Advanced | 人机合一(四)Android Part 4

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This is the last lesson in a series of 4 lessons. It is a fun, satirical look at customer-no-service, which is the same in any culture. Our author, Xiao Yao, introduces us to different types of people we meet when we approach a counter needing help. Her article illustrates modern uses of traditional phrases and ends with a punch line, making digging into the text well worth the effort. So some of the words have alternate meanings than you would find in a dictionary, and some are current millennial Internet slang. 这篇文章的第四段提到,表面上看来,皮埃德罗老头好像是在享受操纵机器,好像很快乐,因为熟练掌握了科技而感到很满意,其实,这位工人只是不得不如此,因为,他遇到的人类可能会对他更加苛刻、残酷、隔阂、冷落,更加非难于他,让他觉得与人类相比,不如和机器呆在一起 这里也提醒我们那些受理人员为什么对人不理不睬,为什么态度生硬,他们不是生来就长着一张冷漠的面孔,也许是因为他们所受到的冷遇太多了,尤其是前台的工作人员,总是要求他们职业性的微笑是不人道的,他们也是人,有很多人类有的情绪,如果去找他们办事的人把他们不当人,当机器人来要求,他们也会有很多的负面情绪,于是就冷漠以对。所以,我们在要求对方为我们服务的时候,是否先做到彼此尊重,首先要把对方当着一个人,其次他才是一名服务人员。 Episode link:

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