Advanced | In The Red 入不敷出—收入不够开支

ChinesePod - Advanced - Een podcast door ChinesePod


当购物狂遇上财政危机,打折商品难以收入囊中......怎样用轻松、流行的话谈论购物、“我没钱了”用中文怎样委婉、含蓄地表达呢?来听听看! 汉语水平考试词汇: 5- 优惠,反而,吃亏,损失,克制,谨慎 6- 精打细算,赤字,欲望,预算, 支出,当心 Learn words/phrases a shopaholic uses when faced with bargains despite already in the red, a situation described as 入不敷出 (expenses exceeding income). The Chinese also has subtle ways to say “I’m broke” or “my budget is insufficient “. Tune in to find out! Episode link:

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