英语新闻︱Xi urges all-out rescue efforts

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英语新闻︱Xi urges all-out rescue effortsPresident Xi Jinping called on Monday for all-out efforts to rescue people affected by the magnitude 6.8 earthquake in Luding county in southwestern China's Sichuan province, and he emphasized that saving lives and minimizing casualties should be the primary task.9月5日,四川甘孜藏族自治州泸定县发生6.8级地震,习近平主席呼吁要求把抢救生命作为首要任务,全力救援受灾群众。Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks in an instruction shortly after the earthquake occurred.地震发生后,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平高度重视并作出重要指示。The temblor jolted the county, which is in the Ganzi Tibetan autonomous prefecture, at 12:52 pm on Monday.北京时间9月5日12时52分,四川甘孜藏族自治州泸定县发生6.8级地震。By press time, the disaster had killed at least 46 people — 29 in Ganzi and 17 in neighboring Ya'an — and 16 were missing. It also injured more than 50 and damaged water, electricity, transportation and telecommunication facilities in the region.截至发稿时,地震已造成46人死亡(其中甘孜州29人、雅安市17人)、16人失联、50余人受伤,部分水、电、交通、通信等基础设施受损。Xi underlined the need to strengthen earthquake monitoring work to guard against secondary disasters. Efforts should be made to resettle people hit by the earthquake to enable them to get away from danger, he added.习近平强调,要加强震情监测,防范发生次生灾害,妥善做好受灾群众避险安置等工作。While instructing the Ministry of Emergency Management to send a task force to Sichuan to help with the rescue operation, Xi also urged the People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force to cooperate with local governments in the rescue operation to use every means to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.习近平作出批示,要求应急管理部等部门派工作组前往四川指导抗震救灾工作,解放军和武警部队需要积极配合地方开展工作,尽最大努力确保人民群众生命财产安全。Also on Monday, Premier Li Keqiang urged efforts to assess the damage caused by the disaster, properly resettle quake-hit residents and repair infrastructure destroyed by the earthquake as soon as possible.9月5日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理李克强作出批示,要求抓紧核实灾情,妥善安置受灾群众,尽快抢修受损的交通、通信等基础设施。Sun Guangjun, a 72-year-old resident of Luding, said: "Although the epicenter was over 40 kilometers from the Luding county seat, my apartment on the second floor of an old residential building in the county seat shook from south to north for seven or eight seconds. The shaking was more severe than what I felt during the Wenchuan earthquake (on May 12, 2008)."72岁的泸定县居民孙广军(音译)说:“我家住在泸定县的一栋老居民楼二楼,虽然距离震中有40多公里,但还是上下晃了7到8秒。这次的震感比汶川地震还要强。”"Very soon, all my neighbors fled outdoors," said Sun, former chairman of the Luding county committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.中国人民政治协商会议泸定县委员会前主席孙广军说:“我的邻居都很迅速地跑到了户外。”The National Commission for Disaster Reduction and the Ministry of Emergency Management activated a Level IV emergency response to the earthquake. Under China's four-tier emergency response system, Level I represents the most severe response.国家减灾委、应急管理部启动国家Ⅳ级救灾应急响应。根据我国的四级应急响应分级标准,一级严重程度最高。The ministry said in a news release that it had sent a team headed by Min Yiren, chief of the China Earthquake Administration, to guide disaster relief work in Luding.应急管理部表示,已派出中国地震局局长闵宜仁带队的工作组赴现场指导做好抗震救灾工作。Wang Xiangxi, minister of emergency management, arrived at the ministry's command center soon after the quake to coordinate disaster relief work, according to the release.据悉,地震发生后,国务院抗震救灾指挥部副指挥长、应急管理部部长王祥喜第一时间赶到部指挥中心调度部署救灾工作。Officials from the Ganzi prefectural government said at a news conference on Monday that damage to roads, communications facilities and homes was being checked. The prefecture sent 635 rescue personnel, including armed police officers, firefighters, medical workers, communication professionals and power technicians, to carry out rescue and relief work, they said.9月5日下午,四川省甘孜州人民政府新闻办召开新闻发布会表示,道路、通讯、房屋等受损情况正在核查中。州级相关部门已派出武警、消防、医疗救治、通讯电力、交通保畅等救援力量635人开展抢险工作。Five seconds after the earthquake, a real-time early warning system developed by the Institute of Care-Life in Chengdu, capital of Si­chuan, said that seismic waves would reach Kangding, the capital of Ganzi prefecture, seven seconds later, the city of Ya'an, adjacent to Luding, in 20 seconds, and Chengdu in 50 seconds.成都高新减灾研究所开发的预警系统在泸定6.8级地震发生时第5秒发出预警,给康定市提前7秒预警,雅安市提前20秒预警,给成都市提前50秒预警。Kangding is 53 km from the epicenter, while Ya'an is 99 km and Chengdu is 226 km away from it.康定距震中53公里,雅安距震中99公里,成都距震中226公里。In many parts of China, the real-time early warning system operates on TV sets and mobile phones, which people can use in case of an earthquake.在我国大部分地区,实时预警系统可以通过电视和手机发出预警,以备地震发生时使用。The system sends warnings seconds after an earthquake is detected and can help save lives because the warnings are transmitted via radio waves, which are able to travel at 300,000 kilometers per second, while seismic shock waves travel at only 3 to 6 km/s, according to Chen Huizhong, a senior researcher at the China Earthquake Administration's Institute of Geophysics.中国地震局地球物理研究所研究员陈会忠介绍,地震预警系统探测到地震后,迅速发出警报,有助于减少伤亡。因为警报通过电波传输,速度可达30万公里/秒,而地震波的速度仅为3至6公里/秒。Mountainous Sichuan is prone to earthquakes. The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake killed more than 69,000 people, with 17,923 others reported as missing.四川千峰万仞,地震频发。2008年汶川地震共造成6.9万多人死亡,17923人失踪。记者:黄志凌曹德胜侯黎强、杜鹃对本文亦有贡献temblor 英['temblə(r)];美['temblər]n. <美>地震jolt英[dʒəʊlt];美[dʒoʊlt]vt. (使)摇动,(使)震惊;使震惊;使颠簸vi. 摇晃,颠簸而行n. 颠簸,摇,震惊,严重挫折;震惊,引起震惊的事情;突然的猛击;意外的挫折seismic英[ˈsaɪzmɪk];美[ˈsaɪzmɪk]adj. 地震的;由地震引起的;震撼世界的adjacent英[əˈdʒeɪsnt];美[əˈdʒeɪsnt]adj. 邻近的;毗邻的