英语新闻|Xi: Strive in unity to fulfill key goals

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英语新闻|Xi: Strive in unity to fulfill key goalsXi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, led the new top leadership of the CPC to Yan’an, an old revolutionary base in Shaanxi province, on Thursday, and vowed to carry on the founding spirit of the Party and strive in unity to fulfill the goals and tasks set by the 20th CPC National Congress.10月27日,中共中央总书记习近平带领中共中央政治局常委前往陕西延安瞻仰延安革命纪念地,强调要弘扬伟大建党精神,弘扬延安精神,坚定历史自信,增强历史主动,发扬斗争精神,为实现党的二十大提出的目标任务而团结奋斗。The trip, which took place five days after the conclusion of the 20th CPC National Congress, is considered to be a demonstration of the CPC top leadership’s strong resolve to carry on the Party’s fine traditions to make new progress on the new journey toward realizing national rejuvenation.此行距党的二十大闭幕不到一周,宣示了新一届中央领导集体赓续红色血脉、传承奋斗精神,在新的赶考之路上向历史和人民交出新的优异答卷的坚定信念。Led by Xi, the other six newly elected members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee — Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang and Li Xi —visited the site where the seventh CPC National Congress was held in 1945, a former residence of late Chinese leader Mao Zedong, and an exhibition at the Yan’an Revolutionary Memorial Hall, featuring the history of the time during which the CPC Central Committee was based in Yan’an, from 1935 to 1948.       习近平带领中共中央政治局常委李强、赵乐际、王沪宁、蔡奇、丁薛祥、李希瞻仰1945年召开的中共七大会址,参观毛泽东等老一辈革命家旧居,并在延安革命纪念馆参观《伟大历程——中共中央在延安十三年历史陈列》。从1935年到1948年,以延安为中心的陕甘宁边区是中共中央所在地,是中国人民抗日战争的政治指导中心和中国人民解放斗争的总后方。Xi, who is also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, said that the trip was made to recollect the glorious period in which the Party developed in Yan’an, reminisce about the marvelous achievements of the older generation of revolutionaries,carry on the great founding spirit of the Party, and firm up historical confidence in order to strive in unity in fulfilling the goals and tasks set out at the 20th CPC National Congress.习近平强调,要重温革命战争时期党中央在延安的峥嵘岁月,缅怀老一辈革命家的丰功伟绩。要弘扬伟大建党精神,弘扬延安精神,坚定历史自信,增强历史主动,发扬斗争精神,为实现党的二十大提出的目标任务而团结奋斗。Calling Yan’an a shrine of China's revolution and the cradle of New China, Xi said that the Yan’an spirit fostered by the older generation of revolutionaries has become aninvaluable source of inspiration for the Party and should be passed on from generation to generation.习近平表示,延安是中国革命的圣地、新中国的摇篮。延安用五谷杂粮滋养了中国共产党发展壮大,支持了中国革命走向胜利。延安和延安人民为中国革命事业作出了巨大贡献,我们要永远铭记。The Yan’an spirit calls for being firmin the right political direction, emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, serving the people wholeheartedly, and developing self-reliant and pioneering efforts.习近平强调,在延安时期形成和发扬的光荣传统和优良作风,培育形成的以坚定正确的政治方向、解放思想实事求是的思想路线、全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨、自力更生艰苦奋斗的创业精神为主要内容的延安精神,是党的宝贵精神财富,要代代传承下去。“Being firm in the right political direction” is the essence of the Yan’an spirit, Xi said. He urged the whole Party to stay firm in the right political direction, resolutely adhere to the theories, principles and strategies of the Party, resolutely implement the policies and decisions of the CPC Central Committee and continue to advance the great cause opened up by the older generation of revolutionaries.习近平指出,坚定正确的政治方向是延安精神的精髓。全党同志要坚持正确政治方向,坚决贯彻党的基本理论、基本路线、基本方略,坚决落实党中央决策部署,把老一辈革命家开创的伟大事业继续推向前进。It was in Yan’an that the Party made“serving the people wholeheartedly” its fundamental purpose and incorporated it into the Party Constitution, Xi said.习近平指出,延安时期,党提出全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨并写入党章。The whole Party should fulfill the CPC’s fundamental purpose and maintain close bonds with the people, uphold the people-centered development philosophy, make real efforts to promote common prosperity and enable more achievements of the nation’s modernization drive to benefit all the people in a much fairer manner, he said.习近平强调,全党同志要站稳人民立场,践行党的宗旨,贯彻党的群众路线,保持党同人民群众的血肉联系,自觉把以人民为中心的发展思想贯穿到各项工作之中,扎实推进共同富裕,让现代化建设成果更多更公平惠及全体人民。Xi called for carrying on the traditionof self-reliance and hard work, being courageous to advance self-reform, andfirmly exercising rigorous governance over the Party in order to ensure that the CPC will always be the strong leadership core of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics.习近平强调,全党同志要大力弘扬自力更生、艰苦奋斗精神,勇于推进党的自我革命,坚定不移推进全面从严治党始终保持党的先进性和纯洁性,确保党始终成为中国特色社会主义事业的坚强领导核心。He also urged the entire Party to carry forward the spirit of struggle and resolutely overcome difficulties and challenges.习近平强调,全党同志要发扬斗争精神、提高斗争本领,坚决战胜前进道路上的各种困难和挑战。记者:曹德胜    Shrine        英 [ʃraɪn] ;美 [ʃraɪn]       n. 圣地;具有重要意义的地方       Cradle        英 [ˈkreɪd(ə)l] ;美 [ˈkreɪd(ə)l]       n. 摇篮;策源地,发源地       Emancipate        英 [ɪˈmænsɪpeɪt];美 [ɪˈmænsɪpeɪt]       v. 解放;使不受(法律、政治或社会的)束缚