英语新闻|Series of talks serve regional, world peace

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Since the weekend, Beijing has impressed observers with separate series of intense, high-level consultations with Washington and Moscow, one after another.上周末以来,中国与美国、俄罗斯分别进行了一系列密集、高级别磋商,给观察家留下了深刻的印象。Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi completed two days of talks with United States National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in Malta on Sunday, and he arrived in Russia on Monday for a four-day China-Russia consultation on strategic security.中国外交部长王毅于周日(9月17日)在马耳他完成了与白宫国家安全顾问沙利文两天的会谈,王毅周一(9月18日)抵达俄罗斯进行为期四天的中俄战略安全磋商。Analysts said the two series of talks — one closely following the other — are part of China's efforts to carry forward its regular two-way dialogues with influential major countries and help shore up nations' concerted efforts to stabilize the Asia-Pacific region.分析人士说,这两场时间联系紧密的系列会谈是中国努力推进与有影响力的主要国家定期双向对话的一部分,并帮助支持国家共同努力稳定亚太地区。Both China and the US described the weekend series of consultations as "candid, substantive and constructive" in official readouts released on Sunday. As part of the talks' outcomes, the two sides agreed to hold three China-US consultations — on the Asia-Pacific region, maritime affairs and foreign policy.中美双方在周日(2023.9.17)发布的官方报道中都将周末系列磋商描述为“坦诚、实质性、建设性”。作为会谈成果的一部分,双方关于亚太地区、海洋事务和外交政策进行了三次中美磋商。On Monday morning, Beijing announced that Wang, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee, will hold the 18th round of China-Russia strategic security consultations in Russia from Monday through Thursday.周一(9月18日)上午,中国宣布,中共中央政治局委员、中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅将于周一至周四在俄罗斯举行第18轮中俄战略安全磋商。Diao Daming, a professor at Renmin University of China's School of International Relations, said the common background of the two series of talks is that the world today is in turmoil and chaos, the global economy has a long way to go in recovering in the post-pandemic era, and the world has widespread expectations of an improved international order.中国人民大学国际关系学院教授刁大明表示,两场系列会谈的共同背景是,当今世界动荡混乱,后疫情时代全球经济复苏任重道远,世界对国际秩序改善有广泛期待。During the weekend talks, China and the US also discussed the Asia-Pacific region, the Ukraine crisis and the Korean Peninsula situation, among other international and regional issues.在周末会晤中,中美双方还讨论了亚太地区、乌克兰危机和朝鲜半岛局势等国际和地区问题。"China has retained its steady pace and resilience against various changes when navigating its major-country diplomacy, and it earnestly looks to shape relations with major countries in order to improve the region's situation and the world's trajectory," Diao said.刁大明表示:“中国在进行大国外交时,一直保持着应对各种变化的稳健步伐和韧性,认真寻求建立好大国关系,改善地区局势和世界轨迹。”"What China wants is to work with the international community to rise to the challenge, and it has always tried to inject the world with a steady stream of positivity and certainty," he added.他补充说:“中国期望与国际社会合作,积极迎接挑战,并一直努力稳定地为世界注入积极性和确定性。”Wang and Sullivan previously met and talked in Vienna, Austria, in May. Before that, high-level strategic communication between China and the US took place over the past two years in such places as Zurich, Rome and Luxembourg.王毅和沙利文此前曾于5月在奥地利维也纳会晤面谈。前两年中美两国的高层战略沟通一直在苏黎世、罗马和卢森堡等地进行。During the talks with Washington, the Taiwan question and the US perception of China's development were high on the agenda.在与美国的会谈中,台湾问题和美国对中国发展的看法都被提上议程。An unnamed senior official with the Foreign Ministry who took part in the weekend talks said the multiple rounds of consultations as a whole "exceeded 12 hours in total", and "the Taiwan question consumed the longest time".一位参加周末会谈的外交部匿名高级官员说,多轮磋商“总共超过12小时”,“台湾问题花费时间最长”。