Xi urges all-out response to floods, drought

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President Xi Jinping has urged an all-out response to the recent floods and drought conditions that have hit different regions across the country, saying that utmost efforts must be made in the search for and rescue of missing and trapped individuals and the resettlement of affected residents.习近平主席驱策全力应对席卷全国的洪涝和干旱,千方百计搜救失联被困人员,妥善安置受灾群众Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, highlighted in an instruction published on Tuesday the importance of maintaining normal production and daily routines and minimizing disaster losses to the greatest extent possible.6月18日,中国共产党中央委员会总书记和中央军委主席习近平强调要保障正常生产生活秩序,最大限度降低灾害损失。He noted that heavy rainfall has recently hit many regions in southern China, triggering floods and geological disasters in provinces including Guangdong and Fujian and leading to casualties and property damage.随着我国南方地区出现强降雨,广东和福建等省份发生洪水和地质灾害,导致人员伤亡和财产损失。Meanwhile, drought conditions in parts of North China have become more severe, he said.北方部分地区旱情发展迅速。As China is set to face more challenges in flood control with the start of the main flood season, Xi urged authorities at all levels to strengthen their risk awareness, think about worst-case scenarios and ensure that their responsibilities are fulfilled and make solid work in disaster relief.随着我国全面进入主汛期,防汛形势日趋严峻,各地区和有关部门要进一步强化风险意识、加强统筹,扎实做好防汛抗旱、抢险救灾各项工作。He also stressed the need to strengthen disaster monitoring and early warning, identify and eliminate potential risks, stock up on equipment and supplies, improve contingency plans, and effectively respond to various emergencies to ensure the safety of people and their property.要加强灾害监测预警,排查风险隐患,储备装备物资,完善应急工作预案,有效应对各种突发事件,确保人民群众生命财产安全。The nation has ramped up its flood control and disaster relief measures as floods triggered by rainstorms wreaked havoc in southern China. Meanwhile, scorching heat is baking central and northern China, with many national weather stations registering record-breaking daily high temperatures.随着强降雨在南方地区造成严重内涝,我国加强了防汛和救灾工作。酷北方多地遭受干旱,持续高温且频破纪录。On Monday, the national commission for disaster prevention, reduction and relief responded to the severe rainstorm and flood disasters in Fujian and Guangdong provinces by initiating a Level 4 emergency response, the lowest in a four-tier system. Task forces were deployed to the disaster-affected regions to assist relief efforts and ensure that the basic living needs of residents are met.6月17日,国家防灾减灾救灾委员会针对福建、广东两省严重暴雨洪涝灾害,启动国家防汛应急响应级别中第四级,派出工作组赴灾区实地查看灾情,指导和协助地方做好受灾群众基本生活保障等救灾救助工作。Five people died and 15 others were missing after heavy rainfall hit multiple areas in Meizhou, Guangdong province, starting on Sunday, and led to power outages, internet disruptions and waterlogging.自6月16日起,广东省梅州市等多处发生山洪、山体滑坡,造成5人死亡、15人失联。Rainstorms have also resulted in four deaths and two people missing in Wuping county, Fujian province, as of Monday. In the province's Shanghang county, rain-triggered floods killed four people as of Tuesday.6月17日,福建省武平县遭遇破历史极值特大暴雨,造成4人死亡,2人失踪;截至18日,暴雨搭洪涝造成福建省上杭4人死亡。Chen Tao, chief forecaster at the National Meteorological Center, said that as the western Pacific subtropical high gradually strengthened and moved northward starting on Tuesday, precipitation in Fujian and Guangdong will significantly decrease.国家气象台首席预报员陈涛表示,自6月18日起,随着西太平洋副热带高压逐步增强北抬,福建和广东的降水将明显减少。However, from Tuesday through the end of the month, the central and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will experience concentrated rainfall. Parts of the region will receive precipitation of more than 300 millimeters, which is more than twice the usual amount for the same period in a typical year, Chen said.到月底,长江中下游地区将出现集中降雨。陈涛表示,自6月中旬以来,长江中下游部分地区累计降水量较常年偏多2倍以上。Jia Xiaolong, deputy director of the National Climate Center, said the lagging effect of the El Nino phenomenon may result in comparatively bad summer climate conditions, with extreme weather events becoming more frequent and floods being more prevalent than droughts. Precipitation levels in the eastern monsoon region are expected to be higher than usual, and regional and episodic flooding disasters will be prominent.国家气候中心副主任贾小龙表示,厄尔尼诺现象的滞后效应可能导致夏季气候条件相对恶劣,极端天气更频繁,洪涝较干旱更普遍。预计东部季风区的降雨量将高于往年,区域性和偶发性洪涝灾害将成为主导。The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced on Tuesday the allocation of 443 million yuan ($61 million) to seven provinces in northern, central and eastern China — Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi Jiangsu and Anhui — in response to drought-induced damage to crops caused by prolonged heat and insufficient rainfall.6月18日,财政部、农业农村部宣布,向中国北部、中部和东部的七个省份——河北、河南、山东、山西、陕西、江苏和安徽——拨款4.43亿元人民币(6100万美元),应对干旱引起的农业损失。The funds will be primarily used to provide subsidies for agricultural drought-resistant measures such as watering, soil moisture replenishment, crop conversion and additional fertilization to ensure the successful completion of the critical summer sowing stage.这些资金将主要用于抗旱措施补贴,如浇灌、补充土壤水分、作物转良和施肥,确保夏种活动顺利推进。Wang Weiyue, a meteorological analyst at Weather China, warned of a sudden shift between drought conditions and flooding.中国天气网气象分析师王伟跃提醒,洪旱急转在倏忽之间。As the rain belt moves northward, some areas in southern China will experience less precipitation and hotter temperatures. Meanwhile, areas of southern and eastern Hubei, central and northern Anhui and Jiangsu, which were previously affected by drought conditions, will see frequent rainfall in the next two weeks, Wang said.随着雨带北抬,华南部分地区降雨将明显减少,气温升高,而目前出现气象干旱的湖北南部和东部、安徽中部和北部以及江苏等地未来两周降雨连连。Preparations should be made in these areas to prevent secondary disasters such as mountain floods, landslides, debris flows, and floods in small and medium-sized rivers, he added.他补充说,这些地区需注意防范旱涝急转,做好山洪、山体滑坡、泥石流、中小河流洪水等次生灾害的防御工作。National commission for disaster prevention, reduction and reliefn. 国家防灾减灾救灾委员会four-tier systemn.国家防汛应急响应级别National Meteorological Centern. 国家气象台National Climate Centern. 国家气候中心Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairsn. 财政部和农业农村部