Top News丨COVID wave on decline, say experts

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The recent wave of COVID-19 is now trending downward, with experts saying China's medical system and the public have coped with the fresh outbreak in an orderly and calm manner.新一波新冠疫情正呈现下降趋势,中国医疗系统和公众平稳有序应对近期疫情。Domestic infections occurred sporadically between February to early April, but began climbing in late April due to waning immunity among the population, according to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.中国疾病预防控制中心表示,今年2月至4月上旬全国新冠病毒感染疫情局部零星散发,由于人口免疫力下降,4月下旬开始逐步上升。In its latest weekly update on the COVID-19 situation released on Sunday, the China CDC said that rate of increase of daily infections had slowed since late May and the overall COVID-19 epidemic nationwide is declining.6月11日,中国疾病预防控制中心发布最新全国新型冠状病毒感染疫情情况。报告显示,自5月下旬以来,每日新冠病毒感染疫情上升趋势减缓,全国范围内疫情总体呈现下降趋势。"The numbers of fever clinic visits, severe cases and deaths in May were higher than those in April, but much lower than those recorded during the previous wave of the epidemic that peaked in late 2022," said the China CDC.中国疾病预防控制中心表示:“与4月相比,5月发热门诊就诊量、重症和死亡病例有所增加,但总体水平较低,远低于去年年底疫情高峰时的情况。”Last month, the mainland reported a total of 2,777 serious COVID-19 cases and 164 related deaths, including three resulting directly from COVID-19 and the remainder linked to a combination of the virus and underlying diseases, it added.5月,全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)及新疆生产建设兵团报告新增重症病例2777例、死亡病例164例,死亡病例中有3例直接由新冠肺炎引起,其余为基础疾病合并新冠病毒感染引起。The XBB strain, and its descendants, is currently the dominant strain on the mainland, with its percentage among total infections rising from around 85 percent in early May to 92.4 percent in late May.XBB系列变异株为目前主要的流行株,XBB及其亚分支的占比逐渐增加,从月初的85%,增长到月末的92.4%。Tong Zhaohui, vice-president of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, said during a group interview on May 29 that his hospital did not experience a surge in patients recently and it is capable of guaranteeing normal operation.5月29日,首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院副院长童朝晖在采访中表示,他所在的医院目前没有出现病人激增的情况,保持正常医疗秩序没问题。"Most reinfections have only exhibited mild symptoms and have recovered quickly, and few have suffered high fever," he said.童朝晖说:“大多数‘二阳’人群患者症状普遍较轻,患者恢复相对较快,较少出现持续高热的情况。”Zhang Wenhong, head of the infectious disease department at Fudan University's Huashan Hospital in Shanghai, said that the majority of infected patients during this wave of the outbreak suffered less severe symptoms than those infected during the previous wave. "Hospitals are able to handle them in a more effective manner, pushing down this wave's death rate to a very low level," he said during an interview with上海复旦大学附属华山医院感染科主任张文宏在接受澎湃新闻采访时表示,与第一波疫情相比,第二波疫情中绝大多数患者的症状更轻,医院能够以更有效的方式应对疫情,并将死亡率控制在较低的范围内。He said that with waning immunity and viral mutations, it is likely that more waves of the epidemic will occur in the future, but China's local governments, and medical and disease control systems have already stepped up their preparedness. "The virus is not expected to exert a major impact on social and economic activities and there is no need to overreact," he said.张文宏称,随着免疫力下降和病毒突变,未来可能会发生更多的疫情,但中国地方政府和疾控系统已经做好充足的准备,病毒将不会对社会和经济生活产生重大影响,各方没有必要过度反应。Lyu Yi a resident of Wuxi, Jiangsu province, said that her father started showing symptoms such as coughing and fever three weeks ago and went to hospital to receive intravenous injections and medication.江苏无锡居民吕易(音译)表示,她的父亲三周前开始出现咳嗽和发烧等症状,前往医院接受静脉注射和药物治疗。"The hospital seemed to be in a normal state and the drugs that my father needed were readily available," Lyu said.吕易说:“医院看起来运转正常,我很容易就买到了父亲需要的药物。”"It was the first time that he got infected, so we felt a little bit anxious at first," she said. "But seeing that some of my colleagues and friends had all recovered from the infection recently, I soon calmed down," she said.吕易说:“因为这是父亲第一次感染,所以我们一开始有点焦虑。但是当我看到同事和朋友都康复时,我马上就平静下来了。”Decline英 /dɪˈklaɪn/美 /dɪˈklaɪn/n. 下降Infection英 /ɪnˈfekʃn/美 /ɪnˈfekʃn/n. 〈医〉传染,感染Symptom英 /ˈsɪmptəm/美 /ˈsɪmptəm/n.症状