The official told Chinese media that Wang said the most essential status quo is that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China, and the tension across the Strait originates from the increasingly rampant "Taiwan independence "activities by Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party.官方告诉中国媒体,王毅表示最本质的现状是台湾海峡两岸属于一个中国,两岸的紧张局势源于台湾民进党日益猖獗的“台独”活动。The right path for peaceful resolution of the Taiwan question is "resolutely objecting to 'Taiwan independence' and supporting the peaceful reunification of China", Wang said.王毅表示,和平解决台湾问题的正确路径是“坚决反对‘台独’,支持中国和平统一”。China has always rejected attempts to use competition to define the whole of China-US ties, and it opposes economic decoupling under the pretext of "de-risking", Wang told Sullivan.王毅告诉沙利文,中国一直拒绝用竞争来定义整个中美关系,也反对以“去风险”为托词的经济脱钩。Wang expressed serious concerns over the US suppressing and frustrating China in terms of science and technology and over the US' unilateral, unreasonable sanctions on Chinese businesses, institutions and individuals.王毅严重关切美国在科技方面打压、挫败中国,以及美国对中国企业、机构和个人实施单边、不合理的制裁。Su Xiaohui, deputy director of the Department of American Studies at the China Institute of International Studies, said the "several rounds "indicate the intensity of the negotiations and "the large number of agenda items between Beijing and Washington".中国国际问题研究院美国研究所副所长苏晓晖说,“多轮”表明了谈判的密集程度以及“中美之间的议程项目数量庞大”。"And Beijing's message is clear — not to cross the line over the Taiwan question and stop suppressing and encircling China," she said.她说:“中国的态度很明确--不要在台湾问题上越界,停止压制和包围中国。”"Washington is expected to work toward the same goal alongside China and take more positive moves in response to China's message," she added.“美国应与中国一起朝着同一目标努力,并积极回应中方的态度,”她补充说。Meanwhile, the previous round of consultation under the China-Russia strategic security consultation mechanism took place in Fuzhou, Fujian province, in September last year. The mechanism was established in 2005.与此同时,中俄战略安全磋商机制下的上轮磋商于去年9月在福建省福州市举行。该机制成立于2005年。Observers noted that the mechanism is part of the evolving China-Russia comprehensive strategic cooperation in the new era.观察者注意到,该机制是新时代中俄全面战略合作演进的一部分。The trip to Russia this week by Wang, who was invited by Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, for the 18th round of consultation is "a routine activity within the framework of the China-Russia strategic security consultation mechanism", Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Monday.王毅本周受俄联邦安全委员会秘书长尼古拉·帕特鲁舍夫邀请的的俄罗斯之行,对于第18轮磋商是“中俄战略安全磋商机制框架内的一次例行活动”,外交部发言人毛宁周一(2023.9.18)说。The trip to Russia "aims to implement the important consensus reached by the heads of state of the two countries, promote the development of bilateral relations and carry out in-depth communication on important issues related to the strategic security interests of the two countries", Mao said.毛宁说,此次俄罗斯之行“旨在落实两国元首达成的重要共识,推动双边关系发展,并就涉及两国战略安全利益的重要议题进行深入沟通。”She pointed to both countries' shared identity as permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and major emerging market economies.她指出两国同为联合国安理会常任理事国和主要新兴市场国家。"The two countries have always maintained close communication on major, strategic and overarching issues of common concern," she added.她补充说:“两国一直就共同关心的重大战略性、全局性问题保持密切沟通。”Chinese Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui said that "China-Russia strategic cooperation is the 'mainstay' of maintaining international peace and security", and "the significance and impact of China-Russia relations go far beyond the bilateral context".中国驻俄罗斯大使张汉晖说,“中俄战略合作是维护国际和平与安全的‘中流砥柱’”,“中俄关系的意义和影响远远超出双边范畴”。In an interview published last week on the People's Daily website, Zhang said the two sides "work closely together in the international arena", resolutely oppose hegemony and power politics, and adhere to genuine multilateralism.在人民日报网站上周发表的一篇访谈中,张汉晖说双方“在国际舞台上密切合作”,坚决反对霸权和强权政治,坚持真正的多边主义。Maritime英/'mærɪtaɪm/美'mærɪtaɪm/adj.海事的turmoil 英/'tɜːmɒɪl/美/'tɝmɔɪl/n.混乱,动乱