英语新闻丨Walking in a winter wonderland

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As winter draws in, there are many across the country who flock to the south of China with its warmer climate and pristine beaches. However, there are those more daring with their travel plans who head north looking for snowy adventures in the icy climates of Northeast China. In particular, an increasing number of tourists have been drawn to the frosty delights of Harbin, known as the Ice City.冬季来临,许多人从全国各地涌向气候温暖、椰风海韵的南方。然而,也有一些大胆的游客,向北方进发,在东北的冰天雪地中冒险。最近尤其如此,被誉为“冰城”的哈尔滨,以其寒冬的乐趣吸引着越来越多的游客。Harbin, whose name is said to originate from aManchu word that means"a place for drying fishing nets", sprung up from a small rural settlement along the Songhua River to become one of the largest cities in Northeast China and capital of Heilongjiang province.据说,哈尔滨的名字源于满语,意为“晒渔网的地方”,最初只是松花江上的一处小渔村,现在已经发展成为黑龙江省的省会,是东北最大的城市之一。The city flourished with the arrival of the Chinese Eastern Railway, which connected it to the outside world and in particular the Russian Empire. This paved the way for Harbin's future development of its unique culture where East meets West.哈尔滨由东方铁路的建成而兴,东方铁路连通了哈尔滨和外界,特别是俄罗斯帝国。这为哈尔滨交融中西文化,发展起自身的独特文化奠定了基础。The city has evolved from being known as the fashion capital of China in the 1920s and is now famed for its ice and snow festivals that have become renowned across the globe. These attract thousands of visitors, with sculptors traveling from all corners of the world to showcase their talents and a variety of winter-themed activities and sports.二十世纪二十年代,哈尔滨以中国的“时尚之都”著称,而如今,哈尔滨以“冰雪节”名扬世界。冰雪节吸引了成千上万的游客,全世界的冰雕艺术家都聚集到这里,展现他们艺术才能。这里还有各种各样的冰雪主题活动和冰上运动。Though these festivals may be the highlight of any trip to Harbin, the city still has much more to offer, from its traditional European-style architecture to its more modern buildings, such as the Harbin Grand Theatre and arguably the city's most famous landmark, the Saint Sophia Cathedral, built in 1907. The unique cuisine, including Harbin-style smoky-savory red sausage, guo bao rou, or sweet-and-sour pork and kvass, a fermented cereal-based drink, can all be sampled along Zhongyang Street with its baroque and Byzantine facades.这些冰雪节是任何哈尔滨之行的亮点,而除此之外,从欧式建筑到现代高楼,哈尔滨带给游客的还有很多,例如,哈尔滨大剧院和建于1907年的圣索菲亚大教堂,这几乎是哈尔滨最出名的地标性建筑。哈尔滨菜肴包括哈尔滨红肠、锅包肉、格瓦斯等,都可以在巴洛克和拜占庭风格的中央大街上买到。Yet it is a park outside the city that offers perhaps the most unique experience. Volga Manor, situated outside the suburbs of Harbin, is a 600,000-square-meter homage to the city's Russian influences, with 30 buildings and a replica ship constructed on the site since 2007. Named after the Volga River in Russia, the park aims to reproduce the historical role that Russian architecture and culture have played in Harbin by re-creating classic buildings, art and cuisine that sit alongside more modern attractions, such as sledging and snowmobile rides. The pinnacle of the park is undoubtedly a replica of St. Nicholas Cathedral, a building that sat in the center of Harbin before it was destroyed in 1966.即便如此,哈尔滨郊区的一处公园也许能够带来最独特的体验。伏尔加庄园位于哈尔滨郊外,占地600,000平方米,体现了俄国文化对这座城市的影响。2007年以来,伏尔加庄园内建造了30座建筑和一艘复制船。公园以俄罗斯伏尔加河命名,旨在通过重现经典建筑、艺术和美食,与现代化的雪橇、雪地摩托等旅游项目相结合,再现历史上俄罗斯建筑和文化对哈尔滨的影响。公园的亮点无疑是圣尼古拉斯大教堂的复制教堂,1966年被毁之前,圣尼古拉斯大教堂一直位于哈尔滨市中心。While winter may be the prime time to visit Harbin, the city has plenty to offer all year round and its individual charms make it a must-see spot no matter the weather.虽然冬季也许是游览哈尔滨的黄金季节,但哈尔滨一年四季都值得游览,其独特的魅力让哈尔滨成为必游之城,无论天气如何。Manchu英/'mæntʃu:/ 美/'mæntʃu:/adj. 满族的