英语新闻丨Xi hails legacy, key role of UK icebreakers

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In 1953, a group of British entrepreneurs, led by trade leader Jack Perry, embarked on their historic "Icebreaking Mission" to visit China, helping to warm the West's trade relations with the newly founded People's Republic of China.1953年,一群英国企业家在贸易领袖杰克·佩里的带领下访华,并开始了他们历史性的“破冰之旅”,帮助破解西方与新成立的中华人民共和国的贸易关系冰层。Seventy years later, Stephen Perry, son of Jack Perry, and other business leaders, while visiting Beijing and attending a major ceremony on Thursday to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the "Icebreaking Mission", received a congratulatory message from President Xi Jinping.70年后,杰克·佩里的儿子斯蒂芬·佩里和其他商业领袖在访问北京并参加庆祝“破冰之旅”70周年的重要活动时,收到了来自中国国家主席习近平的贺信。It was not the first letter sent by Xi about the pioneers. In January last year, Xi sent a congratulatory message to the Chinese New Year celebration of the "icebreakers". The celebration was hosted by British trade organization The 48 Group Club in London.这不是习近平第一次向开拓者们发送贺信。去年1月,习近平向“破冰者”2022新春庆祝活动致以贺电。这次庆祝活动由位于伦敦的英国贸易组织英国48家集团俱乐部主办。Business leaders said the latest letter, read by Vice-President Han Zheng at the ceremony in Beijing, has shored up their confidence and their hope to work together, rule out disturbances and further revitalize China-UK trade and cooperation in the post-pandemic era.商业领袖表示,副总理韩正在北京的活动上宣读的最新贺信增强了他们的信心和共同努力的希望,排除了干扰因素,进一步重振后疫情时代的中英贸易与合作。In the letter, Xi pointed out that 70 years ago, British entrepreneurs, as represented by trade leader Jack Perry, "perceived in an agile manner the bright future of New China and the huge potential of China-UK cooperation".习近平在信中指出,70年前,以贸易领袖杰克·佩里为代表的英国企业家“敏锐看到新中国的光明前景和中英合作的巨大潜力”。Xi hailed them, saying they "broke the ice of ideology fearlessly, and took the lead in opening up the channel of China-UK trade exchanges".习近平称赞他们,称他们“以无畏的勇气和魄力打破意识形态坚冰,率先开辟了中英贸易交流的通道”。Over the past 70 years, generations of "icebreakers" have witnessed and earnestly participated in China's development and reform, and they have achieved their own development and growth through mutually beneficial cooperation, Xi noted.习近平指出,70年来,几代“破冰者”见证并积极参与中国发展和改革事业,在互利合作中实现自身发展壮大。Annual bilateral trade has grown to exceed $100 billion last year, according to the Ministry of Commerce.商务部数据显示,去年中英双边贸易额已超过千亿美元。"Facts have testified that China-UK cooperation benefits the two peoples and is conducive to world peace and development," Xi wrote.“事实证明,中英合作造福两国人民,也有利于世界和平和发展。”习近平写道。Stephen Perry, chairman of The 48 Group Club, said this very special message from President Xi "is very meaningful to us".英国48家集团俱乐部主席斯蒂芬·佩里表示,习主席的这封特别贺信“对我们意义重大”。Perry, like his father, has been active in China-UK friendly exchanges for a long time. He was awarded the China Reform Friendship Medal by the Chinese government in 2018 and met Xi.佩里与他的父亲一样,长期以来一直积极参与中英友好交流。2018年,习近平会见佩里,佩里获颁中国改革友谊奖章。"We are at the crossroads of history. Who knows where the world will be in 20 years' time. But one thing is for sure. … The 48 Group will be doing the work in China to develop trade with China," Perry said.佩里称:“我们正处于历史的十字路口。没有人知道20年后世界将会走向何方。但有一件事是肯定的……48家集团将在中国开展促进中英贸易的工作。”