英语新闻丨Top court eyes protection of consumers

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China's top court is conducting research on livestreaming and other issues related to new purchasing habits to strengthen consumer protection by formulating relevant judicial documents, a senior judge said.一位高级法官表示,中国最高法院正在研究直播和其他与新购买习惯相关的问题,通过制定相关司法文件来加强对消费者的保护。"Our research focuses on livestreaming sales, tipping livestreaming hosts, online booking and personal information protection of consumers," Chen Yifang, chief judge of the Supreme People's Court's No 1 Adjudication Tribunal, told a news briefing on Tuesday.2024年4月9日,最高人民法院第一审判庭庭长陈宜芳在新闻发布会上表示:“我们的研究重点是直播带货、主播打赏、在线预订和消费者个人信息保护。”She said that the research, as well as the formulation of related legal documents and the disclosure of influential cases, are consistent with the country's newly revised regulations concerning consumers.她说,这项研究,以及相关法律文件的制定,以及有影响力的案例的披露,都与国家新修订的有关消费者的规定相一致。The regulations for the Implementation of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests, unveiled by the State Council last month, will take effect on July 1.国务院于3月发布的《消费者权益保护法实施条例》将于7月1日起施行。With detailed provisions on obligations of business operators, the regulations respond to major concerns of consumers over the past few years, including those on livestreaming sales, prepaid consumption and personal data protection.该条例详细规定了经营者的义务,回应了过去几年消费者关注的主要问题,包括直播销售、预付费消费和个人数据保护。Chen said the top court is also optimizing adjudication rules related to prepaid consumption, such as how to terminate a contract, whether the refund needs to include interest, and consumer fraud, adding "our aim is to ensure business integrity and safeguard the legitimate rights of consumers."陈宜芳表示,最高法院也在优化与预付费消费相关的裁决规则,例如如何终止合同,退款是否需要包括利息,以及消费者欺诈,并补充说:“我们的目的是确保商业诚信,维护消费者的合法权益。”The country's top market regulator has pledged to tighten inspection of emerging businesses so that they can develop in a healthy manner.国家最高市场监管机构承诺加强对新兴企业的检查,以使它们能够健康发展。Kuang Xu, head of the State Administration for Market Regulation's law enforcement and inspection division, cited data from the past five years as showing that the market size of livestreaming sales increased by 10.5 times, but consumer complaints increased by 47.1 times, which was significantly higher than traditional e-commerce.国家市场监管总局执法稽查局局长况旭引用了过去五年的数据,显示直播销售的市场规模增长了10.5倍,但消费者投诉增加了47.1倍,明显高于传统电子商务。"Selling goods through livestreaming platforms has enriched and innovated our consumption patterns, but it has also made it more difficult for consumers to protect their rights and interests," he said, adding that it is essential to seek a balance in the development and norms of the business.他说:“通过直播平台销售商品丰富和创新了我们的消费模式,但也使消费者更难保护自己的权益。”他补充说,在商业发展和规范中寻求平衡至关重要。He welcomed the newly released regulations, as some provisions can also apply to emerging businesses such as livestreaming e-commerce.他对新发布的规定表示欢迎,因为一些规定也适用于直播电子商务等新兴业务。For example, the regulations stipulate that those who sell products or provide services through the internet, television or telephone must introduce their business content via the home page, video screen, voice call or catalog. The sales platforms also need to disclose to consumers the name, business address and contact information of sellers.例如,《条例》规定,通过互联网、电视或电话销售产品或提供服务的,必须通过主页、视频屏幕、语音呼叫或目录介绍其业务内容。销售平台还需要向消费者披露卖家的名称、营业地址和联系方式。"The provisions mean that operators engaged in livestreaming sales must inform consumers who are selling the products and what goods are being sold to ensure the transparency of the business information," Kuang said.况旭表示:“这些规定意味着,从事直播销售的运营商必须告知正在销售产品的消费者以及正在销售的商品,以确保商业信息的透明度。”The regulations also require livestreaming platforms to establish working systems to help solve consumption-related disputes, with notification of who operates the streaming rooms and who is responsible to consumers.该规定还要求直播平台建立工作制度,以帮助解决与消费相关的纠纷,并通知谁运营流媒体室,谁对消费者负责。Kuang added that the strict management of platforms will be conducive to standardizing livestreaming sales.况旭补充说,对平台的严格管理将有利于规范直播销售。e-commerce电子商务stipulate规定;保证