英语新闻丨"Taiwan independence" incompatible with cross-Strait peace

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Lai Ching-te has sent a dangerous signal of seeking "Taiwan independence" and making provocations to undermine cross-Strait peace and stability in his speech after assuming the role of the Taiwan region's new leader on Monday, a Chinese mainland spokesperson said.中国大陆发言人表示,赖清德在2024年5月20日就任台湾地区新领导人后的讲话中发出了寻求“台独”的危险信号,并进行了破坏两岸和平与稳定的挑衅。Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, said that Lai's speech wantonly advocated separatism, incited cross-Strait confrontation and sought "independence" by relying on foreign support and by force.国务院台湾事务办公室发言人陈斌华表示,赖清德的讲话是在大肆鼓吹分裂主义,煽动两岸对抗,依靠外国支持和武力谋求“台独”。"The mainstream public aspiration on the island is to pursue peace over war, development over decline, communication over separation and cooperation over confrontation," Chen said, adding that Lai has ignored public opinion, exposing his nature of being a "'Taiwan independence' worker". Lai, 64, once described himself as a "pragmatic worker for 'Taiwan independence'".陈斌华表示,赖清德无视民意,暴露了他是“台独”工作者的本质。“台湾民众的主流愿望是要和平不要战争,要发展不要衰落,要沟通不要分离,要合作不要对抗,” 赖清德曾形容自己是“台独的务实工作者”。Chen said the current complex situation across the Taiwan Strait is rooted in the fact that the Democratic Progressive Party stubbornly clings to a separatist stance of "Taiwan independence", refuses to acknowledge the 1992 Consensus that embodies the one-China principle, and colludes with external forces to continuously provoke separatist activities.陈斌华表示,当前海峡两岸的复杂局面,根源在于民进党顽固坚持“台独”分裂立场,拒不承认体现一个中国原则的“九二共识”,勾连外部势力不断挑起分裂活动。Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, the spokesman said, emphasizing that "Taiwan independence" and peace across the Strait are as incompatible as fire and water.台湾是中国不可分割的一部分,“台独”与两岸和平是水火不容的。No matter how the situation on the island changes, no matter who is in power, it cannot alter the fact that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China, nor can it impede the historical trend of national reunification, Chen said.无论岛内局势如何变化,无论谁执政,都改变不了两岸同属一个中国的事实,也阻挡不了国家统一的历史潮流。"We have firm determination to resolve the Taiwan question and realize national reunification; we have strong capabilities to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity; and we will take resolute actions to fight separatist activities seeking 'Taiwan independence' and external interference," he said.“我们解决台湾问题、实现祖国统一的决心坚定不移;我们有维护国家主权和领土完整的强大能力;我们将坚决打击‘台独’分裂活动和外部干涉。”The mainland will work together with Taiwan compatriots to promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and cross-Strait integrated development, and resolutely advance the reunification of the motherland, he added.大陆将与台湾同胞共同努力,推动两岸关系和平发展和两岸融合发展,坚决推进祖国统一大业。Referring to Lai's speech, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Monday that the one-China principle is the solid anchor for peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and anyone who attempts to challenge the principle will ultimately fail.5月20日,外交部长王毅在谈到赖的讲话时表示,一个中国原则是台海和平与稳定的坚实支柱,任何人试图挑战这一原则都将最终失败。Wang made the remarks during the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan.王毅是在哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳举行的上海合作组织外长会议上发表上述讲话的。Recently, political leaders and people from all walks of life in many countries, including SCO member states, have voiced their support for China's just cause of opposing "Taiwan independence" and achieving national reunification, which once again shows that the international community's adherence to the one-China principle is unshakable, Wang said.最近,包括上合组织成员国在内的许多国家的政治领导人和各界人士纷纷表示支持中国反对“台独”、实现国家统一的正义事业,这再次表明国际社会坚持一个中国原则的立场是不可动摇的。The separatist activities of "Taiwan independence" forces constitute the most serious challenge to the international order and threaten the most severe damage to cross-Strait peace, he said.“台独”分裂活动是对国际秩序的最严重挑战,是对两岸和平的最严重威胁。Emphasizing that the Taiwan question is China's internal affair, Wang said that realizing China's complete reunification is a shared aspiration of all Chinese people, and also a historical trend that cannot be stopped.台湾问题是中国的内政,实现祖国完全统一是全体中国人民的共同愿望,也是不可阻挡的历史潮流。Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Monday that a few politicians from certain countries are engaged in political manipulation and "personal shows" on the Taiwan question, severely interfering in China's internal affairs and violating the one-China principle.外交部发言人汪文斌表示,个别国家的少数政客在台湾问题上进行政治操纵和“个人秀”,严重干涉中国内政,违反一个中国原则。China strongly condemns such moves and will take all necessary measures to firmly uphold national sovereignty and territorial integrity, he said, adding that external forces interfering in China's internal affairs and using Taiwan to contain China are destined to fail.中国强烈谴责这种做法,并将采取一切必要措施坚决维护国家主权和领土完整。外部势力干涉中国内政,利用台湾遏制中国是注定要失败的。The righteous cause of the Chinese people opposing "Taiwan independence" separatism and striving for national reunification will receive widespread understanding and support from the international community, he added.中国人民反对“台独”分裂、争取祖国统一的正义事业,必将得到国际社会的广泛理解和支持。international community国际社会one-China principle“一个中国”原则