英语新闻丨TikTok becomes political football, again

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FBI director Christopher Wray said in a US Senate hearing on Wednesday that TikTok "is a tool that is ultimately within the control of the Chinese government — and it, to me, it screams out with national security concerns".3月8日,美国联邦调查局局长克里斯托弗·雷在美国参议院听证会上说道,TikTok "是一个最终由中国政府控制的工具,对我来说,它在和国家安全问题叫板"。In the same hearing, the director of the US Central Intelligence Agency, William Burns, claimed that the agency's future will be defined by the United States' ongoing technology race with China.在同一听证会上,美国中央情报局局长威廉伯恩斯声称,该机构的未来将取决于美国与中国正在进行的技术竞赛。The remarks followed the release of the Annual Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community, which pointed to alleged Chinese cyber surveillance as the biggest national security threat.此前,美国情报界发布了年度威胁评估,称中国网络监视活动是美国国家安全面临的最大威胁。There is no evidence TikTok is collecting the personal data of users for the Chinese government. Yet on March 5, US-based Business Insider reported that data collected by online pharmacies, as well as social media posts, and message and search logs, were being provided to prosecute women seeking abortions or abortion-inducing medication, a direct result of the overturning of the ruling in the Roe versus Wade case in June 2022. Guess where their data come from — not TikTok. It is Google and Facebook that are providing the data.没有证据显示中国政府从TikTok处获取用户数据,然而,3月5日,美国《商业内幕》网站报道称,网络药店收集的数据、社交媒体帖子、信息和搜索日志被用于起诉寻求堕胎或堕胎药物的女性,是2022年6月罗伊诉韦德案裁决被推翻的直接结果。猜猜他们的数据来自哪里——不是抖音,而是谷歌和Facebook。And it is not just the US spook establishment that sees a red menace in the popular video-sharing app. The White House backed a bill introduced on Tuesday by a dozen senators to give President Joe Biden's administration new powers to ban TikTok and other foreign-based technologies if they are considered to pose a national security threat.不仅是美国情报机构在这款流行的视频分享应用中看到了红色威胁。白宫支持12名参议员在3月7日提出的一项法案,该法案赋予了拜登总统政府新的权力,如果认为TikTok和其他外国技术对国家安全构成了威胁,则可以禁止这些技术。The Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology (RESTRICT) Act is intended to "comprehensively address the ongoing threat posed by technology from foreign adversaries, such as TikTok", claim its sponsors.该法案的发起人声称,《限制信息和通信技术安全威胁的出现》(RESTRICT)法案旨在“全面应对来自外国对手的持续技术威胁,比如抖音。”To call TikTok an adversary is ridiculous. As is Wray's claim that TikTok could drive narratives to divide US people over the Taiwan question. As if that is something that concerns the majority of the US public. US society is certainly divided but that is because of wealth gaps, racism and other domestic blights, including the bitter feuding within Congress where TikTok and other alleged Chinese security threats are merely political footballs.将TikTok称为对手非常荒谬。正如Wray所说,TikTok可能会在台湾问题上分化美国人民,这好像是大多数美国公众关心的事情。美国社会当然存在分歧,但这是因为贫富差距、种族主义和包括国会内部激烈争执在内的其他国内问题,其中TikTok和所谓的中国安全威胁只是政治足球。On Feb 28, commenting on the US government's ban on members of federal agencies having TikTok on their devices, the Foreign Ministry replied that the US government so lacks confidence that it even fears an app that young people like.2月28日,外交部就美国政府禁止联邦机构成员在其设备上安装TikTok发表评论称,美国政府缺乏信心,甚至对一款年轻人喜欢的应用感到恐惧。It should fear the ire of the public. As one comment posted in response to a Reuters tweet about the proposed ban on TikTok said, it is nothing but "politically motivated prejudice and discrimination" and millions of young American voters will teach the politicians a good lesson.他们应该害怕公众的愤怒。路透社(Reuters)就拟议禁止抖音发布推文后,一条评论回应称,这不过是“出于政治动机的偏见和歧视”,数百万美国年轻选民将给政客们一个很好的教训。Allege英 [əˈledʒ]        美 [əˈledʒ]v. 宣称Surveillance英 [sɜːˈveɪləns]   美 [sɜːrˈveɪləns]n.监督Ire英[ˈaɪə(r)]       美[aɪr]n.愤怒