英语新闻丨'Strategic competition' seen as 'reckless gamble'!

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Foreign Minister Qin Gang said on Tuesday that the United States defining its relations with China as "strategic competition" is "a reckless gamble with the stakes being the fundamental interests of the two peoples and even the future of humanity", and the "competition" will get the two countries locked in a zero-sum game.3月7日,外交部长秦刚表示,美国将对华关系定义为“战略竞争”是“一场以两国人民根本利益乃至人类前途命运为赌注的豪赌”,这种“竞争”将使两国陷入零和博弈。Speaking at a news conference in Beijing on the sidelines of the ongoing first session of the 14th National People's Congress, China's top legislature, Qin said this so-called competition aims to contain and suppress China in all respects, and "that is not fair competition but malicious confrontation".秦刚在中国最高立法机构第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议的新闻发布会上表示,美方的所谓“竞争”,就是全方位遏制打压,“这不是公平竞争,而是恶意对抗”。He urged the US government to get rid of its strategic anxiety of "threat inflation", abandon the zero-sum Cold War mentality, refuse to be hijacked by "political correctness", honor its commitments and work with China to explore the right way to get along with each other.他敦促美国政府消除“威胁膨胀”的战略焦虑,摒弃零和博弈的冷战思维,拒绝“政治正确”的无端绑架,兑现承诺,与中方共同探索出既有利于两国又造福世界的中美正确相处之道。"If the United States does not hit the brake but continues to speed down the wrong path, no amount of guardrails can prevent derailing and there will surely be conflict and confrontation," he said.他说:“如果美方不踩刹车,继续沿着错误道路狂飙下去,再多的护栏也挡不住脱轨翻车,必然陷入冲突对抗。”Qin's remarks came as China-US relationship is now mired in an abnormal climate and faces increasing challenges due to Washington's consistent attempts to suppress China in the economic and technological fields, and undermine the nation's sovereignty, security and development interests.秦刚发表上述言论之际,中美关系正陷入一个异常气候,由于美方一直试图在经济和技术领域压制中国,损害国家主权、安全和发展利益,中美关系面临越来越多的挑战。On March 1, the US House of Representatives' Foreign Affairs Committee voted to give US President Joe Biden the power to ban TikTok, a Chinese-owned short video platform. Recently, the US Department of Commerce has added new Chinese entities to its trade blacklist, including units of biotech company BGI and cloud computing company Inspur.3月1日,美国众议院外交事务委员会投票赋予美国总统拜登禁止中国短视频平台抖音的权力。最近,美国商务部将新的中国实体列入贸易黑名单,包括生物技术公司华大基因(BGI)和云计算公司浪潮(Inspur)的子公司。"If the US has the ambition to make itself great again, it should also have a broad mind for the development of other countries," Qin said, adding that containing and suppressing China will not make the US great and it will not stop the rejuvenation of China.秦刚说:“美国有让美国再次伟大的豪情,也要有容得下别国发展的雅量”他还补充说,遏制打压不会让美国变得伟大,更阻挡不了中国迈向复兴的步伐。China-US relations should be determined by the common interests and shared responsibilities of the two countries and by friendship between the Chinese and American peoples, rather than by US domestic politics or hysterical neo-McCarthyism, he added.他表示,决定中美关系的,应该是两国的共同利益、共同责任和两国人民的友谊,而不是美国的国内政治和歇斯底里的新麦卡锡主义。At the news conference, Qin reiterated that the Taiwan question is at the very core of China's core interests, is the bedrock of the political foundation of China-US relations and the first red line that must not be crossed in China-US relations.秦刚在记者会上重申,台湾问题是中国核心利益中的核心,是中美关系政治基础中的基础,是中美关系第一条不可跨越的红线。