英语新闻丨Xi calls for bolstering SCO unity, cooperation

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President Xi Jinping stressed on Thursday the necessity for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to bolster unity and cooperation, saying that the grouping must safeguard its security baseline, defend the right to development and build up its unity.7月4日,习近平主席强调了上海合作组织加强团结与合作的必要性,并表示该组织必须守住安全底线,捍卫发展权利,增强团结。In a speech delivered at the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO in Astana, Kazakhstan, the Chinese president said it is critically important for the world that the grouping always stands on the right side of history and upholds justice and fairness.在哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳举行的上海合作组织成员国元首理事会第二十四次会议上,中国国家主席习近平在发言中说,该组织站在历史正确一边,站在公平正义一边,对世界至关重要。The SCO formally approved the accession of Belarus to the grouping during Thursday's summit, and decided that China will hold the rotating presidency of the 10-member organization for 2024-25. The other members of the grouping are India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.上海合作组织于7月4日的峰会上正式批准白俄罗斯加入上海合作组织,并决定由中国接任2024至2025年度上海合作组织轮值主席国。该组织的其他成员包括印度、伊朗、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、巴基斯坦、俄罗斯、塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦。Xi noted that the SCO, which was founded 23 years ago, has seen its family, including observer states and dialogue partners, expand to 26 countries, spanning three continents.习近平指出,上海合作组织成立23年后,包括观察员国和对话伙伴在内的“上海合作组织大家庭”覆盖三大洲26个国家。With more partners, the foundation of cooperation is more solid, he said.他表示,伙伴越来越多,合作基础更加坚实。The organization must ensure the bottom line of security "in the face of real threats of the Cold War mentality", he said, highlighting the need for member states to practice the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security.他表示,“面对冷战思维的现实威胁”,本组织必须守住安全底线,强调成员国需要践行共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观。The SCO must address complex and intertwined security challenges through dialogue and coordination, respond to the profoundly changing international landscape with a win-win approach, and endeavor to build a world of lasting peace and universal security, he stressed.他强调,上海合作组织必须以对话和协作应对复杂交织的安全挑战,以共赢思维应对深刻调整的国际格局,共建持久和平、普遍安全的世界。Faced with the real risks of the "small yard, high fences" approach, Xi called on member states to safeguard their right to development, saying that joint efforts must be made to advance sci-tech innovation, ensure stable and unimpeded industrial and supply chains, and stimulate regional economic vitality to achieve common development goals.面对“小院高墙”的现实风险,习近平呼吁成员国维护发展权利,表示必须联手推动科技创新,维护产业链供应链稳定通畅,激发地区经济内生动力,推动实现共同发展目标。The Chinese president also appealed for enhanced unity and strength inside the grouping in facing the real challenges of interference and division.习近平还呼吁加强组织内部巩固团结力量,以面对干涉分化的现实挑战。SCO members should jointly resist external interference, firmly support each other, accommodate each other's concerns, and peacefully resolve internal differences, he said.他表示,上海合作组织成员应该携手抵制外部干涉,坚定相互支持,照顾彼此关切,以和为贵处理内部分歧。Xi underlined the importance of peaceful solutions in resolving internal differences, and pooling strength to address difficulties in cooperation, so that the destiny of SCO member nations and regional peace and development can be firmly grasped in their own hands.习近平强调和平解决内部分歧的重要性,聚同化异破解合作难题,把本国前途命运、地区和平发展牢牢掌握在自己手中。The SCO has been able to withstand the tests of changing international dynamics thanks to its steadfast commitment to the traditions of unity and cooperation, the path of equal and mutually beneficial collaboration, the pursuit of fairness and justice, and a broadminded embrace of inclusiveness and mutual learning, he pointed out.他指出,上海合作组织之所以能够经受住国际形势风云变幻的考验,根源在于我们始终坚持团结协作的优良传统、平等互惠的合作之道、公平正义的价值追求、包容互鉴的广博胸怀。Xi reiterated the importance of the SCO remaining true to its original aspiration, upholding the "Shanghai Spirit", enhancing mutual support, and building the organization into a reliable backbone for the common prosperity and revitalization of its member states.习近平重申,上海合作组织坚守初心,继续高举“上海精神”旗帜,守望相助,将本组织打造成为成员国实现共同繁荣振兴的可靠依托。Addressing the summit, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted that the SCO has become an effective mechanism of friendship, good-neighborliness, equality and mutual support, based on the "Shanghai Spirit".哈萨克斯坦总统托卡耶夫在会议上发言指出,上海合作组织已成为基于“上海精神”的睦邻友好、平等互利的有效机制。"The SCO has established itself as a unique platform, where the interests and arguments of the member states are equally taken into account," he said.他说:“上海合作组织已经成为一个独特的平台,在这里,成员国的利益和主张都得到了平等的考虑。”He highlighted the strengthening of mutual trust and cooperation in security as the priority for the organization, saying that the SCO has unique capacities to ensure security in the Eurasian region.他强调,加强安全互信与合作是该组织的优先事项,并表示上海合作组织具有确保欧亚地区安全的独特能力。Tokayev also identified strengthening transportation network through the creation of efficient corridors and reliable transportation chains as the next direction for cooperation, saying "we place great emphasis on the further development" of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative.托卡耶夫还指出,通过建立高效的走廊和可靠的运输链来加强运输网络是下一步的合作方向,他表示,“我们非常重视进一步发展”中国提出的“一带一路”倡议。The leaders of the member states also adopted the Astana Declaration and an initiative calling for solidarity among countries to promote world justice, harmony and development.成员国领导人还通过了《阿斯塔纳宣言》和一项倡议,呼吁各国团结一致,促进世界正义、和谐与发展。rotating presidency轮值主席国Astana Declaration阿斯塔纳宣言