Writing on the current situation in his letter, Xi said today's world faces multiple, intertwined challenges, and "economic globalization is facing countercurrents".习近平在信中就当前的形势写道,当今世界多重挑战交织叠加,“经济全球化遭遇逆流”。He called on individuals with great vision from all walks of life in China and the UK to "carry on the Icebreaking Spirit — bearing far sight, seeking openness and cooperation, and daring to be pioneers".他呼吁中英各界有识之士“传承富有远见、开放合作、敢为人先的破冰精神”。In addition, Xi asked them to work hard to break new ground for win-win cooperation, promote the building of an open world economy, and make greater contributions to promoting China-UK friendship and cooperation.此外,习近平还请他们奋力开拓合作共赢新局面,推动构建开放型世界经济,为促进中英友好合作做出更大贡献。Observers and entrepreneurs said the Icebreaking Spirit is needed at a time when the overall China-UK and China-European Union ties and business exchanges of recent years have been overshadowed by rising voices in Europe calling for economic "decoupling" from China or "de-risking" of relations.观察人士和企业家们表示,欧洲呼吁经济与中国“脱钩”或关系“去风险”的声音日益高涨,而近年来中英、中欧关系和商业交流被这类声音掩盖。在此之际,破冰精神是很有必要的。Dominic Barton, chairman of multinational mining giant Rio Tinto, said "there is a lot of rhetoric" and "a lot of noise" advocating "decoupling" or "de-risking", and this is very negative for prosperity and for everyone.跨国矿产巨头力拓集团的董事长鲍达民说“有很多言辞”和“很多杂音”主张“脱钩”或“去风险”,这些言论对繁荣和每个人都是非常消极的。"Trade is something we should remind ourselves that we shouldn't take for granted," he said.他说:“我们应该提醒自己,我们不该认为贸易是理所当然的。”"We have to speak up about the benefits of trade. It is really important for everyone, for everyone's standard of living. … That's another reason why I think we're reflecting today on the 70 years. It's kind of a rejuvenation," he added.“我们必须大声说出贸易的好处。这对每个人、对每个人的生活水平都很重要。这也是我认为我们今天要反思这70年的另一个原因。这是一种复兴,”他补充道。Ren Hongbin, chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, said the lasting charm of the Icebreaking Spirit and the great roles played by the "icebreakers" over the past 70 years "stem from efforts in catching up with the times, grasping historical opportunities and having the courage to join hands in taking the initiative".中国国际贸易促进委员会会长任宏斌说,“破冰者”之所以在中英交往的每一个历史时期都扮演重要角色,“破冰精神”之所以跨越70年而历久弥新,“其根本原因就在于我们始终紧跟时代步伐、把握历史机遇、携手主动作为”。Gordon Orr, vice-chair of the China-Britain Business Council, said, "Trade and investment forms the foundation of this relationship." He noted that at the China International Fair for Trade in Services this year, the UK will be the country of honor.英中贸易协会副主席欧高敦表示:“经贸和投资合作是双边贸易关系的基础。”他指出,在今年的中国国际服务贸易博览会上,英国将成为荣誉国家。"This year, renewed connections, strong focus on economic growth, and China's continued opening up to international business make this again an important icebreaking moment," he added.他补充说:“今年,两国关系的恢复、对经济增长的高度关注,以及中国继续对国际业务实行开放政策,使这再次成为一个重要的破冰时刻。”Liu Jin, president of Bank of China, said that China is a driving force for advancing global free trade and stabilizing world economic growth, adding that deepening collaboration between Chinese and UK businesses is highly practical.中国银行行长刘金表示,中国是促进国际自由贸易、稳定世界经济增长的重要动力源。同时他补充说,深化中英工商界合作有着重要的现实意义。Icebreaker英/'aɪsbreɪkə/美/'aɪsbrekɚ/n. 破冰者Trade英/treɪd/美/tred/n. 贸易