World丨Japan begins tests to dump toxic water

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The operator of the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant began tests on Monday of newly constructed facilities for discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, a plan strongly opposed by local fishermen and the international community.6月12日,福岛第一核电厂的运营商开始对新建成的核污水排海设施进行测试。然而,这一举动遭到当地渔民和国际社会的强烈反对。According to the national broadcaster NHK, Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, started the trial operation on Monday morning which mixes fresh water and seawater that does not contain radioactive substances to confirm whether the sea discharge equipment can operate reliably.根据日本广播协会(NHK)的报道,东京电力公司于6月12日开始进行核废水排海试验。试验中将排放一种由不含放射性物质的清水与海水混合而成的水源,以确认排海设施是否能正常运行。TEPCO says the voluntary tests are expected to continue for about two weeks ahead of mandatory pre-operation checks to be conducted by the Nuclear Regulation Authority, possibly in early July.东京电力公司(简称东电)表示,试运行将持续约两周。随后,日本原子能管制委员会将进行强制性的预操作检查,预计可能在7月初进行。TEPCO finished sending seawater last week into an underwater tunnel built in front of the nuclear plant for its planned discharge, adding it plans to complete all facility-related preparations by the end of June.上周,东电完成了向核电站前建造的水下隧道注入海水的工作,预计所有相关设施将在6月底前完工。On Saturday, Japanese Industry Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura met with local fisheries representatives to seek their understanding for the planned release in Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture, where representatives expressed grave concerns over the move, saying they remain opposed to the release. They said the plan to release the radioactive wastewater over decades is "fueling anxiety about the future and doubts about continuous fishing operations".6月10日,日本经济产业大臣西村康稔在茨城县水户市与当地渔业代表会面,寻求他们对核废水排放计划的理解。代表们对此表示严重关切,并表达了对该排放计划的反对态度。他们表示,该计划在未来几十年内排放放射性废水“加剧了对未来的焦虑和对持续打捞作业的怀疑”。"We stand by our opposition," Tetsu Nozaki, head of the Fukushima prefectural fisheries association, told Nishimura.福岛县渔业协会会长野崎哲告诉西村康稔:“我们坚决反对。”Despite opposition from domestic experts, civic groups and fishery organizations, Japan has been rushing to dump the contaminated water into the ocean, inciting protests from neighboring nations and communities within the Pacific islands.尽管受到国内专家、民间团体和渔业组织的反对,日本政府仍急于将核废水排入海洋,这一举动引发了邻国和太平洋岛国的抗议。In South Korea, about 2,000 fishermen and civic activists staged a rally in front of the National Assembly in Seoul on Monday against the plan to release toxic water.在韩国,约2,000名韩国渔民和民间人士于6月12日在首尔国会大厦前举行抗议活动,反对日本排放有毒核废水的计划。The fishermen held signs that read "Desperately oppose the Fukushima radioactive contaminated water discharge into the sea," and "SOS!! Pacific Ocean!"渔民们举着标语牌,上面写着“强烈反对福岛核废水排放进海洋”和“拯救太平洋!”"If the Fukushima contaminated water is safe (as Japan claimed), it can be left in Japan's soil rather than be released into the ocean," said Kim Kwang-shik, one of the fishermen who joined the protest rally.参加抗议集会的其中一名渔民金光植表示:“如果福岛核废水是安全的(如日本政府声称的那样),那么可以将其保留在日本的土壤中,而不是排入海洋。”Leaders from Pacific island countries, including Fiji and Papua New Guinea, are also calling upon the Japanese government to immediately stop its plans for dumping nuclear wastewater into the Pacific.包括斐济和巴布亚新几内亚等太平洋岛国的领导人也敦促日本政府立即停止将核废水排入太平洋的计划。According to a Research View survey of 1,000 South Korean adults conducted last month, 85.4 percent of the respondents opposed Japan's nuclear-contaminated water dump, and 72 percent said they would reduce the consumption of marine products if radioactive wastewater is released into the ocean.根据上个月一项对1,000名韩国成年人进行的调查显示,有85.4%的受访者反对日本排放核污染水,72%的人表示如果将放射性废水排入海洋,他们将减少对海产品的消费。Sea salt demand soars海盐需求飙升Sea salt demand in South Korea has soared for the past months on fears that Japan would push ahead with its discharge plan.由于对日本推进核废水排放计划的担忧,近几个月来,韩国对海盐的需求急剧增加。The association of the fishermen urged the South Korean government to immediately file a complaint with the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea against Japan, saying that if the contaminated water is released, it will threaten the livelihoods of fishermen amid a sharp drop in demand for marine products.渔民协会敦促韩国政府立即向国际海洋法法院提起对日本的投诉。他们表示,如果排放受污染的水,将对渔民的生计构成威胁,而目前海产品的需求已经大幅下降。On March 11, 2011, a massive earthquake and tsunami destroyed the Fukushima nuclear plant's cooling systems, causing three reactors to melt and release large amounts of radiation. The tanks storing the water used since the accident to cool the reactor cores will reach their capacity in early 2024.2011年3月11日,一场大规模的地震和海啸摧毁了福岛核电厂的冷却系统,导致三个反应堆熔毁并释放了大量辐射。自事故发生以来,用于冷却反应堆的水存储罐的容量将于2024年初达到上限。Japan considers discharging into the sea as the cheapest option with the minimum risk of polluting Japan itself and claims the diluted water will be released into the ocean over decades, making it harmless to people and marine life.日本认为将废水排放到海洋中是成本最低、对本土污染风险最小的选择,并声称经过稀释后的水将在数十年内排放到海洋中,对人类和海洋生物没有危害。Yet, some scientists say the impact of long-term, low-dose exposure to radionuclides is unknown and the release should be delayed.然而,一些科学家指出,长时间接触低剂量辐射的影响尚不清楚,因此应推迟采取核废水排放行动。Contaminated英/kənˈtæməneɪtɪd/美/kənˈtæmɪneɪtɪd/adj.受污染的,弄脏的Nuclear英 /ˈnjuːkliə(r)/ 美 /ˈnuːkliər/adj.原子能的,核子的