Advanced | Are Reserved Seats REALLY Reserved? 坐立不安──高铁霸坐

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中国的高铁已经越来越四通八达了,可同时高铁“霸坐”的新闻也偶有发生。“霸坐”就是指有乘客占用了别人的座位拒绝离开,遇到这样尴尬的情景应该怎样应对呢?而霸占了别人座位的人,内心是否也会感到焦虑与不安呢?我们用“坐立不安”这个成语来形容那些“霸座”的人可能会有的心理感受。 这一课中,我们会接触到一下汉语水平考试的词汇: 5- 拥挤, 如何 6- 人家, 行政, 拘留, 随意, 霸道 This is a great lesson to learn many useful vocabulary, phrases and idioms on public transportation through the discussion of 霸坐 (to occupy someone’s seat and refuse to leave). We use the idiom 坐立不安 to describe a feeling of restlessness, worry and insecurity faced by persons who’ve taken the seats of others. Episode link: Episode link:

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