076人被转移到临时避难所。Adequate food and heating arrangements have been made at these shelters. Provisional dwelling units are being set up to ensure each household has at least one fully insulated tent for the winter. Daily necessities, water and electricity will be guaranteed at these relocation sites, according to the department.这些避难所配备有足够的食物和取暖设备。目前正在建设临时住房,确保每户家庭至少有一个完全隔热的帐篷过冬。该部门称,这些搬迁地点的日常必需品、用水和用电将得到保证。Wang Xihong, a member of an emergency rescue team administered by the Gansu branch of Red Cross Society of China, said he arrived at Kexinmin village around 3 am on Tuesday and has been working nonstop since, looking for trapped residents, removing debris on roads and setting up shelters.甘肃省红十字应急救援队成员王喜红(音译)说,他于周二凌晨3点左右抵达克新民村,到达后立即开展救援工作,寻找被困居民,清除道路上的碎片,并修建避难所,一刻也没有停下。"I need to catch a few winks of sleep, but taking a break is not on my mind right now. We have to help as many people as possible. Our top priority is keeping everyone warm in this frigid weather," he said.“我本来需要眯一会儿,但现在容不得我停下来休息。我们必须尽全力帮助更多的人。在这样寒冷的天气下,我们首先要保证每个人都可以保暖。”他说。Early Wednesday, a truck loaded with 1,440 quilts and 150 folding beds arrived at Kexinmin. "We still need more quilts and jackets to keep the chill out at night," Wang said.周三一早,一辆载有1440床被子和150张折叠床的卡车抵达克新民村。“夜晚,我们还需要更多的被子和夹克来抗寒,”王喜红说。The insulated tents being set up for quake survivors are designed to last at least three months, according to Wang. "More equipment and materials are being transported to build outdoor toilets and infrastructure to ensure clean water," he added.根据王喜红的介绍,为地震幸存者搭建的隔热帐篷要能够使用三个月以上。他补充说:“正在运输更多的设备和材料,用于建造室外厕所和基础设施,确保水源干净。”To ensure smooth supply of relief materials to the affected areas, the Gansu transportation department swiftly cleared highways, expressways and rural roads that were buried in debris during the quake. Green channels have been set up at toll stations leading to affected areas to provide all relief vehicles free passage.为确保灾区救灾物资供应顺畅,甘肃省交通部门迅速清理了公路、高速公路和村道上的废墟。在通往灾区的收费站设置绿色通道,所有救援车辆免费通行。Planning for post-disaster reconstruction work has also started. The local authorities are consulting experts in various fields to assess the extent of damage to make preparations for a speedy all-around recovery.灾后重建的规划工作也已开始。受灾地区正在咨询各个领域的专家,评估损失程度,为迅速全面恢复做好准备。A wink of sleepn. 睡一会儿Quake-stricken areasn. 地震灾区