World丨Trump beats Haley in New Hampshire

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Former US president Donald Trump won the key New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, moving him ever closer to locking in the Republican presidential nomination and securing a White House rematch with President Joe Biden.  1月23日,美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普赢得了关键的新罕布什尔州初选,获得共和党总统提名的胜算扩大,很有可能与总统乔·拜登在白宫再次一决高下。Trump, 77, attacked his sole remaining challenger Nikki Haley in a rambling victory speech and said that when the primary contest reaches her home state of South Carolina, "we're going to win easily". 77岁的特朗普在一篇顾左右而言他的获胜演讲中攻击了他仅存的对手妮基·黑利,并表示即使是在她的家乡南卡罗来纳州进行初选,共和党也能将轻松获胜。In her speech, Haley insisted the race was "far from over" and told supporters that Democrats actually want to run against her former boss, due to his record of sowing "chaos". 黑利在演讲中坚称竞选“远未结束”,并告诉支持者,特朗普是个名副其实的搅局者,所以民主党人实际上还想与他竞选,进而来获取关注度。"They know Trump is the only Republican in the country who Joe Biden can defeat," Haley, 52, said.  52岁的黑利说:“他们知道特朗普是这个国家唯一可以击败乔·拜登的共和党人。”Haley had hoped for a major upset in the northeastern state, but Trump — her former boss when she was UN ambassador during his administration — won by around 54 percent to 43 percent, with more than 90 percent of votes counted.  黑利原本希望东北部州会出现重大动荡,但特朗普以约54%比43%获胜,计票数已超过90%。在其担任联合国大使前,黑利曾受雇于特朗普。At one point swearing on prime-time TV, Trump said the United States was a "failing country" and claimed that undocumented migrants were coming from psychiatric hospitals and prisons and "killing our country".  特朗普曾在电视播出的黄金时段表示,美国是一个“失败的国家”,并声称来自精神病院和监狱的无证移民正在“杀死我们的国家”。"It is now clear that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee," Biden responded by saying in a statement.  “现在很明显,唐纳德·特朗普将成为共和党提名人,”拜登在一份声明中回应说。"I think it's a two-person race now between Trump and Biden," Keith Nahigian, a veteran of six presidential campaigns and former member of Trump's transition team, told Agence France-Presse.  曾参加过六次总统竞选的资深人士、特朗普过渡团队前成员基思·纳希吉安(Keith Nahigian)告诉法新社:“我认为现在特朗普和拜登之间是一场两人竞争。”New Hampshire was markedly more Haley-friendly than the states she will subsequently face, should she stay in the race, South Carolina will be a tough sell, the agency reported. 该机构报道称,新罕布什尔州明显比黑利随后面临的州更友好,如果她继续参加竞选,南卡罗来纳州将是一个艰难的选择。Trump won a crushing victory in the first Republican contest in Iowa last week, with Haley a distant third.  特朗普上周在爱荷华州举行的首场共和党竞选中取得压倒性胜利,黑利以遥遥领先的成绩排名第三。What was once a crowded field of 14 candidates then narrowed to a one-on-one matchup on Sunday after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis dropped out. No Republican who won both Iowa and New Hampshire has ever lost the nomination battle, according to The Associated Press.  周日,在佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯退出后,曾经14名候选人的竞争舞台缩小为一对一的对决。据美联社报道,共和党人如果能同时赢得爱荷华州和新罕布什尔州,那么其可成功提名总统。The race now turns to Nevada, where Trump is already claiming an all-but-certain victory, and next month to Haley's home state of South Carolina, where he leads the former governor by some 30 percentage points.  现在,竞选将转向内华达州,特朗普已经胜券在握,下个月将转向黑利的家乡南卡罗来纳州,在那里他领先前州长约30个百分点。Legal challenges  法律挑战Trump was already the leader in national Republican polling, despite piles of legal challenges as he faces 91 criminal charges related to everything from seeking to overturn the 2020 presidential election to mishandling classified documents and arranging payoffs to an adult movie actress, AP reported.  据美联社报道,尽管面临着91项刑事指控,涉及从试图推翻2020年总统选举到不当处理机密文件,再到向成人电影女演员安排贿赂等各种刑事指控,特朗普还是在全国共和党民意调查中处于领先地位。Trump's trial in the defamation case brought by the writer E. Jean Carroll is scheduled to resume on Thursday, and will not be held on Wednesday as initially scheduled, Manhattan federal court records showed on Tuesday.  曼哈顿联邦法院周二记录显示,特朗普对作家E·让·卡罗尔提起的诽谤案的审判定于周四恢复,不会按原定时间在周三进行。On the Democratic side, Biden won the unofficial Democratic primary in New Hampshire, giving him a symbolic boost, AFP reported.  据法新社报道,在民主党方面,拜登赢得了新罕布什尔州的非官方民主党初选,这是具有深远意义的一次胜利。The Democratic National Committee voted to start its primary next month in South Carolina, but New Hampshire pushed ahead with its own contest. Biden didn't campaign or appear on the ballot but topped a series of little-known challengers.  The president marked the day by campaigning alongside Vice-President Kamala Harris in Virginia at a rally for abortion rights. 民主党全国委员会投票决定下个月在南卡罗来纳州开始初选,但新罕布什尔州继续推进自己的竞选。拜登没有参加竞选活动,也没有出现在选票上,但在一系列鲜为人知的挑战者中脱颖而出。他还与副总统卡马拉·哈里斯在弗吉尼亚州一起参加了一场争取堕胎权的集会,以纪念这一天。With Trump touting his role in the ending of the constitutional right to abortion, Biden told an enthusiastic crowd that the Republican was "hellbent" on further restrictions.  前有特朗普不断宣扬自己在终止宪法规定的堕胎权方面所发挥的作用,后有拜登紧随其后,给特朗普的追随者泼冷水,宣称前者一定会在这方面“坚决”地采取进一步的限制措施。Biden faces his own challenges. There are widespread concerns about his age at 81 years old. Dissent is also building within his party over Biden's alliance with the ongoing conflict in Gaza, putting the president's standing at risk in swing states like Michigan.  拜登也面临着自己的挑战。选民们普遍担心81岁的高领让他很难继续胜任总统职位。党内对拜登与加沙持续冲突的联盟也产生了不同意见,这使总统在密歇根州等摇摆州的地位面临风险。Meanwhile, AP reported that Canada's government is preparing for the possibility that Trump could reach the White House again and the "uncertainty" that would bring, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Tuesday.与此同时,美联社报道称,加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多周二表示,加拿大政府正在为特朗普再次入主白宫的可能性以及由此带来的“不确定性”做准备。polling英/'polɪŋ/ 美/'polɪŋ/n.民意调查primary contest 竞选中的初选