英语新闻丨Two crews set for Tiangong station in 2023

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China will launch two crews to work on its Tiangong space station this year, according to the China Manned Space Agency.据中国载人航天局表示,两组航天员将于2023年前往天宫空间站.The agency published schedules for the Shenzhou XVI and XVII mission crews on Wednesday, saying that the Shenzhou XVI team will leave for the Tiangong station in May while their counterparts in the Shenzhou XVII mission will fly to the massive orbiting outpost in October.2月15日,中国载人航天局公布了神舟十六号和神舟十七号任务人员的时间表,称神舟十六号任务人员将于5月前往天宫站,而神舟十七号任务人员将于10月飞往巨大的轨道前哨站。Both crews will consist of three astronauts and will be launched into space by Long March 2F carrier rockets from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China. They are scheduled to work at the Tiangong station for six months, where they will conduct spacewalks, scientific and technological tasks, and educational lectures, according to the agency.两组成员都分别由三名宇航员组成,将由长征2F运载火箭在中国西北部的酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空。据中国载人航天局表示,他们计划在天宫空间站工作6个月,其中包括太空行走、科技任务和教育讲座。In addition, the Tianzhou 6 robotic cargo spaceship will dock with Tiangong in May to transport necessities for the crew, as well as space suits, experimental payloads, spare parts and fuel.此外,今年5月,天舟六号机器人货运飞船将与天宫对接,为航天员运送消耗物资、维修备件、推进剂和应用任务载荷样品。Pang Zhihao, an expert on space exploration technology and a renowned writer on human spaceflight, said that starting from the Shenzhou XV mission, Chinese astronauts will spend more time on scientific experiments and technological tests, which are the main tasks for Tiangong.空间探测技术专家、著名载人航天作家庞之浩表示,从神舟十五号任务开始,中国航天员将花更多时间完成天宫的主要任务,其中包括科学实验和技术测试。"The government has made it clear that the space station is a 'national space-based laboratory' dedicated to science and technology. Compared with their predecessors who were mainly tasked with building and testing the station, astronauts in the coming flights will focus on science and technology work," said Pang, who was a researcher at the China Academy of Space Technology.中国空间技术研究院研究员庞之浩说:“政府明确表示,空间站是一个致力于科学技术的‘国家天基实验室’。与他们之前主要负责的建造和测试空间站相比,未来飞行中的宇航员将专注于科学技术工作,”Nine joint science projects from 17 other nations have been selected to be carried out aboard Tiangong, and the first ones are expected to be conducted by the crew of the Shenzhou XV or XVI missions.来自其他17个国家的9个联合科学项目已被选中在天宫上执行,首批项目预计将由神舟十五或十六号任务的机组人员执行。"The composition of future flight crews will also be different from the current all-military pilot teams. There will be scientists who have been selected as members of China's third generation of astronauts, and they are undergoing extensive training," Pang said.庞之浩补充说:“未来机组人员的组成也将不同于目前的全军事飞行员团队。将有科学家被选为中国第三代宇航员,他们正在接受广泛的训练,”。According to the manned space agency, the 18 new astronauts — 17 men and one woman — are in three groups: seven spacecraft pilots, seven spaceflight engineers and four payload specialists. They are training at the Astronaut Center of China in Beijing, and program officials said that some of them will make their debut flight this year.根据载人航天局表示,18名新宇航员由17名男性和1名女性组成。他们将分为三组,分别是7名航天器飞行员,7名航天工程师以及4名有效载荷专家。他们正在北京的中国航天员中心进行训练,项目官员表示,今年将是其中一些人的首次飞行。In another development, the agency on Wednesday invited the public to submit logos for the Shenzhou XVI, Shenzhou XVII and Tianzhou 6 missions.2月15日,国家航天局公开征集神舟十六号、神舟十七号和天舟六号任务标识。The Tiangong station now consists of the Tianhe core module, the Wentian and Mengtian science labs, the Shenzhou XV crew spacecraft and the Tianzhou 5 cargo ship.天宫空间站目前由“天和”核心舱、“问天” 实验舱、“梦天”实验舱、神舟十五载人飞船和“天舟”五号货运飞船组成。Payload英 [ˈpeɪləʊd]   美  [ˈpeɪloʊd]n. 载荷composition英 [ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n]   美  [ˌkɑːmpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n]n. 构成