英语新闻丨TikTok to challenge bill in US court

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TikTok, owned by Chinese tech company ByteDance, said it will go to court to challenge the legislation, which was signed by the United States President Joe Biden and requires ByteDance to sell its stake in the app or it will be blocked in the country.中国科技公司字节跳动旗下的TikTok表示将向法院提起诉讼,以挑战美国总统签署的一项法律,该法律要求字节跳动出售其在该应用中的股份,否则该应用将在美国被禁用。"This unconstitutional law is a TikTok ban, and we will challenge it in court. We believe the facts and the law are clearly on our side, and we will ultimately prevail. The fact is, we have invested billions of dollars to keep US data safe and our platform free from outside influence and manipulation," TikTok said in a statement on Wednesday night.“这项违宪的法律是TikTok禁令,我们将在法庭上对此提出挑战。我们相信事实和法律显然是站在我们这一边,最终我们将取得胜利。事实上,我们已经投入了数十亿美元来确保美国数据的安全,保护我们的平台远离外部影响和操纵,”TikTok在周三晚间的一份声明中说。"This ban would devastate 7 million businesses and silence 170 million Americans. As we continue to challenge this unconstitutional ban, we will continue investing and innovating to ensure TikTok remains a space where Americans of all walks of life can safely come to share their experiences, find joy, and be inspired," it added.“这项禁令将摧毁700万家企业,并使1.7亿美国人噤声。在我们继续挑战这项违宪禁令的同时,我们将继续投资和创新,以确保TikTok仍然是一个所有美国人都可以安全地分享他们的经验、找到快乐和灵感的空间,”声明补充道。The legislation signed by Biden gives ByteDance nine months to sell TikTok, with a possible three-month extension if a sale is in progress.拜登签署的法律给字节跳动 9个月的时间用来出售TikTok,如果出售正在进行,则有可能延长3个月。The US Senate passed legislation on Tuesday requiring the popular social media app TikTok to be divested from its Chinese parent company ByteDance or be shut out of the US market.美国参议院周二通过立法,要求热门社交媒体应用TikTok从其中国母公司字节跳动剥离,否则将被禁止进入美国市场。"Make no mistake, this is a ban. A ban on TikTok and a ban on you and your voice," TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew said in a two-minute video posted on the platform. "It's obviously a disappointing moment but it does not need to be a defining one," Chew said, adding "Rest assured, we aren't going anywhere."TikTok首席执行官周受资在平台上发布的一段两分钟视频中说,“毫无疑问,这是一项禁令。禁止TikTok,也禁止你和你的声音,”周受资还说,“这显然是一个令人失望的时刻,但这并不一定是一个决定性时刻,”并补充道,“请放心,我们不会离开。”"We are confident and we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. The facts and the US Constitution are on our side, and we expect to prevail again."“我们有信心,我们将继续在法庭上为你们的权利而战,事实和宪法都站在我们这一边,我们期待再次获胜。”