英语新闻丨'Status quo' Taiwan remarks draw rebuke

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A spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in the United States said on Monday that "Taiwan independence" is a dead end and would only bring disaster to the people in the Taiwan region, and that any attempt to justify separatist moves under the pretext of "democracy" is doomed to failure.2024年1月22日,中国驻美大使馆发言人表示,“台独”是一条死胡同,只会给台湾地区人民带来灾难,任何以“民主”为借口为分裂活动辩护的企图都注定要失败。In an opinion piece published in USA Today on Jan 14, and in an interview with The Associated Press on Jan 18, the representative of the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States" highlighted the "democracy versus authoritarianism" rhetoric, advocated the maintenance of the cross-Strait "status quo", and claimed that Taiwan will continue to strengthen its security and economic ties with the US.“台北驻美经济文化代表处”代表在1月14日《今日美国》发表的评论文章和1月18日接受美联社采访时,发表“民主对抗专制”的言论,主张维持两岸“现状”,并声称台湾将继续加强与美国的安全和经济联系。"The remarks are misleading and have distorted the truth," the embassy spokesperson said in a statement. "The Taiwan question has nothing to do with democracy, but bears on China's sovereignty and territorial integrity."中方大使馆发言人在一份声明中表示:“这些言论具有误导性,歪曲了事实。台湾问题与民主无关,而是关中国主权和领土完整。”When it comes to "democracy", the "sincere desire and firm will" of the 1.4 billion Chinese people for national reunification is the true and greatest democracy, the spokesperson said.中方表示,谈及“民主”,14亿中国人民对国家统一的“真诚愿望和坚定意志”是真正的、最伟大的民主。The spokesperson said that by using "democracy" as a pretext, the "Taiwan independence" forces are trying to stoke confrontation and antagonism across the Taiwan Strait, justify their provocative moves in pushing forward separatism, and cover up their hidden agenda of splitting the country apart.中方表示表示,“台独”势力以“民主”为挡箭牌,企图挑起台海两岸的对抗和对立,为其推进分裂主义的挑衅行径正名,掩盖其分裂国家的不可告人的目的。"But such attempts are doomed to failure," the statement said.中方强调:“这样的尝试注定要失败。”Echoing a Foreign Ministry comment on the result of the election in the Taiwan region on Jan 13, the spokesperson said the result cannot change the dynamics and direction of cross-Strait relations.外交部发言人回应了有关1月13日台湾地区选举结果的评论,称选举结果不会改变两岸关系的动态和方向。Nor can it hold back the prevailing trend that China will and must achieve reunification, the spokesperson added.中方发言人补充说,台湾地区选举结果也不能阻挡中国将会而且必须实现统一的大势。In terms of the status quo of the Taiwan question, the spokesperson said there is but one China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and the government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China.关于台湾问题的现状,中方发言人表示,世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分,中华人民共和国政府是代表全中国的唯一合法政府。The spokesperson further noted that Taiwan's return to China is a component of the post-World War II international order, and the one-China principle is a universally recognized basic norm governing international relations with China and a prevailing international consensus.中方发言人进一步指出,台湾回归中国是第二次世界大战后国际秩序的组成部分,一个中国原则是公认的对华国际关系基本准则,也是普遍的国际共识。"Facts have proved that the 'Taiwan independence' forces and external forces colluding with them are the root causes of cross-Strait tensions in recent years and the fundamental threat to peace and stability across the Strait," the spokesperson said.中方发言人说:“事实证明,‘台独’势力及其勾结的外部势力是近年来两岸关系紧张的根源,是对两岸和平稳定的根本威胁。” The statement also said that whoever pushes for "Taiwan independence" will be splitting Chinese territory and will surely be judged harshly by history and law, and whoever goes against the one-China principle will be interfering in China's internal affairs and violating China's sovereignty, and will surely be opposed by the Chinese people and the international community.中方声明,凡是支持“台独”的人都正在分裂中国主权,都会受到历史和法律的审判;凡是反对一个中国原则的人都在干涉中国内政、挑战中国主权,站在中国人民和国际社会的对立面。No one should "underestimate the determination, resolve and capability of the Chinese people in safeguarding our sovereignty and territorial integrity", the statement added.中方强调,任何人都不应“低估中国人民维护国家主权和领土完整的决心、决心和能力”。Sovereigntyn. 主权harshlyv.严厉地;刺耳地;粗糙地