英语新闻丨Wave of respiratory illness easing

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The number of children with respiratory illness visiting hospital pediatric departments is trending downward in China, health officials said on Sunday, adding that a recent nationwide surge in respiratory disease cases had not disrupted normal healthcare services.12月10日,国家卫健委表示,我国呼吸系统疾病儿童的儿科就诊数量呈下降趋势,并补充说,最近全国范围内呼吸系统疾病病例的激增并没有扰乱正常的医疗服务秩序。China has experienced a surge in respiratory disease this winter, driven by co-circulation of multiple pathogens. Young children have been hit hard, stretching the capacities of pediatric facilities in some regions.今年冬天,多种病原体流行感染,中国呼吸道疾病病例激增。幼儿受到的影响最为严重,一些地区的儿科门诊爆满。Mi Feng, a spokesman for the National Health Commission, told a news conference that the number of visits to large hospitals by child patients with respiratory illness is gradually falling.国家卫健委新闻发言人米锋在新闻发布会上介绍,儿童呼吸道疾病诊疗量整体呈现波动下降趋势。"The increase in visits to pediatric hospitals and pediatric departments at general hospitals has also slowed down," he said.他表示:“部分大型儿童专科医院和综合医院儿科诊疗量增加的情况得到一定缓解。”Mi said the overall volume of hospital visits by people with respiratory illness is at a stable level nationwide, thanks to efforts to channel mild cases to grassroots medical facilities, add capacity at pediatric and fever clinics and extend their operation hours.米锋表示,由于将轻症病例分流至基层医疗机构,并增加儿科和发热门诊的容量,延长门诊时间,全国呼吸系统疾病就诊量总体处于稳定水平。"Normal medical services across the country are not affected," he said.他说:“全国整体正常医疗服务没有受到影响。”Mi said continuous efforts will be made to facilitate partnerships and the transfer of patients between general hospitals and community clinics, and guide patients to seek medical services that fit the severity of their condition.米说,将不断促进综合医院与社区诊所之间的合作和患者转移,并引导患者寻求符合病情的医疗服务。"Middle and primary schools, nursery care and elderly care homes, social welfare facilities and venues seeing large flows of people should implement ventilation and sanitation work, strengthen health monitoring and urge people to take personal protective measures to reduce the risk of infection," Mi said.“中小学、幼儿园和养老院、社会福利机构和人流较大的封闭场所应定期通风换气,加强健康监测,并敦促个人采取个人措施,降低感染风险,”米锋说。Health experts have said that pathogens spreading this winter include the virus that causes COVID-19, influenza, Mycoplasma pneumoniae and respiratory syncytial virus.卫健委专家表示,今年冬天传播的病原体包括导致新冠肺炎、流感、肺炎支原体和呼吸道合胞病毒的病原体。Xia Gang, an official at the National Administration of Disease Prevention and Control, said some local governments had initiated flu vaccination services as early as July, ahead of the peak flu season.国家疾控局卫生免疫司司长夏刚介绍,从7月份开始,各地接种单位就已经陆续启动了流感疫苗接种服务,早于流感流行季。"This year's flu vaccine supplies have grown significantly compared to last year and are sufficient to meet demands," he said, adding that the elderly are particularly susceptible to progressing to severe flu cases and should be prioritized for vaccination.“今年流感疫苗生产供应量比去年有了明显增加,可以满足群众需求,”他说,并指出,老年人感染流感病毒之后特别容易发展为重症病例,应优先接种疫苗。Peng Zhibin, an official from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said flu vaccination campaigns should also be stepped up among students and staff members on campuses.中国疾控中心传染病管理处呼吸道传染病室主任彭质斌认为,还应加强在校学生和教职员工的流感疫苗接种。"Students, teachers and other staff members should not continue going to class after falling sick, so as to prevent them from infecting others," she added.“学生、教师和其他工作人员在生病后不应带病上课,以免感染他人,”她补充说。Peng also suggested that members of the public should wear masks when taking public transport.彭质斌还建议市民在乘坐公共交通工具时佩戴口罩。A guideline on wearing masks released by the administration on Saturday said infected people and visitors and staff members at hospitals, nursery care and elderly care facilities should wear them.根据周六发布的一份口罩佩戴指南,医院、幼儿园和老年护理机构的感染者,访客和工作人员应佩戴口罩。Mycoplasma pneumonian. 支原体肺炎