Top News丨Premier stresses importance of global growth

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Premier Li Qiang has stressed the importance of making concerted efforts in resuming world economic growth and addressing global challenges, ahead of the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos Forum.在第十四届新领军者年会(又称夏季达沃斯论坛)召开之前,国务院总理李强强调了共同努力恢复世界经济增长、应对全球性挑战的重要性。He made the remarks on Monday when meeting with Klaus Schwab, executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, director-general of the World Trade Organization, in Tianjin, where the forum will be held. The event, themed "Entrepreneurship: The Driving Force of the Global Economy", runs from Tuesday through Thursday.6月25日,李强在天津会见了世界经济论坛主席克劳斯·施瓦布和世界贸易组织总干事恩戈齐·奥孔乔-伊维拉,发表了上述讲话。夏季达沃斯论坛主题是“企业家精神:世界经济驱动力”,将于6月27日至29日举行。In his meeting with Schwab, Li said China's cooperation with the WEF has been fruitful since Beijing started its alliance with the forum in 1979, which was marked by the arrival of a Chinese delegation in Davos.在会见施瓦布时,李强表示,自1979年中国代表团抵达达沃斯、中国参加世界经济论坛以来,中国与世界经济论坛的合作富有成效。In the age of globalization, with interests intertwined, it is an irreversible trend that all countries must coordinate with each other and complement each other's advantages, he said.李强指出,世界经济历经全球化发展,各国相互协作、优势互补是不可逆转的历史潮流。He called on all countries to promote mutual trust, reduce misunderstanding, and achieve mutual benefits through candid and in-depth dialogue so as to overcome common challenges.李强呼吁各国通过坦诚深入的对话沟通,增进了解与互信、减少误判,坚持互利共赢,携手战胜共同挑战。China will stay on the path of peaceful development, keep expanding opening-up and share with the world its development opportunities, Li said.李强表示,中国将坚定不移走和平发展道路,坚定不移扩大开放,与世界分享发展机遇。Schwab said the world benefits from China's development and the WEF is ready to encourage all parties to deepen mutual trust and expand cooperation for mutual benefits.施瓦布表示,全世界都从中国发展中受益,世经论坛愿推动各方加强沟通、增进互信、扩大合作,实现互利共赢。When meeting with Okonjo-Iweala, Li reiterated China's readiness to work with all parties to support multilateralism and free trade while opposing unilateralism and protectionism.在会见伊维拉时,李强重申中方愿同各方一道,支持多边主义和自由贸易,反对单边主义和保护主义。The premier said that certain countries' rhetoric of "reducing independence" and "de-risking" is in fact politicizing and drawing ideological lines in trade issues.李强表示,一些国家提出的所谓“降依赖”“去风险”,本质上是把经贸问题政治化、意识形态化。Such acts violate the basic principles that the WTO advocates, threaten the authority and effectiveness of the multilateral trading system and disrupt the stability of global industrial and supply chains, he said.这种行为有违世贸组织倡导的自由贸易和非歧视的基本原则,冲击多边贸易体制的权威性有效性,也扰乱全球产业链供应链的安全稳定。Li said China will work with all parties to push for trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, promote world economic recovery and better deal with global challenges.李强表示,中方将与各方一道,提升贸易投资自由化便利化水平,促进世界经济复苏,更好应对全球性挑战。As the biggest developing country and a responsible major nation, China will undertake its responsibilities, which are consistent with its own economic development, and safeguard the lawful interests of all developing countries, Li added.作为最大的发展中国家和负责任大国,中国将承担与自身经济发展水平和能力相符的责任义务,维护发展中国家合法权益。Okonjo-Iweala said that decoupling will undermine global economic growth, adding that the WTO expects to build a strong partnership with China and make new contributions to safeguard the multilateral trading system.伊维拉表示,“脱钩”将损害全球经济发展,世贸组织期待与中方构建强有力的伙伴关系,为维护多边贸易体制作出新的贡献。Aligning of strategies战略调整The Chinese premier also held a meeting with visiting Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh in Beijing on Monday, calling for both countries to build a closer community with a shared future and take bilateral ties to a higher level amid global turbulence.6月25日,李强还在北京会见来访的越南总理范明政,呼吁两国携手构建更加紧密的命运共同体,在复杂动荡的世界局势中把双边关系推上新台阶。Li urged the two sides to accelerate the alignment of their strategies with the Belt and Road Initiative as the priority, improve the efficiency of railway transportation between the two countries and promote opening of ports and infrastructure connectivity.李强表示,双方要以“一带一路”倡议为重点,做好战略对接,深入挖掘两国铁路运输效能潜力,推进口岸开放升格和设施联通。The Vietnamese prime minister, who is paying an official visit to China on the sidelines of the Summer Davos Forum, said Vietnam firmly upholds the one-China policy and will deepen cooperation with China and manage their differences to achieve common prosperity.在夏季达沃斯论坛期间,对中国进行正式访问的越南总理表示,越方坚定奉行一个中国政策,越方愿同中方共同合作,管控好分歧,实现共同繁荣。Forum英/ˈfɔːrəm/ 美/ˈfɔːrəm/n.讨论会Vietnam英/ˌviːetˈnɑːm; ˌviːetˈnæm/ 美/ˌviːetˈnɑːm/n.越南