英语新闻丨Shanghai kicks off Olympic qualifying(1)

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Sunshine, exuberance, great athleticism. The Olympic Qualifying Series Shanghai kicked off in grand style on Thursday at the Huangpu Riverside, with enthusiastic spectators swarming into the venue to experience the festival-style event.阳光、热情与精彩的竞技运动一同出现。5月16日,奥运资格系列赛上海站在黄浦江畔隆重拉开帷幕,热情的观众蜂拥而至,体验这场节日般的盛会。Competitions for skateboarding street, skateboarding park and boulder climbing started with the preliminary rounds on the first day of the event, which ends on Sunday. The four-day series has attracted 464 top athletes to compete in BMX freestyle, breaking, skateboarding and sport climbing, vying for berths at this year's Olympic Games in Paris.滑板街式赛、滑板碗池赛和攀石赛在赛事首日的预赛中拉开帷幕,比赛将于5月17日结束。为期四天的系列赛吸引了464名顶尖运动员参加自由式小轮车、霹雳舞、滑板和运动攀岩比赛,争夺今年巴黎奥运会的入场券。"I think the atmosphere and competition venue at the event exceeded my expectations. There were even more spectators than at the Asian Games," said 17-year-old Zhang Jie, the only Chinese street skateboarder in the event and the gold medalist in men's street skateboarding at the Asian Games in Hangzhou last year.作为本次比赛中唯一的中国滑板街式赛选手,也是去年杭州亚运会滑板男子街式金牌得主,17岁的张杰说:“我认为比赛的气氛和比赛场地超出了我的预期。观众甚至比亚运会时还多。”Shanghai organizers transformed the Huangpu Riverside venue, which hosted the 2010 World Expo, into an urban park spanning 110,000 square meters for sports competitions and associated cultural and entertainment events.上海组织方将举办过2010年世博会的黄浦江畔场馆改造成一个占地11万平方米的城市公园,用于举办体育比赛和相关的文化娱乐活动。"The event is amazing, just incredible to be able to see all the other events. And the venue is really nice. I'm looking forward to the lead event," said Alex Khazanov, a sport-climbing athlete from Israel.以色列攀岩运动员亚历克斯·哈扎诺夫(Alex Khazanov)说:“这项赛事太棒了,能够看到所有其他赛事,这真是不可思议。而且场地真的很好。我期待着这项赛事。”B-Boy Karam Singh from Great Britain said: "It's amazing to be around so many incredible athletes from different sports. There are a lot of similarities between the four and the journeys that we've been on, so it's nice to see the athletes from across sports and countries connecting with each other.英国的霹雳舞舞者卡拉姆·辛格(Karam Singh)说:“能与这么多来自不同运动项目的优秀运动员在一起,我感到非常高兴。四人之间有很多相似之处,我们的经历也有很多相似之处,很高兴看到来自不同运动项目和国家的运动员相互联系。”What makes the inaugural edition of the Olympic Qualifying Series special is the combination of an urban festival that integrates sports, music, art and culture with the hard-core sports competitions.首届奥运资格系列赛的特别之处在于将融体育、音乐、艺术和文化为一体的城市节庆与核心体育赛事相结合。"The event has a great vibe and it reminds me a little bit of the festival vibe. You see all the athletes skating between everyone, so I really enjoyed that," said Karina Bes from the Netherlands. Bes visited the urban festival with her daughter, who is a keen skateboarder.荷兰的卡琳娜·贝斯(Karina Bes)和女儿一起参加了城市滑板节,她的女儿非常喜欢滑板。卡琳娜·贝斯(Karina Bes)说:“这项赛事的氛围很好,让我想起了节日的氛围。你会看到所有运动员在每个人之间滑行,所以我真的很喜欢这种感觉。”