英语新闻丨Strikes on Israel raise concerns

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The Foreign Ministry said in an online statement on Sunday that Beijing has expressed deep concern over the situation in the Middle East following Iran's drone and missile strikes on Israel, and has called for relevant parties to exercise calm and restraint to prevent further escalation of tension.2024年4月14日,外交部在线上发布一则声明表示,中方对伊朗无人机和导弹袭击以色列后中东局势深表关切,呼吁有关各方保持冷静和克制,防止紧张局势进一步升级。The strikes, which started late Saturday, were in retaliation for an airstrike on April 1 that hit an Iranian diplomatic building in the Syrian capital of Damascus, killing at least one senior figure in Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and several other officers.这场空袭从13日晚间开始,是对4月1日伊朗在叙利亚首都大马士革的一座外交大楼发动的空袭的报复。那次空袭造成伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队至少一名高级官员和其他几名军官死亡。Noting that the situation is the latest increase in hostilities related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza, the ministry said that there should be no more delays in implementing United Nations Security Council Resolution 2728, which calls for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza.外交部指出,这种情况是与加沙地带的巴以冲突有关的敌对行动的最新增加,外交部说,在执行联合国安理会第2728号决议方面不应再拖延,该决议要求在加沙地带立即停火。Beijing called on the international community, especially countries with influence, to play a constructive role in maintaining peace and stability in the region, the ministry added.外交部补充说,中方呼吁国际社会,特别是有影响力的国家,在维护该地区的和平与稳定方面发挥建设性作用。The Israel Defense Forces said on its X social media account that its multilayered Aerial Defense Array system, "together with Israel's strategic allies", successfully intercepted the majority of the missiles and drones before they crossed into Israeli territory, where small hits were identified, including at an IDF base in southern Israel.以色列国防军在其社交媒体账户X上表示,其多层防空阵列系统“与以色列的战略盟友一起”成功拦截了大部分导弹和无人机,然后才进入以色列领土,在那里发现了小型袭击,包括以色列南部的一个以色列国防军基地。Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said that Israeli military targets were hit.伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队称以色列军事目标被击中。After the launches, Iran's mission to the UN said on its X social media account that Iran's military action was "conducted on the strength of Article 51 of the United Nations Charter" pertaining to legitimate defense, in response to "the Zionist regime's aggression against our diplomatic premises in Damascus".在导弹发射后,伊朗驻联合国代表团在其社交媒体账户X上表示,伊朗的军事行动是“根据《联合国宪章》第51条”进行的,该条款涉及合法防御,是对“犹太复国主义政权对我们在大马士革的外交场所的侵略”的回应。"The matter can be deemed concluded," it said.“此事可以视为已经结束。”Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz, in an interview with Israeli Army Radio, said: "We said that if Iran attacks Israel, we will attack it back and this is still effective. We need to deepen our cooperation with our allies. I will lead a political attack against Iran."以色列外交部长以色列·卡茨在接受以色列陆军电台采访时说:“我们说过,如果伊朗攻击以色列,我们将予以还击,这仍然有效。我们需要深化与盟国的合作。我将领导对伊朗的政治攻击。”Israeli media quoted Immigration Minister Ofir Sofer as telling Army Radio that "Iran's audacity in such an attack must be erased".以色列媒体援引移民部长奥菲尔·索弗对陆军电台的讲话称,“伊朗在这种袭击中的胆大妄为必须被抹去”。Iran's mission to the UN warned that "should the Israeli regime make another mistake, Iran's response will be considerably more severe. It is a conflict between Iran and the rogue Israeli regime, from which the US must stay away".伊朗驻联合国代表团警告称:“如果以色列政权再犯错误,伊朗的反应将会严重得多。这是伊朗和流氓以色列政权之间的冲突,美国必须置身事外。”In a statement, United States President Joe Biden praised US forces, which he said "helped Israel take down nearly all" the drones and missiles. Biden also condemned the attacks, and was joined by French President Emmanuel Macron and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.在一份声明中,美国总统乔·拜登赞扬了美国军队,他说美国军队“帮助以色列击落了几乎所有的”无人机和导弹。拜登也谴责了袭击事件,法国总统马克龙和西班牙首相桑切斯也加入了谴责行列。Iran's UN mission said, "Iran's invocation of Article 51 of the UN Charter occurred following a 13-day period marked by the Security Council's inaction and silence, coupled with its failure to condemn the Israeli regime's aggressions."伊朗驻联合国代表团表示,“在安理会13天的无所作为和沉默,加上未能谴责以色列政权的侵略行为之后,伊朗援引了《联合国宪章》第51条。”"Certain countries' precipitous condemnation of Iran's exercise of its legitimate right suggests a reversal of roles, equating the victim with the criminal," it added. “某些国家对伊朗行使合法权利的突然谴责表明了角色的逆转,将受害者等同于罪犯。”The UN Security Council said it had scheduled an open emergency meeting under the agenda item "the situation in the Middle East" to consider the drone and missile attacks by Iran on Israel, according to Vanessa Frazier, permanent representative of Malta to the UN.马耳他常驻联合国代表瓦妮莎•弗雷泽说,联合国安理会表示,已安排在议程项目“中东局势”下召开一次公开紧急会议,审议伊朗对以色列的无人机和导弹袭击。The increase in tensions also prompted Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Israel and even Iran to temporarily close their airspace after reports of interference with the GPS navigation system, Al Jazeera reported.据半岛电视台报道,紧张局势的加剧还促使约旦、伊拉克、黎巴嫩、以色列,甚至伊朗在受到GPS导航系统干扰的报道后,暂时关闭了领空。Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi, secretary general of the Gulf Cooperation Council, said in a statement that all relevant parties should commit to upholding regional and global security and peace in the Middle East, the Saudi Press Agency reported.据沙特通讯社报道,海湾合作委员会秘书长贾西姆·穆罕默德·阿尔布达维在一份声明中表示,所有有关各方都应致力于维护中东地区和全球的安全与和平。He urged all parties involved to exercise maximum self-restraint to prevent further escalation that could threaten regional stability and the safety of civilians.他敦促有关各方保持最大限度的自我克制,防止可能威胁地区稳定和平民安全的进一步升级。The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia expressed deep concern over the developments in the region and called for all parties to exercise maximum restraint "and to protect the region and its people from the dangers of war".沙特阿拉伯外交部对该地区的事态发展深表关切,并呼吁各方保持最大限度的克制,以“保护该地区及其人民免受战争危险”Ali Khansari, an international affairs analyst and graduate of regional studies at Allameh Tabataba'i University in Teheran, told China Daily that Iran's strikes on Israeli military facilities were "unprecedented".毕业于德黑兰阿拉梅大学区域研究专业的国际事务分析师阿里·汉萨里告诉《中国日报》,伊朗对以色列军事设施的袭击是“前所未有的”。"It can be said that Iran's military action was not an attack but a response to Israel's actions to prevent future Israeli attacks. Iranian authorities consider it a punishment, not a military attack," said Khansari.Khansari also noted that the military action "occurred at a time when Israel and its allies were on high military, security and intelligence alert, indicating that Iran's attack was not a surprise action and that Israel was fully prepared when attacked".汉萨里还指出:“可以说,伊朗的军事行动不是袭击,而是对以色列行动的回应,以防止以色列未来的袭击。伊朗当局认为这是一种惩罚,而不是军事攻击。军事行动发生在以色列及其盟友的军事、安全和情报高度戒备的时候,这表明伊朗的袭击不是一次意外行动,以色列在受到袭击时已经做好了充分准备”。Israeli-Palestinian conflict巴以冲突social media account社会媒体帐户