英语新闻丨Soccer body to welcome supervision

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Want to help make soccer a cleaner and fairer sport? Sign up to become a supervisor.想要帮助足球成为一项更清朗公平的运动吗?一起成为足球社会监督员吧。As part of China's ambitious soccer revival project, the Chinese Football Association has introduced a public supervision system, inviting ordinary fans, media representatives and local disciplinary inspectors to oversee daily operations of the sport's governing bodies at all levels and report any wrongdoings or disciplinary violations as whistleblowers.中国一直踌躇满志想要复兴中国足球,为此,中国足协引入了公众监督制度,邀请普通球迷、媒体代表和地方纪检人员充当吹哨人,监督各级足球运动管理机构的日常运作,并举报任何不当行为或违纪行为。The move to get the masses involved was announced on Thursday, as former Chinese men's national team head coach Li Tie stood trial over allegations of bribery and match-fixing at a court in Xianning, Hubei province.该举措于3月28日公布。同日,前中国男足国家队主教练李铁因涉嫌贿赂和操纵比赛的指控在湖北省咸宁市法院接受审判。Earlier this week, former CFA president Chen Xuyuan and four other officials of governing bodies were given prison sentences for corruption-related crimes, which have taken a heavy toll on the sport's profile and the integrity of domestic competitions in recent years.本周初,中国足协前主席陈戌源和其他四名管理机构官员因腐败相关犯罪被判处有期徒刑,这些罪行近年来对中国足协的形象和国内赛事的诚信造成了严重损害。The supervision system is open to applicants who love the game of soccer, care about the sport's development, possess basic knowledge of the sport, and have administrative experience with a strong sense of social responsibility, according to a regulation released on the CFA website.根据中国足协网站发布的规定,足球监察员岗位面向热爱足球运动、关心足球运动发展、具备足球运动基础知识、具有行政管理经验和强烈社会责任感的社会人士。Qualified public supervisors will be granted a wide range of responsibilities, such as hearing work reports from the CFA and providing feedback, overseeing league operations from player selection to referee assignment, collecting suggestions, and reporting any misconduct of officials, professional players and staff members of organizations involved in soccer development, the regulation said. Public supervisors will initially be appointed as volunteers for two years, with those making exceptional contributions to be eligible for reappointment.该法规称,一名称职的社会监督员要承担多项职责,例如听取中国足协的工作报告并提供反馈,监督从球员选拔到裁判指派的联赛运作,收集建议以及举报官员、职业球员和工作人员的不当行为。成功应聘者会首先成为志愿者,任期两年,做出特殊贡献的人有资格续聘。The CFA also announced on Thursday the introduction of a reward mechanism to encourage tips about violations such as match-fixing, gambling and bribery that manipulate competition results to tarnish fair play in the sport. Reports of such violations will be welcomed at all levels, targeting all competitions, organizations and wrongdoers, the CFA regulation said.中国足协还宣布引入奖励机制,鼓励举报假球、赌博和贿赂等操纵比赛结果、损害体育公平竞争的违规行为。欢迎公众对此类违规行为涉及的各级各类赛事、组织和违法者进行举报。Verified sources providing solid tips will be compensated with cash ranging from 2,000 yuan ($276) to 20,000 yuan, depending on the value of information. Those who make key contributions in exposing and cracking down on serious cases will be given extra rewards, the CFA said.终审法院表示,提供可靠线索且查证属实者将依据具体信息价值获得2,000元(276美元)到20,000元不等的现金奖励;对揭露和打击严重案件做出重要贡献者,将给予额外奖励。As China pushes ahead with its goal of developing into a world powerhouse in the sport, a goal highlighted in a reform project approved by the State Council in 2015, the fight against corruption shall be carried on with tougher actions, CFA Party chief Zhang Jiasheng said.国家体育总局副局长、中国足协党组书记张家胜表示,2015年国务院批准的一项改革方案设定了建设世界体育强国的目标,在目标推进过程中,反腐败斗争将更加严厉。"We have to continue fighting all disciplinary violations with stricter and more aggressive measures, and intensify anti-graft efforts at all levels to clean up the sport for good," Zhang, who is also a vice-minister of the General Administration of Sport, said at a meeting discussing soccer development and reform on Wednesday.3月27日,张家胜在足球发展和改革会议上说道:“我们要继续以更严厉、更严厉的措施打击各种违纪行为,加大各级反腐力度,坚决维护体育正风肃纪”。Observers said the introduction of external scrutiny will help improve the credibility of the governing body's anti-graft campaign, but more efforts are needed to guarantee that valuable feedback, suggestions and tips are respected, handled appropriately and implemented transparently.观察人士表示,引入外部审查将有助于提高管理机构反腐运动的可信度,但还需要加大力度确保宝贵的反馈、建议和线索得到尊重、妥善处理和透明实施。"These new initiatives show the CFA's resolve to shake off the ill repute overshadowing the game. It's more important, though, to see how they can be implemented," said Han Qiaosheng, a former sports commentator with China Central Television.中央电视台前体育评论员韩乔生表示:“这些新举措表明中国足协决心摆脱给这项运动带来的不良声誉。不过,更重要的是如何落实”。To meet a major goal highlighted in the soccer reform project, the Chinese men's team has been going all out to qualify for the FIFA World Cup, following its sole appearance in the tournament in 2002. A 4-1 Asian zone qualifier win at home against Singapore on Tuesday, the men's side's first international victory in four months, kept alive Team China's hopes of making the 2026 tournament and offered Chinese fans a rare reason to celebrate following years of struggle supporting their underachieving national squad.为了实现足球改革的重大目标,中国男足继2002年首次参加世界杯后,全力以赴争取世界杯参赛资格。3月26日,中国队在亚洲区预选赛主场4比1战胜新加坡队,这是国足四个月来首场国际比赛胜利,保住了进军2026年世界杯的希望,难得地振奋了粉丝信心。但在过去,由于国家足球队成绩不佳,这种希望总是很微薄。"We've supported the national team through ups and downs without regret. We hope all the efforts will eventually pay off," said He Sheng, a die-hard fan and a volunteer referee with a level two national certificate, after watching the match in Tianjin.铁杆球迷、国家二级证书志愿裁判何升在天津观看完比赛后说道:虽然风风雨雨,但我们一直支持国足,并且无怨无悔。希望所有人的努力都能得到回报”。CFACourt of Final Appeal终审法院public supervision system公众监督制度disciplinary violation违纪行为