Top News丨China leads company count on Fortune Global 500 list

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Chinese companies have overtaken their United States counterparts in terms of number on this year's Fortune Global 500 list, which was unveiled on Wednesday and tracks the world's richest enterprises in terms of revenue.今年《财富》世界500强排行榜上,中国企业的数量已超过美国。该榜单于8月2日公布,以收入衡量全球最富有的企业。Industry experts said the list shows China's growing prowess in emerging sectors, such as new energy, on the global stage.行业专家表示,这份榜单显示了中国在新能源等新兴领域在全球舞台上不断增强的实力。A total of 142 Chinese companies, including those in Taiwan, made it to the annual list, marking the fifth consecutive year that Chinese companies topped the list in terms of number. The US and Japan followed with 136 and 41 enterprises, respectively.包括台湾企业在内,共有142家中国企业上榜,连续第五年中国企业数量位居榜首。美国和日本分别以136家和41家企业紧随其后。China's Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd—the world's largest electric vehicle battery maker—debuted on the list this year and ranked 292nd.全球最大的电动汽车电池制造商中国宁德时代新能源科技股份有限公司今年首次上榜,排名第292位。Another Chinese company, new energy vehicle manufacturer BYD, jumped 12 spots compared with last year to rank 212th.另一家中国企业新能源汽车制造商比亚迪较去年上升12位,排名第212位。In total, nine Chinese vehicle manufacturers have made it to the list, with most of them gaining ground with new energy vehicle technologies.共有9家中国汽车制造商上榜,其中大部分都凭借新能源汽车技术取得了进展。Wang Peng, a senior researcher at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, said this collective performance of Chinese companies demonstrated China's increasing international influence on the new energy sector. "China has gained momentum in NEV-related technologies and products in recent years," he said.北京市社会科学院高级研究员王鹏表示,中国企业的集体表现表明中国在新能源领域的国际影响力日益增强。他说:“近年来,中国在新能源汽车相关技术和产品方面取得了长足发展。”新能源汽车技术正在取得进展。Many Chinese NEV companies have taken the lead globally with their technological breakthroughs in the new energy sector, according to Wang. He said that given the country's huge market, "Chinese companies in the new energy sector are expected to have more presence on the global stage in the coming years".他表示,许多中国新能源汽车企业在新能源领域的技术突破已经走在了全球的前面。他表示,鉴于中国巨大的市场,“预计未来几年中国新能源领域的企业将在全球舞台上有更多的存在”。China sold about 6.89 million NEVs last year, an increase of more than 93 percent year-on-year, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.中国汽车工业协会的数据显示,去年中国新能源汽车销量约为689万辆,同比增长93%以上。A report released by market consultancy SNE Research last year showed that Chinese companies accounted for six of the top 10 NEV battery makers globally in terms of installation.韩国调研机构SNE Research去年发布的一份报告显示,全球装机量前10名的新能源汽车电池制造商中,中国企业占据了6席。However, Wang Zhile, a former senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said in a note that the ranks of many leading Chinese companies have declined this year, and the gap between their average profit and that of the other Fortune Global 500 companies has widened.不过,商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院研究员王志乐在报告中写道,今年许多中国龙头企业的排名有所下降,平均利润与其他《财富》杂志的差距也很大。世界500强企业规模不断扩大。The average profit of companies from the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong on the list is $3.9 billion, lower than the global average of $5.8 billion and US firms' $8 billion.中国内地和香港上榜企业的平均利润为39亿美元,低于全球平均水平58亿美元和美国企业的80亿美元。The COVID-19 pandemic and conflicts around the world have changed the global economy, and the global industrial chain has started to restructure, he said.他表示,新冠肺炎疫情和世界各地的冲突改变了全球经济,全球产业链开始重组。"These external factors have affected the development of Chinese companies to some extent. Big Chinese names still face some challenges in their high-quality development," he added.“这些外部因素在一定程度上影响了中国企业的发展,中国企业高质量发展仍面临一些挑战。”Vehicle英/ˈviːəkl/ 美/ˈviːək(ə)l/n.交通工具,车辆Enterprise英/ˈentəpraɪz/ 美/ˈentərpraɪz/,事业单位