英语新闻丨US seized record number of guns at airports

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A record number of guns in carry-on luggage were seized from airline passengers last year, and most were loaded, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) said Wednesday.周三(1月10日),美国运输安全管理局(TSA)表示,去年从航空公司乘客的随身行李中查获的枪支数量创下纪录,其中大多数装有子弹。In 2023, airport security officers prevented passengers from carrying 6,737 prohibited guns, and 93 percent of them were loaded, the agency said.TSA表示,2023年,机场安检人员截获乘客违禁枪支6737支,其中93%装有子弹。The previous record for intercepted firearms at airports was in 2022, with 6,542 firearms stopped at checkpoints, a number that surpassed the previous record in 2021. The number of guns seized at US airports has risen every year since at least 2014, except for in 2020, when travel was limited by the pandemic.此前,机场截获枪支记录是2022年的6542支,打破2021年的记录。至少自2014年以来,除2020年受疫情影响旅客减少,美国机场截获的枪支数量每年都在增加。Last year, TSA screened more than 858 million people, which indicates the agency intercepted 7.8 firearms per million passengers—a drop from 8.6 per million passengers in 2022, the agency said.去年,TSA安检的人次超过8.58亿,这意味着TSA截获的枪支数量是7.8支每百万人次——低于2022年的8.6支每百万人次。"We are still seeing far too many firearms at TSA checkpoints, and what's particularly concerning is the amount of them loaded, presenting an unnecessary risk to everyone at the TSA checkpoint," TSA Administrator David Pekoske said a news release.TSA局长大卫·佩科斯基(音译)在新闻发布会上表示:“TSA检查站的枪支数量仍然庞大,且它们的装载量令人担忧,这给TSA检查站的人员带来了不必要的风险。”More than 1,100 guns were found at just three airports, the TSA said.TSA表示,仅仅三个机场,发现的枪支数量就超过了1100支。Officers at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the nation's busiest, found 451 firearms in carry-ons last year, more than any other airport in the country, according to the agency.根据TSA的数据,去年,在美国最繁忙的亚特兰大哈兹菲尔德-杰克逊国际机场,工作人员在旅客的随身行李中发现了451把枪支,高于美国其它机场。At Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, officers found 378 guns, the second most, and 311 were found at Houston's George Bush Intercontinental Airport for the third most.在达拉斯沃思堡国际机场,工作人员检查出378把枪支,位居第二,在休斯顿乔治布什洲际机场检查出311把枪,位居第三。When TSA staffers see what they believe to be a weapon on an X-ray machine, they usually stop the belt so the bag stays inside the machine, and the passenger can't get to it. They immediately contact local law enforcement, who remove the passenger and the firearm from the checkpoint area, the TSA said.当TSA工作人员在X安检机上看到疑似武器的行李时,他们会暂停传送带,把行李就会留在安检机中,避免乘客拿到该行李。TSA表示,他们会立即联系当地的执法部门,执法人员会将乘客和枪支从安检区带走。Depending on local laws, a law enforcement officer could arrest or cite the passenger. TSA does not confiscate firearms.根据当地法律,执法人员可能会逮捕或传唤乘客。TSA不会没收枪支。Firearms and ammunition are prohibited in carry-on baggage. Passengers are only allowed to travel with an unloaded firearm, and only if they pack it properly in a locked, hard-sided case in their checked baggage and first declare it to the airline at the check-in counter.命令禁止在随身行李中携带枪支和弹药。乘客只允许携带未上膛的枪支,而且枪支必须妥善置于托运行李内带锁的硬壳盒子中,并在登机前向航空公司申报。TSA warns passengers who bring a gun to a checkpoint that they face a fine of up to $15,000, ineligibility for the PreCheck expedited screening program, and potential criminal charges.美国运输安全管理局警告携带枪支的乘客,他们将面临最高1.5万美元的罚款,无法享受PreCheck快速安检,并可能面临刑事指控。Transportation Security Administration (TSA)n. 美国运输安全管理局Criminalchargesn. 刑事指控