英语新闻丨最新公布!票房Top 10影片,你印象最深的是哪部?

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The Chinese film market has shown robust recovery momentum, with the total box office earnings for 2023 exceeding 54.91 billion yuan (over $7.75 billion).2023年,中国电影市场展现出强劲的复苏势头,总票房收入超过549.1亿元人民币(超过75亿美元)。The figure is lower than the record highs of over 60 billion yuan in 2019 and 2018, but close to the level in 2017, making it the fourth-highest annual box office in Chinese film history.2023年的总票房收入不敌2019年和2018年的水平,该两年总票房收入均超过600亿元人民币,为历史最高水平,但接近2017年水平,在中国电影年度票房排行榜上排名第四。Data released by the China Film Administration on Monday showed that nearly 1.3 billion tickets were sold throughout the year.国家电影局1月1日发布的数据显示,全年售出的电影票数量接近13亿张。Domestic productions have generated over 46 billion yuan in box office revenue, accounting for 83.77 percent of the national total.国产影片为总票房贡献了460.05亿元,占比为83.77%。The top 10 spots on the box office chart were dominated by domestic titles, with suspense comedy "Full River Red" ranking first, followed by sci-fi blockbuster "The Wandering Earth II" and crime drama "No More Bets" in the second and third place.票房排名前10位均为国产影片,悬疑喜剧《满江红》排名第一,其次是科幻大片《流浪地球II》和犯罪剧情片《孤注一掷》,分别排在第二和第三位。Zhi Feina, a professor with the Chinese National Academy of Arts, noted that domestic films this year saw a noticeable improvement in quality as they reflect traditional Chinese culture and real life, emotionally relating to the audience.中国艺术学院教授智飞娜指出,今年国产影片在质量上有明显提高,电影反映了传统的中国文化和真实生活,与观众产生情感共鸣。Looking back on the year, box office performance during key movie-going seasons stood out, including the Spring Festival and summer holidays.过去一年,电影在春节和暑假在内的关键档期表现出色。Over the past year, a good number of young Chinese filmmakers, actors, and screenwriters have emerged as an important force behind the growth of the industry.在过去的一年里,许多年轻的中国电影制片人、演员和编剧成为推动行业增长的重要力量。According to experts, their works have shown great promise and potential.专家表示,他们的作品展现出巨大的潜力和发展前景。Director Guo Fan and his team behind the smash hit "The Wandering Earth" franchise have worked tirelessly to put Chinese science fiction on the big screen. The team that produced the animated feature "Chang An" have worked to represent the life of the "Immortal Poet" Li Bai in the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The action movie "Born to Fly" offers a dramatic depiction of China's elite pilots testing new fighter jets.郭帆导演及其团队孜孜以求,推出了《流浪地球》系列影片,引起热烈反响,为银幕贡献了中国式科幻电影。动画电影《长安十二时辰》背后的主创团队力求再现唐代“诗仙”李白的生活。动作电影《长空之王》生动讲述了中国精英飞行员试飞新型战斗机的故事。"The stories are told in a relatable yet energetic way," commented one netizen.一位网友评论说:“这些电影能引起观众共鸣,同时又令人心潮澎湃。”"I can't wait to watch the next installation of 'The Wandering Earth,'" said another.另一位观众则表示:“想看下一部《流浪地球》,等不及啦!”As a medium for cultural exchange, the film industry has played a crucial role in promoting communication and mutual learning between various civilizations.作为文化交流的媒介,电影产业在促进各种文化的交流互鉴中,发挥着重要作用。Over the past year, imported blockbusters featuring diverse genres have enriched China's film market, while an array of domestic productions that "went global" have amazed foreign audiences with the charm of Chinese culture.过去一年里,我国引进了多种类型的国际大片,丰富了国内电影市场,而一系列“走出去”的国产电影,依托中国文化的魅力,惊艳了不少外国观众。The sci-fi hit "The Wandering Earth II" and the epic mythological masterpiece "Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms" hit the big screens in various countries.热门科幻电影《流浪地球II》和史诗神话巨制《封神第一部:朝歌风云》在海外多国上映。Domestic productions such as "Hidden Blade," "One and Only," and "Lost in the Stars" also graced overseas cinemas.包括《无名》、《热烈》和《消失的她》等在内的国产影片也亮相海外影院。In addition, China hosted Chinese film festivals or exhibitions in countries like Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, and Russia in 2023, enabling foreign filmmakers to understand Chinese films in-depth.此外,2023年中国在肯尼亚、南非、尼日利亚和俄罗斯等国举办了中国电影节或电影展,帮助外国制片人更加深入地了解中国电影。China unveiled the inaugural Golden Panda Awards last year, which honor global film, TV, documentary, and animation achievements, demonstrating efforts to expand cinematic exchanges between China and the rest of the world.金熊猫奖于去年首次颁,用于表彰全球电影、电视、纪录片和动画的成就,展示了我国在扩大国产和海外电影交流方面的努力。Relatable英/rɪˈleɪ.tə.bəl/ 美/rɪˈleɪ.t̬ə.bəl/adj. 能够引起共鸣的Golden Panda Awardsn. 金熊猫奖Box officen. 票房