Advanced | Making The Ordinary Life Seem Romantic Part 2

ChinesePod - Advanced - Een podcast door ChinesePod


We are very blessed to be able to present this second lesson with the columnist, Xiao Yao, from China. 肖遥-美学硕士,专栏作家,研究方向:西方美学,巴赫金狂欢理论、福柯后现代主义美学、海德格尔存在哲学、梅洛.庞蒂身体美学; 曾在南方都市报、新华网、南方周末、羊城晚报、华商报、深圳商报、济南时报、郑州晚报、安庆晚报、合肥晚报、华商报、西安晚报、温州商报、温州都市报等全国20多家媒体做专栏,给《中国新闻周刊》、《三联生活周刊》、《读者》等杂志供稿。内容包括职场、亲子、情感等各个方面。 曾发表多篇小说。代表作:中篇小说《灯夜》, 中篇童话《小鸡毛三》,学术论文《林格伦童话的狂欢美学》。 In Part 1, she encouraged us to break from our routines and be wary of seductive Internet advertising. In this second part, she gives us an example of traditional marketing as it was done within China's upper class. Sit in with us on this lesson as we observe a master artist/marketer work with his customer. Episode link:

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