600- A World History – Free of Indoctrination from Western Schooling (Free)
Crrow777Radio.com - Een podcast door Crrow777 - Woensdagen

There are those in this world who were taught a very different world history than the majority of us who were indoctrinated by the fallen western education system. After all is said and done, our young are still being taught that a man named Columbus discovered America, and that we landed on the moon over half a century ago. On and on we go, force-fed false narratives that recount a world that never existed in order to impose tolerance of our current condition. The stage that has been set seeks to obscure the fact that modern societies exist in a fallen state. Higher-minded times from our past, along with glorious human achievements, have been swept under the rug in order to convince us that we are the pinnacle of human evolution. Just ignore those cathedrals, and do not ask how they were built, or who had the knowledge to create such glorious architectural achievements perfectly balanced with the truths of nature. Do not even suggest that these magnificent structures had a function that matched their form. Just go home to your 90-degree angles of sorrow and exist evermore in squares and rectangles bereft of soothing form and absent beneficial function. Remain detached from nature. For these are the long-planned artificial times. This era is built on ones and zeros. Binary systems that are meant to mimic nature at an inferior level for the sake of data collection, tracking, enforcement, control, and claim of godhood by those who devised the diabolical systems. As is true of trusts, the creator of such systems can claim rule and dominion over the creation and impose conditions upon those who use it. Never mind that the entirety of modern social order is built on these constraining illusions. Like electrons balanced on the head of a pin, such functional illusions do not actually exist in the physical world and yet remain the invisible driver of modern systems. Ethernet is now what remains in the modern mind of the fifth element aether. Aether once breathed by the Olympians who served as personifications of the truths provided solely by nature. Aether, the quintessence, philosophically valued and employed in alchemy to achieve undreamed-of outcomes while never exceeding the limits and protections imposed by natural law. The artificial era knows no such limits. From chemistry (which stands on the shoulders of alchemy) to modern medicine, from energy production to military defense, anything that can be realized will be executed, regardless of atrocity or damage caused. Power and progress care not for human rights and rainforests. Both have become commodities in the artificial age. We the people are not blameless in all that surrounds us. For we have acquiesced to the psychological preparations that were required for the open implementation of the modern artificial world. We now exist in a constant state of war… though declarations of war are now a thing of the past. We paid attention, paid for tickets, services, and admission to a nonstop barrage of messaging dead-set on programming us. We are being programmed to accept that human beings are sexually obsessed, self-fixated, base, violent and hate-filled creatures who hold “Us vs. Them” above all other values. The messaging we have opted into is nonstop, and has been so effective that the political colors red and blue will determine if we become enemies. These branded ideas, with colorful resonance, were created by bankers with the intent to divide. It has been wildly successful, to say the very least. With sad irony we must admit that our political psychological propaganda has no more reality than does our world history, until we opt in and accept the agenda as fact Is there a world history that we are not aware of? It is commonly accepted that conquers write history. If so, then it is self-evident that only one side of events has been told, and skewed to the governing intentions of the victors. We have been conditioned to consider “conquerors” as g...