英语新闻丨Snow-themed travel proves big draw among tourists

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Revenues from snow-themed travel are forecast to witness rapid growth this winter, as operators offer improved services and consumers indicate increased enthusiasm for hitting the slopes following the country's optimized COVID-19 response measures.预计今年冬季,冰雪主题旅游的收入会迅速增长,随着旅游景点服务不断优化,在国家防疫政策优化后,消费者对滑雪运动的热情不断上涨。Since the holding of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, teenagers and young children have shown a greater interest in skiing-related activities.自2022年北京冬季奥运会举办以来,青少年和儿童对与滑雪有关的活动表现出巨大的兴趣。Chinese people born in the 1990s and after the year 2000 are the main groups of skiers, according to Nanjing, Jiangsu province-based online travel agency Tuniu.根据位于江苏省南京市的在线旅行社“途牛”的信息,滑雪爱好者主要是九零后和零零后。The number of bookings for skiing-related services made by these two age groups put together accounts for 60 percent of the total such bookings, and the number of children who have gone skiing with their parents is on the rise, Tuniu said.途牛表示,九零后和零零后预定的滑雪相关服务数量占总预订量的60%,与父母同行,开展滑雪运动的儿童数量正在增加。Eyeing the trend of Chinese consumers' higher enthusiasm for skiing, Swiss luxury watchmaker IWC Schaffhausen organized a day on the slopes for young skiers in early December.瞄准中国消费者上涨的滑雪热情,12月初,瑞士豪华手表制造商沙夫豪森IWC组织了一次针对年轻滑雪者的活动,为期一天。The company's brand ambassador, freestyle skier Eileen Gu, showed children how to improve their skiing skills at the Genting Snow Park in Zhangjiakou, Hebei province, during the event.公司的品牌大使、自由式滑雪运动员谷爱凌在活动期间在河北省张家口市的云顶雪公园向儿童们讲授如何提高滑雪技能。IWC said it was the second skiing class it had held with Gu in 2023, after hosting one in Colorado, the United States, earlier in the year.IWC表示,这是公司2023年第二次与谷爱凌共同举办滑雪课程,第一次的举办地在美国科罗拉多州。This reflects the company's commitment to helping children believe in themselves through sports, it said.这体现了公司致力于通过体育帮助儿童变得更加自信。"We strongly believe sport is important for the integration of children. It unites them, gives them confidence and can help them feel good about themselves. So, it means a lot to us to be able to create environments where children can experience the fun and joy of sport," said Franziska Gsell, chief marketing officer of IWC.IWC的首席营销官弗朗西斯卡·吉塞尔(音译)表示:“我们坚信,体育在增进儿童之间的凝集力方面至关重要。体育团结儿童,给予他们信心,帮助他们变得更加自信。因此,我们重视创造运动环境,让儿童在其中体验运动的乐趣。”China is one of the most dynamic luxury markets for the company and IWC is confident about its operations in the country, it said.中国是IWC最具活力的高端市场之一,该公司对其在中国的运营充满信心。During the ongoing skiing season, there has been high demand for skiing-related activity from residents in Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, and Guangzhou and Shenzhen in Guangdong province, Tuniu found.当前正处于滑雪季,途牛的数据显示,上海、北京、南京、广州和深圳的市民对滑雪相关活动的需求旺盛。The widespread popularity of ice and snow sports and the emergence of indoor ski resorts and snow parks have enabled people from the southern regions of China to experience skiing-related activities at any time of the year, it said.途牛指出,冰雪运动的普及,室内滑雪场和雪公园的发展,使得华南地区的人们可以在任何季节开展与滑雪相关的活动。Popular domestic destinations for snowboarders include Northeast China, Yunnan province, Guizhou province and the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.国内热门的滑雪目的地有:东北地区、云南省、贵州省和新疆维吾尔自治区。Overseas destinations for ice and snow trips have also caught the attention of Chinese travelers.海外冰雪胜地也吸引着中国游客。Some sought-after destinations include Finland, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland.热门的滑雪目的地包括芬兰、瑞士、丹麦、挪威和冰岛。Tuniu said all of its group tours to Finland in November and December were sold out, and some travelers have even booked trips for March.途牛表示,该公司旗下11月和12月所有赴芬兰的旅游团名额均已售罄,一些旅行者甚至已经预订了三月的行程。In addition, young Chinese consumers have been attracted to high-end hot springs in the winter season.此外,冬季,年轻的中国消费者青睐高端温泉。In designing its domestic group-tour products, Tuniu said it combines the preferences of travelers and the advantages of destinations, while also adding hot spring resorts or hot spring-themed hotels in its itineraries.途牛表示,在设计国内团队旅游产品时,他们结合了游客的偏好和旅游目的地的优势,在行程中设置温泉度假村或以温泉为主题的酒店。"An increasing number of Chinese consumers are no longer satisfied with traditional hot spring experiences, and they are seeking more diversified, personalized and high-quality hot spring vacation products," said Qi Chunguang, vice-president of Tuniu.途牛的副总裁齐春光表示:“越来越多的中国消费者不再满足于传统的温泉体验,他们正在寻求更多样化、个性化和高质量的温泉度假产品。”Moreover, the accelerated recovery of the outbound tourism market and supply of increasingly premium products has meant that bookings of overseas hot spring tours by Chinese travelers are also climbing.此外,出境旅游市场的加速复苏和日益优化的产品供应,增加了中国游客对海外温泉游的预订量。In November, the number of bookings for outbound hot spring tours accounted for 15 percent of the total orders for overseas tours, Tuniu found.途牛的数据显示,11月,出境温泉游的预订数量占海外旅游总订单量的15%。Hot springs in a number of Japanese cities such as Nagoya and Hakone have received good bookings, while some unique hot spring experiences in Iceland, Switzerland, Thailand and Turkiye have also seen significant increases in bookings, said the travel agency.途牛表示,一些日本城市,如名古屋和箱根的温泉广受欢迎,而冰岛、瑞士、泰国和土耳其的一些特色温泉游的预订量也显著上升。Hot springsn. 温泉