英语新闻丨US domestic politics further fueling glo

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After the European Union approved a four-year €50 billion ($53.86 billion) aid package to Ukraine last week, it was widely regarded as only being a matter of time before the US Congress would give the nod to the new military aid that the Joe Biden administration has long demanded for US proxies and allies on various fronts.继上周欧盟批准对乌克兰为期四年、金额达500亿欧元(合3865亿人民币)的援助计划后,人们普遍认为美国国会批准拜登的新军事援助只是时间问题。拜登政府长期以来在各方面都要求美国的代理人和盟友进行此类军事援助。Senators on Sunday released the highly anticipated $118 billion package for Ukraine, Israel and other allies of the United States, which, as demanded by Republicans, is paired with border enforcement policy.2月4日,参议员们公布了备受期待的针对乌克兰、以色列和美国其他盟友的一揽子计划,所需金额高达1180亿美元。按照共和党的要求,该计划与边境执法政策相结合,以推进计划平稳落地。That the Biden administration is required to strengthen federal border control in Texas and other border states, something that many Republicans insist is still not strong enough, was made the prerequisite for the military aid package after days of hard debate showed the extent to which some in the country's divided legislature are willing to take advantage of grave geopolitical situations in various parts of the world to realize their domestic agenda.许多共和党人坚称边境管控力度不够,要求拜登政府加强对得克萨斯州和其他边境州的联邦边境管制,经过几天的激烈辩论后,这一要求变成了军事援助计划的先决条件,这表明美国热衷于利用世界各地严峻的地缘政治局势来实现其国内议程。The aforementioned proposal to make border control a condition for the approval of the military aid package quickly ran into a wall of opposition from top House Republicans, including Speaker Mike Johnson. The Senate was expected this week to hold a key test vote on the legislation, but within hours of the text being released Johnson said on social media that it would be "dead on arrival" if it reaches the House.上述将边境管制作为批准军事援助计划的条件的提议很快遭到了包括议长迈克·约翰逊在内的众议院共和党高层的反对。预计参议院本周将对该法案进行关键的测试投票,但在消息发布数小时后,约翰逊在社交媒体上表示,一旦法案提交至众议院,必将“胎死腹中”。As the US media observed, the coming days will be "a crucial test" of whether congressional leaders can once again muscle their members to support such a package that is designed to assert the US' global commitment, and also shows the country's division on its own woes — only by leveraging bipartisan consensus on geopolitics can the two parties seek to accomplish their interest exchanges.正如美方媒体所言,未来几天将是决定国会领导人能否成功再次动员所有议员,支持这一揽子计划的关键时期。这一揽子计划一方面服务于美国的全球野心,另一方面也显示出了美国国内党派的分裂性。两党只有利用两党地缘政治共识,才能实现利益交换。Thus the worry of some is reasonable that the partisan strife in the country, which will only markedly intensify with the unfolding of the presidential election, will add more uncertainties to the solution of international geopolitical problems, including rising tensions.因此,一些人的担忧是合理的,即随着总统选举的展开,该国的党派斗争只会明显加剧,这将为国际地缘政治问题的解决增加更多的不确定性,局势会更加紧张。The quadrennial political show of the US will overlap with the key stages for development of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Middle East crisis. Both crises have come to a critical juncture with more parties, such as Islamic State, seeking to take advantage of the conflicts after realizing the US is now preoccupied with its pre-election tussling.美国四年一度的政治秀恰逢俄乌冲突、中东危机关键时期。这两场危机都已到了紧要关头,越来越多的政党,例如伊斯兰国,在意识到美国现在正忙于大选前的角,寻求从冲突中获利。With Washington still resorting to force to assert itself, it is in danger of being played if it continues to divide its focus in this way. This will only propel the global turbulence to an even more acutely dangerous pitch.美国若一直诉诸武力来为自己获取利益,不只徒分心神,最终反而惹火上身。这一结果无疑会将全球动荡推向更加危险的境地。turbulence英 /ˈtɜː.bjə.ləns/ 美 /ˈtɝː.bjə.ləns/n.漩涡tussle英/ˈtʌs.əl/ 美  /ˈtʌs.əl/v. 争执;争辩