Top News丨Lessons seen in Ningxia blast

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The State Council, China's Cabinet, has told authorities across the country to draw lessons from the recent deadly explosion in a restaurant in the Ningxia Hui autonomous region and take effective measures to reduce safety risks.中国国务院已要求全国各地政府机关,要从宁夏回族自治区最近发生的餐厅爆炸事故中吸取教训,并采取有效措施,减少安全风险。Premier Li Qiang presided over a State Council executive meeting on Thursday to hear a report on further screening for major risks and hidden dangers in workplaces and improving relevant management work, according to a statement released after the meeting.6月29日,国务院总理李强主持召开国务院常务会议,听取进一步强化安全生产重大风险和事故隐患排查整治的汇报。An explosion ripped through a barbecue restaurant in Yinchuan, capital of Ningxia, on June 21. It caused heavy casualties, had a significant social impact and left a profound lesson, the meeting was told.会议指出,宁夏银川“6·21”特别重大燃气爆炸事故,人员伤亡多,社会影响大,教训极为深刻。The blast left 38 dead and seven injured. It occurred due to a leakage of liquefied petroleum gas, according to a preliminary investigation by the local government.根据当地政府初步调查,这起爆炸事故已造成38人死亡、7人受伤。爆炸是由液化石油气(液化气罐)泄漏引发的。The statement stressed that the important instructions and directives on workplace safety given by President Xi Jinping should be fully implemented, and actions should be rolled out to further investigate workplaces for major risks and hidden dangers and beef up rectification work.会议强调,要深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于安全生产的重要指示批示精神,进一步强化安全生产重大风险和事故隐患排查整治。On June 22, Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made an instruction urging more efforts to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.6月22日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平作出重要指示,敦促切实保障人民群众生命财产安全。All regions and related departments should screen for and rectify all types of risks and hidden dangers, Xi said.习近平指出,各地区和有关部门要盯紧苗头隐患,全面排查风险。Relevant departments should launch a campaign to promote workplace safety at an early date and enhance the safety overhaul of key sectors and industries, he added.他补充道,近期有关部门要开展一次安全生产风险专项整治,加强重点行业、重点领域安全监管。The statement from the State Council meeting said work should be carried out in a comprehensive manner to curb the occurrence of major and serious workplace safety accidents, and protect the safety of people's lives and property.国务院常务会议上指出,要抓实抓细工作落实,有效防范重特大生产安全事故发生,切实保障人民群众生命财产安全。In addition to problems with facilities, it said measures should also be rolled out to target management loopholes with intensified efforts to promote the public's safety awareness, strengthen accountability for workplace safety and beef up workers' competence in safety management.会上指出,既查设施设备环境“硬伤”,更补人为因素“软肋”,大力推动公众安全意识和从业人员安全责任、安全技能提升。The statement emphasized gas, construction and transportation as key sectors for safety management. While seizing the opportunity to address the current outstanding problems in these sectors, local authorities need to make efforts to reduce hazards at the root to avoid a repeat of such accidents.会上强调,要强化标本兼治,针对燃气、建筑施工、交通运输等重点行业领域,在抓紧解决当前突出问题的同时,从源头上降低安全风险,避免隐患常治常存、事故屡禁不止。It also stressed the necessity to eliminate lax law enforcement. Local grassroots authorities should also take greater responsibility to ensure that problems will not only be discovered, but also effectively addressed.要杜绝执法“宽松软虚”,切实把责任和压力传导到基层末梢,确保排查整治能够发现问题、解决问题、见到实效。Explosion英/ɪkˈspləʊʒ(ə)n/ 美/ɪkˈsploʊʒn/n.爆破,爆炸(声);Safety英/ˈseɪfti/美/ˈseɪfti/n.安全;安全性