英语新闻|Wang meets Putin, vows to advance partnership

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The China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership "never targets any third party" and is not subject to a third party's disturbance or coercion, senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi said when meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday.2月22日,外交部王毅在会见俄罗斯总统普京时表示,中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系从不针对第三方,也不受第三方干扰,更不接受第三方的胁迫。Wang, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, also met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Wednesday during his visit to Russia.2月22日,中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅在俄访问期间还会见了俄罗斯外长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫。During the two meetings, Wang, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, said that the two countries maintain the high-level operations of their partnership and have always kept a cool head when facing profound changes in the international situation.在两次会晤中,中共中央政治局委员王毅表示,中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系持续高水平运行。面对深刻演变的国际形势,中俄始终保持战略定力。No matter how the international situation changes, "China is ready to work with Russia to maintain the good momentum of the new type of relations between major countries", he said.无论国际形势如何变化,“中方愿同俄方共同努力,保持新型大国关系良好发展势头 ”。Beijing is also ready to work with Moscow on overall planning for high-level exchanges and to resume dialogues and cooperative mechanisms that were interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic to push for greater growth of the relations, Wang added.王毅补充道,中方愿同俄方一道,统筹好高层交往,重启对话合作机制,推动两国关系取得更大发展。Putin said Russia-China relations are advancing toward set goals, and both sides are productive in collaboration in various areas and coordination in multilateral organizations.普京表示,俄中关系正朝着既定目标前进,双方各领域合作和多边组织协调富有成效。The two nations' reinforced unity and coordination in international affairs is significant to promoting the democratization of international relations as well as the balance and stability of the international landscape, he added.两国在国际事务中加强团结协作,对促进国际关系民主化和国际格局平衡稳定具有重要意义。Lavrov said Russia looks forward to resuming the exchanges with Beijing in various areas that were affected by the pandemic, strengthening coordination on the international stage and exchanging staunch support on issues concerning each other's core interests.拉夫罗夫表示,俄方期待同中方恢复在受疫情影响的各领域交流,加强国际舞台协调,在涉及彼此核心利益的问题上相互坚定支持。Russia is also ready to work with China to make the evolving international order more open, reasonable and just, which is also the historical duty of both nations, he added.俄方也愿与中方共同努力,推动国际秩序朝着更加开放、合理、公正的方向发展,这也是两国肩负的历史责任。Also in Moscow, Wang co-chaired a meeting under the China-Russia Strategic Security Consultation mechanism on Tuesday. The Russian side was led by Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.2月21日,王毅在莫斯科同俄罗斯联邦安全会议秘书帕特鲁舍夫举行中俄战略安全磋商机制双方牵头人会晤。The two sides discussed the current international strategic situation and agreed to promote democracy in international relations and a multipolar world, according to a statement issued on Wednesday by China's Foreign Ministry.根据中国外交部于2月22日发表的声明称,双方就当前国际战略形势进行了讨论,推动国际关系民主化和世界多极化。In addition, the two sides agreed that efforts should be made to resolutely champion peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.此外,双方认为应坚决维护亚太和平稳定。The two sides "reject introducing the Cold War mentality, bloc-based confrontation and ideological confrontation", the statement said.双方“反对引入冷战思维、集团对抗和意识形态对立。”。Observers said the lasting coordination between China and Russia, as demonstrated by the meetings, will help to shore up unity, justice and stability in the world amid geopolitical conflicts driven by hegemony and unilateralism.观察人士表示,正如会议所展示,中俄之间的持久协调,有助于在霸权主义和单边主义驱动的地缘政治冲突中巩固世界团结、正义和稳定。In an interview with Russia's TASS news agency last week, Chinese Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui said that exchanges between the two countries at all levels will reach new heights this year, and the two sides' all-around pragmatic cooperation will enter a new phase of major development.中国驻俄罗斯大使张汉辉在一周前接受俄罗斯塔斯社采访时表示,今年两国各层次交往将达到新的高度,双方全方位务实合作将进入重大发展的新阶段。"Beijing and Moscow will further deepen their strategic coordination and constantly advance their good neighborly friendship and cooperation this year," Zhang said.张汉辉说:“今年,北京和莫斯科将进一步深化战略协作,不断推进睦邻友好合作。”During the meetings, China and Russia also exchanged views on the Ukraine conflict.会见期间,双方还就乌克兰问题等交换了意见。Wang Yi said Beijing endorses Russia's reaffirming of its willingness to settle the issue through dialogue and negotiation.王毅表示,中方赞赏俄方重申愿通过对话谈判解决问题。China "will, as always, uphold its objective and just position, and play its constructive role for the crisis' political settlement", Wang said.“中方将一如既往地坚持客观公正立场,为推动危机政治解决发挥建设性作用。”王毅表示。He underscored that "efforts for peace should not wane while the situation's complexity grows", and all parties are expected to overcome difficulties, further create conditions for dialogue and negotiations and look for viable paths toward a political settlement.他强调,“争取和平的努力不应减弱,而局势却越来越复杂”,期待各方克服困难,进一步为对话和谈判创造条件,为政治解决寻找可行的途径。Disturbance英 [dɪˈstɜːbəns] 美 [dɪˈstɜːrbəns]v. 干扰Resume英 [rɪˈzjuːm]   美 [rɪˈzuːm]v.(中断后)重新开始Staunch英[stɔ:ntʃ]     美[stɔntʃ, stɑntʃ]adj.坚定的