英语新闻丨Xinjiang trade zone to drive region's growth

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More targeted policies and business potential are expected for the China (Xinjiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone this year, to boost foreign trade in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.今年,中国(新疆)自由贸易试验区有望出台更多针对性政策和挖掘商业潜力,以促进新疆维吾尔自治区对外贸易的发展。The regional government expects to make the FTZ a hub for reform and opening-up, where major projects and leading companies are introduced, and innovative measures taken in facilitating investment and trade, Erkin Tuniyaz, chairman of the regional government, said when delivering the government work report at the opening ceremony of the second session of 14th Xinjiang People's Congress on Tuesday.2024年1月30日,新疆维吾尔自治区政府主席艾尔肯·吐尼亚孜在第十四届新疆人民代表大会第二次会议开幕式上作政府工作报告时表示,自治区政府期望将自贸区打造为改革开放的枢纽,引进重大项目和龙头企业,并采取创新措施促进投资和贸易便利化。The three subzones in Kashgar prefecture, Urumqi and Horgos will implement half of the 129 pilot reforms planned for this year, according to the report.报告指出,喀什地区、乌鲁木齐和霍尔果斯三个片区今年将实施129项计划中的一半试点改革。Xinjiang borders eight countries including Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Pakistan, and has the longest borders and most land ports in China.新疆与俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦和巴基斯坦等八个国家接壤,拥有中国最长的边境线和最多的陆路口岸。The FTZ, established on Nov 1 last year and covering almost 180 square kilometers, has become a driving force to boost China's opening-up to Central Asia, West Asia and South Asia.自贸区于去年11月1日成立,覆盖面积近180平方公里,已成为推动中国向中亚、西亚和南亚开放的重要力量。Since the unveiling of the Kashgar subzone on Nov 11, a total of 86 companies have registered with an investment of more than 12.59 billion yuan ($1.75 billion), according to Dong Youhua, deputy director of the development and reform commission of Kashgar prefecture, who is also a deputy to the congress.据喀什地区发展和改革委员会副主任、大会代表董有华介绍,自喀什片区于11月11日揭牌以来,已有86家公司在该片区注册,投资超过1259亿元人民币(合17.5亿美元)。A series of innovative modes of operation are underway. Cargo inspected at Kashgar Customs will be able to pass Turgart port directly to avoid a second inspection and improve logistics efficiency from February.一系列创新的运营模式正在进行中。从2月起,喀什海关检验的货物将能够直接通过图尔尕特口岸,以避免二次检验,提高物流效率。Xinjiang's first one-stop exported vehicle industrial park opened in Kashgar on Jan 3. An industrial park built for Kyrgyzstani companies was established in Kashgar. The prefecture also opened cargo flights to Moscow, according to Dong.1月3日,新疆首个一站式汽车出口产业园在喀什开园。喀什还建立了为吉尔吉斯斯坦公司服务的产业园,并开通了至莫斯科的货运航班。Li Yang, deputy general manager of Xinjiang Changxin Electronic Technology, a lighting equipment producer, said the FTZ has helped promote its foreign trade in many ways.新疆长新电子科技有限公司是一家照明设备生产商,其副总经理李阳表示,自贸区在多方面促进了公司的对外贸易。"Before that, we transported goods ourselves. Now we can share the same truck with other companies under the arrangement of the government, so that the logistics cost can be reduced," he said.他说:“在那之前,我们自己负责运输货物。现在,我们可以在政府的安排下与其他公司共用卡车,从而降低物流成本。”The government also helped the company build an overseas warehouse in Kazakhstan in December, so that customers can receive their goods faster at lower prices.政府还帮助该公司在哈萨克斯坦建立了一个海外仓库,于12月投入使用,以便客户能够更快、以更低的价格收到货物。He added the government will also organize trips for companies to visit foreign countries, in which he hopes to participate, so that the company can better know clients' needs.他补充说,政府还将组织企业出国考察,他希望能够参加,以便公司更好地了解客户的需求。Rayhangul Sudan, Party secretary of Kashgar Construction Engineering and a deputy to the congress, said Kashgar's fame increased significantly after the establishment of the FTZ, and many companies came to invest.喀什建工党委书记、大会代表热依汗姑丽·苏坦表示,自贸区成立后,喀什的知名度显著提升,吸引了许多公司前来投资。The group's Hualing international trade market, which is located in the subzone, has attracted about 300 companies, including world-renowned brands. "I've learned that Xinjiang's economy develops very fast. I'm fully confident for the future," she said.该集团位于片区内的华凌国际贸易市场已吸引了约300家公司入驻,包括世界知名品牌。她说:“我了解到新疆的经济发展非常迅速。我对未来充满信心。”Kashgar's foreign trade surged 71.2 percent to reach 83.6 billion yuan last year, contributing 23.4 percent to regional foreign trade, data from Kashgar Customs showed.据喀什海关数据显示,去年喀什对外贸易额激增71.2%,达到836亿元人民币,占地区对外贸易的23.4%。One-Stopn.一站式Surgev. 飙升Hubn.枢纽