Compared with other sports events, Bes added that the series offers more varied experiences. "I would have expected it to be way more crowded, but it's cool," she said. "There is enough space, enough things to eat and drink. Lots of fun things around."贝斯(Bes)补充说,与其他体育赛事相比,该系列赛事提供了更多不同的体验。她说:“我本以为会更拥挤,但这很酷。这里有足够的空间,足够的吃喝玩乐。周围有很多好玩的东西。”Five "experience zones" including a pop art-inspired climbing zone, origami-style skateboarding zone, hip-hop graffiti-themed breaking zone and an industrial woodland BMX zone, have opened inside the urban park.包括波普艺术风格的攀岩区、折纸风格的滑板区、嘻哈涂鸦主题的霹雳舞区和工业林地小轮车区在内的五个“体验区”已在城市公园中开设。"I think the atmosphere of the series is stronger than that of the Olympic Games because of the urban festival," said Zhong Tianshi, China's two-time Olympic track cycling champion. "In the Olympic Games, people just watch the competitions, but at this sports festival, people can participate in and experience these sports. I think it brings more anticipation to this competition."“我认为这个系列赛的气氛比奥运会更浓厚,因为有‘城市节’,”两届奥运会场地自行车冠军、中国选手钟天使说,“在奥运会上,人们只是观看比赛,但在这个体育节上,人们可以参与和体验这些运动。我认为这给这场比赛带来了更多的期待。”Hosting the qualifier series in an Olympic year injects new impetus and advantages into Shanghai's efforts to accelerate its development as a globally renowned sports city and enhance the soft power of its urban culture.在奥运年举办系列资格赛,为上海加快建设全球知名体育城市、提升城市文化软实力注入了新的动力和优势。"I feel impressed by the energy of the city," said Pierre Fratter-Bardy, the International Olympic Committee's associate director of Olympic Games strategy and development. "The venue is extraordinary and has an exceptional setup. We are very thankful to the city of Shanghai regarding the quality."“这座城市的活力给我留下了深刻印象,”国际奥委会负责奥运会战略和发展的副主任皮埃尔·弗拉特-巴迪(Pierre Fratter-Bardy)说,“这个场馆非同一般,拥有卓越的设施。我们非常感谢上海的办赛质量。”Besides the competitions, the event also provides athletes with an opportunity to explore the city.除了比赛之外,本次赛事还为运动员提供了一个探索这座城市的机会。"This is my first time in Shanghai. Super impressed by the city. It is completely out of the world I'm used to — all the skyscrapers and the city is huge," said Sandra Hopfensitz, a boulderer and lead combined contestant from Germany.德国的攀石运动员、综合比赛领队桑德拉·霍普芬茨(Sandra Hopfensitz)说:“这是我第一次来上海。我对这座城市的印象非常深刻。我完全脱离了所熟悉的世界——所有的摩天大楼和城市都是巨大的。”Grace Marhoefer and Rudy Lilley, both park skateboarders from the US, were also impressed.美国的滑板碗池赛选手格蕾丝·马霍弗(Grace Marhoefer)和鲁迪·里利(Rudy Lilley)也对此印象深刻。"We've gotten to negotiate a lot of places and meet a lot of cool people. I'm just grateful to be here and experience everything," Marhoefer said.马霍弗(Marhoefer)说:“我们成功滑行了很多地方,认识了很多很酷的人。我很高兴能来到这里,体验这里的一切。”Lilley added: "I'm really happy to be here. I love it and I love the food and people. It's been amazing."里利(Lilley)补充说:“我真的很高兴来到这里。我喜欢这里,喜欢这里的食物和人们。这真是太棒了”The second stop of the series is scheduled to be held in the Hungarian capital Budapest from June 20 to 23, with 150 spots at this summer's Paris Olympics to be filled after the two stops.系列赛的第二站定于6月20日至23日在匈牙利首都布达佩斯举行,两站比赛结束后,今年夏天巴黎奥运会的150个参赛名额将被填补。the Olympic Qualifying Series奥运会资格系列赛BMX freestyle自由式小轮车breaking霹雳舞