英语新闻丨Scrutiny increased on misleading social media posts

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Lifestyle app Xiaohongshu announced on Monday it is encouraging its users to report posts that exaggerate and sensationally promote "untapped destinations" or those that may pose a risk to the public. 2024年1月29日,中国生活方式社交平台小红书宣布,为打击平台上误导性旅游内容,将实施更严格的监管措施。该公司特别针对夸大宣传未开发或潜在风险旅游目的地的帖子采取行动,鼓励用户积极举报此类内容。The app said its staff will act quickly to remove posts that feature inaccurate or misleading information.小红书表示,其审核团队将迅速响应,并删除含有不准确或误导性信息的帖子。Xiaohongshu said sharing travel tips on the platform is acceptable, but misleading content or content designed to attract people to risky areas may cause injury and disturb public order. 该公司强调,用户分享旅行经验和建议是被允许的,但故意误导用户或引诱他们前往存在安全隐患的地方的内容将不被容忍。此举旨在保护用户的人身安全和维护公共秩序。It also reminded users to take good care of their personal safety and to keep away from such destinations as the Spring Festival holiday approaches.小红书特别提醒,随着春节假期的临近,用户要增强安全意识,谨慎选择旅游目的地,避免受到误导性内容的影响。The announcement follows the latest crackdown by the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission on Monday. The office announced a monthlong action plan to sort out online problems including the improper sharing of untapped tourism destinations, internet fraud and flaunting wealth.该举措得到了中央网络安全和信息化委员会办公室的支持。中央网信办最近宣布了一项为期一个月的专项行动,旨在整顿网络虚假旅游宣传、网络诈骗等不良网络行为。"It's really necessary to regulate some improper posts, not only on Xiaohongshu, but on other platforms like Sina Weibo, where there is a flood of bombastic information," said Yan Qing, a Xiaohongshu user.小红书用户闫青表示:“确实有必要规范一些不当的帖子,不仅是在小红书上,还包括像新浪微博等其他平台,那里充斥着大量夸大其词的信息。”她提到自己曾受到一篇关于北京郊区时髦咖啡馆的帖子的欺骗。She said she was once hoodwinked by a post about a trendy cafe on the outskirts of Beijing. "I jumped on the bandwagon to visit the cafe posted about by many bloggers on the Xiaohongshu. But what I actually found was the place was in a lonesome village with poor transport. It wasn't as beautiful as it was presented on the platform. I was very disappointed and felt cheated.闫青说:“我跟风去了小红书上许多博主推荐的咖啡馆,但我发现那地方位于一个偏远的村庄,交通不便,并没有平台上展示的那么美丽。我感到非常失望,受到了欺骗。”"I think the new policy Xiaohongshu just announced will benefit users and reduce risks. It will help guide bloggers to judge and weigh their sharing, I think, as reporting their posts will bring damage to their reputations, and reputation means everything to these bloggers," she added.她认为,小红书刚刚宣布的新政策将有利于用户并减少风险。她说:“这将有助于引导博主们审慎判断和权衡他们的分享,因为举报他们的帖子会损害他们的声誉,对于博主来说声誉大过天。”The promotion of places off the beaten track has led to fatal accidents in the past. In August, seven people were killed at a "popular but not well-developed" beauty spot on a river bed in Ya'an, Sichuan province, after it was hit by a flash flood.过去,对非热门景点的宣传曾导致致命事故。去年八月,在四川省雅安的一处“受欢迎但尚未开发完善”的河床景点,突发山洪导致七人死亡。Yao Junchang, co-founder of Beijing Weiheng Law Office, said that bloggers' improper sharing of undeveloped travel destinations or places with high risks may have legal liability, such as for financial compensation, if followers are injured or even killed visiting places they have promoted.北京市炜衡律师事务所联合创始人姚俊昌表示,如果博主分享的未开发或高风险旅游目的地导致粉丝在访问时受伤甚至死亡,博主可能需要承担法律责任,如经济赔偿等。"It's not an absolute situation, however. If bloggers put some warnings like 'this place is not recommended because it's not well developed' with their videos and operators in these places have warnings to avoid any traveling activities, they may have legal exemptions," he said.但他也指出:“情况并非绝对。如果博主在视频中加入了一些警示,比如‘这个地方不推荐,因为它尚未开发完善’,并且这些地方的管理者也发出警告以避免任何旅游活动,他们可能会获得法律豁免。”"All in all, platforms where bloggers upload their posts or videos should review with vigilance and they should take necessary measures such as blocking the posts or videos and sending warnings to users whenever finding visible or obvious dangers in the posts," he added.他补充说:“总的来说,博主上传帖子或视频的平台应该保持警惕并进行审核。一旦发现帖子中存在明显或可见的危险,他们应采取必要措施,如屏蔽帖子或视频,并向用户发出警告。”Untapped destinations未开发的目的地 Internet fraud网络诈骗