英语新闻丨Steps set to ensure stability of growth

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China will focus on ensuring stability in growth, employment and prices, in order to keep major economic indicators within a proper range, further stabilize and sustain economic development, and secure a good beginning for economic performance next year, according to decisions made on Tuesday at a State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang.国务院总理李克强20日主持召开国务院常务会议,指出要突出做好稳增长、稳就业、稳物价工作,保持经济运行在合理区间,促进经济进一步回稳向好、实现明年好的开局。The meeting pointed out that although the economy has sustained the momentum of recovery and stable growth, its foundation is not solid. It is imperative to implement the decisions of the recent Central Economic Work Conference and better coordinate COVID-19 response with economic and social development.会议指出,当前经济恢复和回稳,但基础还不牢固。要落实中央经济工作会议精神,更好统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展。"This year, in the face of shocks from factors beyond expectation, we have managed to keep employment, prices and the overall economic performance stable, which is no easy feat," Li said, adding that "major economic indicators are on the whole kept within a proper range".李克强指出,面对一系列超预期因素冲击,今年稳就业稳物价、稳住经济大盘工作成果极为不易,主要经济指标保持运行在合理区间。The meeting noted that there is still room for bringing out the effects of the policy package for stabilizing the economy and its follow-up policies, especially construction of key projects and equipment upgrading and renovation.会议指出,稳经济一揽子政策和接续措施仍有释放效应空间,特别是在重大项目建设和设备更新改造方面。"The effective work we do now will help maintain stable growth next year," Li said. "It is crucial to seize the window of opportunity and maintain high vigilance. We have been improving COVID response measures, and as the situation in different localities varies, it is important to effectively implement policy measures in light of local conditions, and remove barriers and bottlenecks as needed."李克强表示,现在工作做好了对明年稳增长也会起更多成效,要抓住时间窗口,狠抓政策落实。随着优化调整疫情防控措施的有序推进落实,由于各地情况不同,有关部门要再次督导地方落实稳经济一揽子政策措施。It is also imperative to remain firmly committed to consolidating and developing the public sector, and to encouraging, supporting and guiding the development of the nonpublic sector, in order to shore up the confidence of private enterprises and support their greater development, the meeting decided.会议指出,必须毫不动摇巩固和发展公有制经济,鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展,以支持民营企业提振信心、更好发展。In addition, the sound and sustained development of the platform economy will be supported. Efforts will be made to promote the orderly recovery of consumption of services in light of actual conditions.此外,还将支持平台经济健康持续发展,结合实际促进服务消费有序恢复。The 16 financial policies aimed at meeting people's basic housing needs and their wish to improve housing conditions, ensuring the delivery of pre-sold homes and supporting financing for the real estate sector, among others, will be implemented. Maximum convenience will be provided for foreign trade and investment negotiations.落实支持刚性和改善性住房需求、保交楼和房企融资等16条金融政策。为国际贸易投资洽谈提供最大程度便利。The meeting noted that China has maintained price stability this year against high global inflation. As New Year's Day and Spring Festival approach, it is imperative to ensure the supply of daily necessities and keep their prices stable.会议指出,在全球高通胀背景下,今年我国物价保持平稳。元旦春节临近,要继续抓好生活品保供稳价。Furthermore, solid efforts will be made to meet people's needs for anti-COVID-19 and medical supplies, and relevant enterprises will be supported in bringing production to full capacity. In addition, international cooperation will be enhanced, and urgently needed supplies will be imported as appropriate.此外,要切实保障群众防疫和医疗物资需求,支持相关企业开足马力生产,并加强国际合作,合理进口急需品。The meeting noted that 12 million new urban jobs have been created this year. However, keeping employment stable still faces pressure, and more solid work is needed to maintain job stability and meet people's basic needs.会议指出,今年新增城镇就业1200万人,但当前稳就业压力依然较大,要进一步抓实稳就业保民生。Policies to help enterprises overcome difficulties and stabilize and increase jobs must be implemented to good effect, the meeting decided. Concrete efforts will be made to help college graduates find jobs. Wage arrears for migrant workers will be redressed, and assistance will be provided to help them return to work on time after the holidays.会议指出,要突出保市场主体稳就业,落实好助企纾困、稳岗拓岗各项举措。扎实做好大学毕业生就业工作。集中整治拖欠农民工工资问题,帮助农民工节后及时返岗。Temporary assistance will be provided to people facing difficulties due to COVID-19, with priority given to those in emergency situations. Solid work will be done to secure the basic living needs of disaster-stricken populations.对因疫困难群众予以临时救助,情况紧急的先行救助,切实保障受灾困难群众基本生活。Coordinate英 [kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪt]  美 [koʊˈɔːrdɪneɪt]v. 协调Indicator英 [ˈɪndɪkeɪtə(r)]  美 [ˈɪndɪkeɪtər]n. 指标Arrear 英 [əˈrɪə]  美 [əˈrɪr]n. 欠款