He urged Washington to stop containing China by exploiting the Taiwan question, return to the original meaning of the one-China principle, honor its political commitments to China and unequivocally oppose and forestall "Taiwan independence".他敦促美国停止利用台湾问题遏制中国,回归一个中国原则的本源本义,恪守对中国作出的政治承诺,明确反对和制止“台独”。The US has constantly played the "Taiwan card" in recent years to challenge China's core interests by developing official exchanges with Taiwan and selling more advanced and sophisticated arms to the island.近年来,美国不断打“台湾牌”,通过发展与台湾的官方往来,向台湾出售更多先进先进的武器,挑战中国的核心利益。Disregarding China's strong opposition, US politicians, including then US House speaker Nancy Pelosi, visited Taiwan last year. On March 1, the US State Department approved potential sales of new weapons worth $619 million to the island, a move that violates the three China-US joint communiques, especially the August 17 Communique.去年,包括时任美国众议院议长佩洛西在内的美国政界人士不顾中方强烈反对访问台湾。3月1日,美国国务院批准向台湾出售价值6.19亿美元的新型武器,此举违反中美三个联合公报,特别是“8·17”公报规定。Qin warned that the US' mishandling of the Taiwan question will shake the foundation of China-US relations. Resolving the Taiwan question is China's domestic affair, and no other country has the right to interfere in it, he added.秦刚警告说,台湾问题处理不好,中美关系地动山摇。解决台湾问题是中国人自己的事,任何外国都无权干涉。The foreign minister criticized the US' "Indo-Pacific strategy", saying that it seeks to gang up to form exclusive blocs. In fact, this "strategy" provokes confrontation, seeks to create an Asia-Pacific version of NATO and undermines regional integration, he said.外交部长批评了美国的“印太战略”,称其试图结成排他性集团。秦刚说,事实上,这种“战略”会挑起对抗,试图建立一个亚太版的北约,破坏区域一体化进程。The US claim to "shape the strategic environment in which China operates" actually reveals that the real purpose of its "Indo-Pacific strategy" is to encircle China, he said. Such an attempt will only disrupt the ASEAN-centered, open and inclusive regional cooperation architecture and undermine the overall and long-term interests of regional countries, and it is bound to fail, he added.秦刚说,美国公开声称要“塑造中国周边战略环境”,这恰恰暴露了“印太战略”围堵中国的真实目的,其最终结果只会冲击以东盟为中心开放包容的地区合作架构,损害地区国家的整体和长远利益,注定走不远、行不通。Regarding the Ukraine crisis, Qin said it is a tragedy that could have been avoided. There seems to be "an invisible hand" pushing for the protraction and escalation of the conflict and using the crisis to serve a certain geopolitical agenda, he added.关于乌克兰危机,秦刚说,这是一场本来可以避免的悲剧。他补充说,似乎有只“看不见的手”推动冲突延宕升级,试图以乌克兰危机来服务某种地缘政治图谋。Qin reiterated China's position on the Ukraine crisis, saying that China chooses peace over war, dialogue over sanctions and cooling down the situation over fueling the fire.秦刚重申了中方在乌克兰危机上的立场,表示中方在和平和战争之间,选择和平;在对话和制裁之间,选择对话;在降温和拱火之间,选择降温。He said that China is not a party to the crisis and has not provided weapons to either side. The core of China's position on the Ukraine crisis is to facilitate peace talks, he said.中国既不是危机的制造者,又不是危机的当事方,也没有向冲突的任何一方提供武器。中方在乌克兰危机问题上的核心立场是劝和促谈。Noting that conflict, sanctions and pressure will not solve the problem, Qin called for calmness, reason and dialogue to resolve the crisis. "The process of peace talks should begin as soon as possible. And the legitimate security concerns of all parties should be respected. This is the right way to achieve durable security in Europe".秦刚指出,冲突、制裁和施压并不能解决问题,他呼吁冷静、理性和对话来解决危机。他说:“和谈进程应尽快开启,各方合理安全关切都应得到尊重,从而找到实现欧洲长治久安之策。”Malicious英 [məˈlɪʃəs]   美  [məˈlɪʃəs]adj. 恶意的protraction英 [prəˈtrækʃ(ə)n]   美  [proʊˈtrækʃn]n. 延长